There are a lot of guys out there with
conflicting messages regarding what it
is and isn't like to be "Alpha."
As in "Alpha Man" or "Alpha Male."
Let's start right off by saying that
"Alpha" behavior is NOT bad.
It is NOT what you see animals doing in
their nasty time in the zoo.
It's NOT attacking a tribe and killing
all the young, or any weird stuff like
Look, "Alpha" just means the dominant
male (and sometimes the female) in a
It's the person that is most likely to
procreate and get their genes into the
next round of the
"Keep-the-species-alive" game.
So it really does make sense for you to
get successful with women if you think
about it like this. If you don't find a
woman to mate with and create little
teeny versions of you, then your family
line ends with you.
Scary thought, isn't it?
Do you deserve to have your genetic
legacy carried on into the next
I hope so. And more importantly, I hope
YOU believe so.
Here are a few things an Alpha Man IS:
- Clever/smart/cunning
- He's got a real keen mind...
- Ambitious - He wants more
in life than just the "average..."
- Excited - He wants to live life for fun
and adventure...
- Honorable - He's got values and
principles and morals...
- Dominant - He's not aggressive, but has
superior social skills...
- Stable - He's not into extreme or
life-threatening behaviors...
- Fit - He's got a health lifestyle...
- Curious - He wants to know more and grow more...
- Balanced - He understands that life is
about harmony...
- Natural - He's not trying to be someone he's not...
- Positive - He tries to see things from
the good side as much as possible...
Now those are just some of the things
that make up a good Alpha Lifestyle.
Not every guy has them. In fact, every
guy needs to work on these. Even me.
Every day I find new ways to improve my
"Alpha Character" in one or more of
these critical areas.
It took me a little while to build them,
but it was worth it.
And these qualities are what women are
looking for in YOU.
I will talk about these, as well as the
real-life exercises I'll give you to
move you forward with confidence, women,
and everywhere in life you want to go.
Here are a few things an Alpha Man is
- Aggressive - Angry at women - Verbally
abusive - Arrogant - Obnoxious
There seems to be some confusion (and
most of it is created by other guys
hoping to cash in on your confusion)
about what it means to be a STRONG and
masculine man in today's society.
I'm not going to throw you more of that
evolutionary stuff because it really
doesn't matter. When you think about it,
it just makes sense that we want to be
around people who appear or demonstrate
more social value than us. It's because
we naturally want to latch on to their
Again, it all comes back to POWER.
So being an "Alpha" doesn't mean you're
dragging women back to a cave.
... or that you're being an aggressive,
pushy jerk.
... or that you're being forceful and
... or that you're inconsiderate.
... or that you're acting like a brutish
It means that you understand the basic
and PRIMAL reasons a woman is attracted
to a man, and you're not afraid to BE a
Because if there's one thing a woman
does NOT want it's a cardboard,
one-dimensional wimp that's afraid to
let women know he desires them.
You see, there are only two motivating
forces in life:
Desire for pleasure...
Fear of pain.
Write these down somewhere, because
you'll be seeing them now in all areas
of your life.
Pleasure & Pain.
That's it. We are motivated purely by
what we feel we WANT (the pleasurable
stuff), and what we feel we most want to
avoid (the painful stuff).
Fear is a stronger motivator for humans
because it helped us survive potentially
life-threatening situations. You're
smart to fear wild animals, or large
trains speeding toward you. You can't
afford the luxury of thinking too much
in these situations. A delay could cost
you your life.
On the other hand, in our modern
society, there isn't much you need to
fear. In fact, we fear too much already.
You have so much free time now that you
have more than enough time to think
about all those scary possibilities out
Now this might not seem like it's
important to how you attract the ladies,
but it is.
Stay with me...
The fear that is most crippling to you
is the fear of LOSS.
Everyone's favorite short green dude,
Yoda, even said it in one of the Star
Wars flicks...
"Fear of loss leads to the dark side."
And so it does. It leads you down a path
where you never gain because you're too
afraid of losing what you have.
An Alpha Man understands that the only
way to live is to wake up each day and
understand that everything you have was
just given to you for today. And when he
goes to sleep at night, he gives it all
Lose this attachment to your possessions
before THEY possess YOU...
Whoah, I'm getting very philosophical
here. I really wanted to give you some
practical strategies for getting more
success with women.
What I'm trying to get across to you
here is that you should avoid becoming
attached to your old ways of doing
You can't even get attached to words...
Trust your own intelligence to figure
out what an Alpha Man REALLY is.
He's the next evolutionary step in your
And he's already inside of you. It just
takes a little work to let this instinct
out so that you can become the COMPLETE
There are a lot of guys out there who
haven't been able to open themselves up
to letting out this TRUE nature inside
them. They hide it behind "Politically
Correct" B.S. about not hurting other
people's feelings, or being sensitive.
It's really a fear to let other people
see the REAL you. The man that wants to
The man that wants women in his life.
The man that wants monetary success.
The man that wants power over the forces
of life that seem to control him.
The man that wants to project and show
his personality, not cover it up with a
bunch of phony lines and routines.
Forget about all this "Alpha" talk and
just open your mind up to finding this
part of you that isn't held back by
fear, and is ready to reach out for
understanding that could - and will -
change your life for the better.
