You see I have been in the seduction community for quite some time and I have been actively working on my game since the beginning of 2006-2007. What the dating coaches don’t tell you is that you have to PERSIST in the field to reach that ultimate paradigm of success. Yes, and I am very proud of myself for being able to conquer most of my sticking points, and push forward (one still remains…I will talk about in a separate post).
Anyway, here is an honest confession from my side. Over the time, many men from the seduction community will realize one thing like me. Look, we used to be nice people, oriented according to the social matrix and then suddenly we are directed how to act like assholes, and funny enough, follow some procedure to get a girl (courtesy Mystery Method). I am not decrying the use of Mystery Method, no I am not. But I am just trying to voice for the thousand men who get overwhelmed with all the knowledge about women, psychology and dating.
But it does a severe damage to your mindset. It gets you in a very analytical mode. Most of the men who are all about methods are just so critical and analytical, just about everything, even when the woman behind the cash counter smiles graciously at them, they think she is trying to throw approach invitations. Well, that can be true to some extent, but we do not tend to see what havoc this thinking process actually does to us. It diminishes our power of perception, and gets us to think! Too much thinking is bad for health, more specifically when you are having sex. I have suffered that myself. It just sucks!
Now we arrive at the main part of this article. SEX! ORGASM! LOVE! Do you know what, all this are just so connected with one another. The most important part of being in love is SEX. Only following the deeds of sex, when a man and a woman truly open themselves to one another, merge together, and they become true soul partners. If you have always thought that sex is some form of physical exercise to get your load out, you are just totally wrong. Sex is supposed to be a spiritual exercise in the Oriental Culture, and it is sacred.
Okay, enough about the spiritual side of lovemaking, many men actually have the problem of experiencing orgasms themselves as well as providing ultimate sexual pleasure to their women as well. Yes, some of them attribute their problem to the flawed approach to love, women and dating that is propounded in the seduction community, but still it can be an effect of various other causes. Sex is where your true being shines through and you cannot fake. But most women FAKE orgasms! Sometimes this is not to make their lovers feel bad, not to feel bad about themselves and to keep the emotional connection and soul sharing thingy going on. We always knew women are sexual creatures.
Even I was facing this problem of getting it on, hard and erect for THAT thing, not being able to give my woman the ultimate experience of sex. That is when I got my hands on Female Orgasm Revealed by Gabrielle Moore and Sex God Method by Daniel Rose. Don’t worry…the former link is an affiliate link but the latter one is just a courtesy link. To be honest, I liked both of these awesome human sexual relationships products very much. You already know that there are several other products teaching orgasm and sex out there.
Q: What makes Female Orgasm Revealed by Gabrielle Moore stand out from other sex guides?
A: It is written by a woman, and one heck of an enlightening low-cost sexual relationships manual. Whether it is about locating the G-spot, keeping a longer and stronger erection in bed or about the intricacies of kissing and making out, you have got one highly knowledgeable and experienced woman teaching you THE thing.
Q: What makes Sex God Method by Daniel Rose distinct from other sex guides?
A: No, it is not written by a woman but rather by a short Asian man. So you get the point. If he can become the sex god, you too can. Moreover, the most notable part of this sex book is that it does not limit itself to petty techniques and tactics to achieve and give orgasms, but rather focuses on how to make sex an emotionally enriching and fulfilling experience for both the man and the woman, thus leading to a strong bond within them.
I am actually reading the Sex God Method at the moment. When I finish reading it, I will give you a complete review over here. In the mean time, you can always go and check out their websites to learn more about them. See ya soon!
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