Sep 23, 2010

Is Approaching Women on the Street Worthwhile for YOU?

My simple and short answer: NO!

Do I say so after being completely unsuccessful at approaching women in the streets? NO. In fact, I have got regular positive responses from time to time and some of them have become my good friends even. 


Then why do I say that street approaching women is NOT worthwhile? It is because of the success percentage in return of the huge amount of time and effort investment.

Anybody who has done a simple street approach knows, it is definitely NOT easy. You even think of approaching someone and your body starts a whole new mechanism. You start sweating like hell, your heart starts pumping harder at a F-1 car's speed, your lips seal themselves together and your feet glue themselves with Dr.Fix to the ground where you are standing. Phew! That is almost the way you feel when you even think of approaching a woman on the street. In short, it is scary!

Well let's say you kick the fear monster in the ass, throw all caution to the wind...and approach that girl walking by you on the street. And now what? Does she say hello back or spits on your face (that was imagined, i never had anyone doing that to

On what?
  1. The psychological makeup of the girl
  2. The present relationship of the girl
  3. Your presentation of yourself
  4. Country, religion and culture
  5. The situation you both are in.
  6. Any third person in the scenario.
  7. Shit testing you.

and many more...

That's one heck of a list of factors working behind her decision. And since the decision has to be taken within a few seconds, it is even harder for the guy to lead the girl's thinking towards a favorable proposition. Most probably, you can not control all of them, but only a few of them.

In addition to the fact that you are approaching the woman on the street where things are far more dynamic, it is damn hard, which will lead to lower success rate in the end.

Back to our topic question, so is street approaching women really worthwhile for you? The answer is still NO.

Yes, you can say that the girl yonder walking by the footpath might be your future wife and it will only come true if you grab your balls and approach her. That is true indeed. I have a friend who approached a woman in the public bus and they are together now (congrats to them). So, it can happen. But more frequently, it will not end up that good. Why? Because it is starting from you in a weaker position. If she is walking and suddenly a guy comes to her, that is a sign of desperation on the part of the guy. Moreover, if one girl responds well among the 100 that doesn't end up so well, it is hard game I must say. 

But you cannot resign approaching women altogether, so why not choose some areas where the more factors will be working FOR you, rather than against you?

I am not going to tell you the exact places to approach women, such as cafes, bars, clubs, grocery stores, shopping malls...the list goes on. Rather just focus on finding a few places where you know they are in a static situation, as in sitting or standing or simply, not on the move. That is a best way to start the dance I will say. 

Join some cooking or yoga class.
Go to the grocery store to buy something.

Hit the shopping mall for window shopping and eating. 
Go to the gym.

Lead your daily life and just hit some places where there are women and the situation is pretty static. 

But on the ending note...

I still do street approaching women. That was a huge shock, ain't it? Well, if I come across someone who is really worth knowing, then why not take the chance. I don't waste my time going for the 7s even. She must be over 8 and I will try it out. Perhaps, that girl I approach on the street will be the mother of my two children in the future.
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