Dec 17, 2010

How To Hand Shit Tests From Bitchy Women

During the last week I've talked about how women like to test men 
and what needs to be done when it happens to YOU.

Today, you're going to learn a VERY important lesson. One 
that'll eliminate her need to test. WAY before she even THINKS
about giving one. Here's what I mean...

As we've discussed, a woman tests a guy to see what KIND of man
he is. She does this to see if you're the type who'll easily
comply or if you're someone who will stand your ground.

In my previous blogs I detailed a plan for handling tests. But

as they say... "A good defense is a great offense!" In other
words, the best way to remove her desire to test is to 
IMMEDIATELY qualify her when you see ANY interest on her part. 

How does this work?

Well when I first meet a woman, I like do a little teasing and
flirting. And the MOMENT I see her responding back, I'll assume
that she has interest. Then I'll start with a series of 
qualifying questions/statements. 

My reasoning is simple. It's human nature to want something 
that's not easy to obtain. By immediately establishing myself
as a prize, I make her work hard to prove HER worth. She won't
have time to test because she's too busy jumping through the hoops
I've established. 

The sneaky thing is while she's answering your questions and 
following your lead, you're subtly establishing the mindset that
you're 'The Catch.' Pretty cool, right?

So like I said, the moment you get ANY interest from a girl, you
want to start qualifying her based on the exact traits that you
want from a girl you date. 

You can do this by saying something like, "You seem spontaneous 
[or any trait that's important], are you?" Then follow up with 
a qualifying question that makes her 'prove' this quality. Like
"Well what's the craziest thing you did in the last couple of

And as she's talking about her life, you can continue to banter
about how her answers aren't good enough. You can do this by
explaining that you like to ONLY hang out with people who live
fun lives. (Again, it's important to do all this in a fun,
teasing, flirting manner.) 

When you qualify a woman, you're getting her to comply under the
principle of "commitment and consistency." This is a basic
psychological technique where you get a women to STATE that
she has a certain personality trait (honesty, adventurousness,
spontaneity, or intelligence). Then after she agrees to that 
statement, you'll make her comply with this statement by 
challenging it. 

It's effective because after making a declarative statement, if a 
girl doesn't follow through, she's proven to be a liar. But by 
accepting the challenge, a woman shows that she possesses the 
positive quality she just bragged about having.

To get started with this technique, you should write down all the 
qualities that you want from women. Even more important is to jot 
down the things you'll NEVER accept. Remember...a HIGH STATUS
guy always knows exactly what he wants from a woman:


Practice looking for (and vocalizing) the traits you want, and 
make it a habit of introducing these qualities whenever you're 
talking to a woman.

So when you're talking to a girl, you can immediately ask 
qualifying questions whenever you see she's interested. Usually
I start with the statement like I mentioned before: 

"You seem like you're really _______, is that true?" [Insert any
quality that's important to you]

Then when a girl agrees to this question, I'll follow up with
a question or two that directly challenges this statement. As
an example, here are some questions I've used based on MY list
of important character traits:

~~~> "So you say you're athletic. What's the most challenging
thing you've done?"

~~~> "You consider yourself energetic. Hmmm...I'm not sure you
could keep up with me. What do you like to do for fun? And you
better not say anything like shopping or watching T.V."

~~~> "I really like adventurous people. What's the craziest thing
you've done?"

~~~> "Okay Ms. Smarty Pants, what are the last three books you've

~~~> "That's cool that you're passionate about life. What's
the one thing that really gets you going in the morning? Like
what do absolutely love to do with your free time?"

~~~> "Wow it's really awesome that you love to travel. What is
the ONE place you want to visit again? Even better, what are the
three countries that you're dying to see?" 

Obviously these are a few examples of what I normally say. The 
important concept is want to get her to prove herself, while NOT 
making it seem a job interview. 

Your conversations should be about creating sexual tension and 
attraction. So don't interrogate her. Instead keep your
questions light-hearted and fun. 

Asking a question, then challenging her response is one of the 
best ways to show you're a quality man, unlike anyone she's met 
before. In other words, you're not acting like a predictable guy 
who simply agrees with everything that comes out of her mouth. 

Finally you want to qualify as part of a REGULAR conversation. So 
one moment, you're qualifying her, and the next, you're having a 
normal conversation and talking about your interests. Then you're 
talking about her life a little. Then you move on to the next 
qualifying statement. 

When you follow this pattern, you'll get a woman to prove HER
worth, while simultaneously imbedding the concept that you're a
high status guy who has a LOT of options in his life!

Qualifying women is just ONE part of being a high status guy. 
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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