Sep 26, 2010

Good Looking vs. Attractive

I was going to sleep yesternight and a sudden epiphany stroke me – about being good looking and being attractive.

This post is actually a continuation of the previous post ‘Do you have to be Good Looking to Attract Women?’ Do not worry… this post is not going to be long unlike my other posts. It is going to be rather short but complete dynamite. Read NOT once, but twice or thrice to get this under your skin, into your head.

Back to the topic

Good-looking means someone beautiful, handsome. It means the combination of your sharp facial structure and your sculpted physique falls into the category of what is pleasant to the eyes. But unfortunately, it does not say anything about your personality, your attitude, how you carry yourself.

And regardless of what many other so-called PUAs would say, looks and money don’t matter much while attracting most girls. Yes, they can be good facilitators in the process, but the only factor that defines your game, your ability to attract women – your PERSONALITY!

People will say that they haven’t seen any ugly looking troll with a hot girlfriend, but I have…

First of all, not being good looking does not mean you are ugly. It can mean you are average, just not the person we turn our heads to see.

Secondly, I have seen that when someone says about dating hotties, we imagine about dating models and actors. We find it so alluring and impossible, don’t we?
But we forget one important thing that a woman’s needs and desires does not depend on her profession alone but her total genetic, psychological, physical and spiritual makeup. Some of the hottest girls are so fixated on having only ONE boyfriend and staying faithful to him. Some get blown away with their celeb status and like to portray themselves as a slut. Others want to just snob people down for their ego boost.

Moreover, why date models and actors only? They are just beautiful. Look around yourself. There are hot girls everywhere. Your café counter girl is as beautiful as Cameron Diaz is. The restaurant waiter is probably even more gorgeous than Penelope Cruz is. It is only our ego when we say we want to date models and actors. Just go for hot girls – anywhere, everywhere (as long as it suits you)!

I have seen a couple of guys who are seriously not that good looking but they have snagged themselves some hot girlfriends (don’t know if there are models or not) and that’s just on the basis of their gamehow attractive they are.

Now let’s come to the portion where I define what being attractive does actually mean.

Being attractive is something more than just being good looking. Being attractive is being appealing. Even if something is NOT good looking or pleasant, it can have the power of catching our attention. That’s what we refer to as being attractive.

And as the name suggests, being attractive is the deciding factor in the case of attracting women. A woman might say that she wants a hot boyfriend, someone with blue expressive eyes, chiseled face, ripped six pack abs and perfect gait. But when she actually comes across some ‘attractive’ human being, He need not be a look-alike of Brad Pitt. He just needs be able to capture her imagination and rule her very feminine mind. That’s exactly how you attract a woman!

Luckily, your being attractive depends mainly on your attitude. Once again, not looks, not money and definitely not your car! But your personality alone can win over many women. Remember, the secret to being attractive to women is how you make them feel when you are around and when you are not.

And feeling is illogical. It does not depend on her conscious thinking that you might be rich or you might make a good-looking boyfriend. When you are attractive, she just feels that you are the one for her. That’s it.

So, be the one for her! Do not worry about not being good-looking 
(if you are not that is). Just focus on being attractive.
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