We know Stephen Nash (the famous online dating guide/instructor) from the Project Hollywood days. He was company to other popular pickup artists, dating gurus like the ones of Papa, Jeffy, Tyler and many more. He is also one of the first pilot batches of the seduction community out there. Currently, he's the MD of Cutting Edge Image Consulting and act as a dating guide for the various guys who seek his help. So, let's see what's the deal with Stephen Nash.
To start with, I must say I have recently started getting his e-newsletters (a great online dating guide for men) and I can say one thing, this guy GETS IT! No I'm doing an advertisement here, don't worry. I've read thousands of dating materials and I've learnt one thing. That is "you can never be a dating guru, you just keep on learning...". After reading his "How to Get a Girlfriend" dating guide eBook available online, I felt like "He is so NATURAL", and this guy keeps on innovating new concepts and ideas every now and then. Visit his blog and you will know why I say so. He presents the most profound thoughts and realities in such an clear and down-to-earth, practical tone that it sure helps any guy out there. Even if you don't get his book, you will want to get hold of his dating online newsletters or the 10 free "how to get girlfriend" lessons that he gives to his free subscribers. They are SO informative and I iterate the one trait that I like about it so much is its HONESTY, TRUTHFULNESS and PRACTICALITY. You may strive towards becoming a full-blown pickup artist, but yes, if you want to inculcate an in-depth understanding of the art called Dating Women, you got to study him.
He's not the one who tries to create controversies and publicity by bringing something weird onto the table, but rather goes down deep into it and brings out the already present parts in a much more convincing manner. Though, he can be costly...the one-on-one sessions, they are worth it I think. And while he may not be able to teach you turnkey quick-fix gimmicks and routines that you can use tonight such as RSD and Love Systems, a long term association with him will turn you into a better man, giving you an original perspective providing a much clear picture of the dating game…
Before I finish, to add my own remark, a short simple comment... Stephen Nash is one of the best (though underestimated, I feel so) online dating coaches/instructors, providing invaluable dating advice, acting as a guide for men... at least after so much study, that's what I think!