Jul 26, 2009

Neil Strauss (Style) Review - "It's a Game, Baby!"

Who in the community doesn't know about Neil Strauss? The author of the famous "The Game" and the sequel "The Rules of the Game"... He is better known as Style. Well a generic introduction to Neil Strauss would be that he is a well-known writer in the Rolling Stone Magazine (for which he has quite social proof as well).He was once an accomplice of Mystery like Nick Savoy and Papa (the online dating coaches you are going to read about as scroll down).

Anyway, let's go straight to the dissection part:


He is a master of attracting and flirting with women (damn good and it's proven in the field). He is very subtle in pulling them towards him and making them qualify themselves to him, eventually becoming his biggest fan and lover.....Social status... He is very strong in this game (already proved in the game), and I would say his 'style' (no pun intended) is best for the shy, more reserved guys out there. He will teach you the basics of the game and will mold them so that you can 'threatlessly' use them in the normal world. Well, I use the word "threatlessly" because most of the time that holds our success  (mainly, the shy nerds) with women is our FEAR. And there's two way to get around it: Either face it and overcome it or evade it. And he shows you the way how to detour it to the end.


It has been reported often that Neil is not good at approaching women. He just doesn't like to socialize much. He gets women through his social circle or hookups more often and know how to attract them. That's it. He uses his status as a famous author well and it has been seen that he more or less doesn't mingle that much with other PUAs. He is very obsessed with status and maneuvers his status game to attract girls and women. As a online dating coach, he might be worth a visit but given the expensive fees that he charge from his students (though not sure if he teaches or not), he is not worth that much investment.

As has been recounted more often by recognized people of the community....

Neil Strauss - Status obsessed
Tyler Dryden - Power obsessed
Mystery - Attention obsessed

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