So on one hand we have the lowly
"average guy", or non-Alpha. He's a
little insecure, possibly low
self-esteem, but he really WANTS to grow
and change.
On the other hand we have the Alpha, the
confident and assertive man with healthy
communication and self-esteem.
There is only one direction of growth
here, and it's from the Chump to the
What is the Alpha?
I'll tell you more about it your nextlesson...

conflicting messages regarding what it
is and isn't like to be "Alpha."
As in "Alpha Man" or "Alpha Male."
Let's start right off by saying that
"Alpha" behavior is NOT bad.
It is NOT what you see animals doing in
their nasty time in the zoo.
It's NOT attacking a tribe and killing
all the young, or any weird stuff like
Look, "Alpha" just means the dominant
male (and sometimes the female) in a
It's the person that is most likely to
procreate and get their genes into the
next round of the
"Keep-the-species-alive" game.
So it really does make sense for you to
get successful with women if you think
about it like this. If you don't find a
woman to mate with and create little
teeny versions of you, then your family
line ends with you.
Scary thought, isn't it?
Do you deserve to have your genetic
legacy carried on into the next
I hope so. And more importantly, I hope
YOU believe so.
Here are a few things an Alpha Man IS:
- Clever/smart/cunning
- He's got a real keen mind...
- Ambitious - He wants more
in life than just the "average..."
- Excited - He wants to live life for fun
and adventure...
- Honorable - He's got values and
principles and morals...
- Dominant - He's not aggressive, but has
superior social skills...
- Stable - He's not into extreme or
life-threatening behaviors...
- Fit - He's got a health lifestyle...
- Curious - He wants to know more and grow more...
- Balanced - He understands that life is
about harmony...
- Natural - He's not trying to be someone he's not...
- Positive - He tries to see things from
the good side as much as possible...
Now those are just some of the things
that make up a good Alpha Lifestyle.
Not every guy has them. In fact, every
guy needs to work on these. Even me.
Every day I find new ways to improve my
"Alpha Character" in one or more of
these critical areas.
It took me a little while to build them,
but it was worth it.
And these qualities are what women are
looking for in YOU.
I will talk about these, as well as the
real-life exercises I'll give you to
move you forward with confidence, women,
and everywhere in life you want to go.
Here are a few things an Alpha Man is
- Aggressive - Angry at women - Verbally
abusive - Arrogant - Obnoxious
There seems to be some confusion (and
most of it is created by other guys
hoping to cash in on your confusion)
about what it means to be a STRONG and
masculine man in today's society.
I'm not going to throw you more of that
evolutionary stuff because it really
doesn't matter. When you think about it,
it just makes sense that we want to be
around people who appear or demonstrate
more social value than us. It's because
we naturally want to latch on to their
Again, it all comes back to POWER.
So being an "Alpha" doesn't mean you're
dragging women back to a cave.
... or that you're being an aggressive,
pushy jerk.
... or that you're being forceful and
... or that you're inconsiderate.
... or that you're acting like a brutish
It means that you understand the basic
and PRIMAL reasons a woman is attracted
to a man, and you're not afraid to BE a
Because if there's one thing a woman
does NOT want it's a cardboard,
one-dimensional wimp that's afraid to
let women know he desires them.
You see, there are only two motivating
forces in life:
Desire for pleasure...
Fear of pain.
Write these down somewhere, because
you'll be seeing them now in all areas
of your life.
Pleasure & Pain.
That's it. We are motivated purely by
what we feel we WANT (the pleasurable
stuff), and what we feel we most want to
avoid (the painful stuff).
Fear is a stronger motivator for humans
because it helped us survive potentially
life-threatening situations. You're
smart to fear wild animals, or large
trains speeding toward you. You can't
afford the luxury of thinking too much
in these situations. A delay could cost
you your life.
On the other hand, in our modern
society, there isn't much you need to
fear. In fact, we fear too much already.
You have so much free time now that you
have more than enough time to think
about all those scary possibilities out
Now this might not seem like it's
important to how you attract the ladies,
but it is.
Stay with me...
The fear that is most crippling to you
is the fear of LOSS.
Everyone's favorite short green dude,
Yoda, even said it in one of the Star
Wars flicks...
"Fear of loss leads to the dark side."
And so it does. It leads you down a path
where you never gain because you're too
afraid of losing what you have.
An Alpha Man understands that the only
way to live is to wake up each day and
understand that everything you have was
just given to you for today. And when he
goes to sleep at night, he gives it all
Lose this attachment to your possessions
before THEY possess YOU...
Whoah, I'm getting very philosophical
here. I really wanted to give you some
practical strategies for getting more
success with women.
What I'm trying to get across to you
here is that you should avoid becoming
attached to your old ways of doing
You can't even get attached to words...
Trust your own intelligence to figure
out what an Alpha Man REALLY is.
He's the next evolutionary step in your
And he's already inside of you. It just
takes a little work to let this instinct
out so that you can become the COMPLETE
There are a lot of guys out there who
haven't been able to open themselves up
to letting out this TRUE nature inside
them. They hide it behind "Politically
Correct" B.S. about not hurting other
people's feelings, or being sensitive.
It's really a fear to let other people
see the REAL you. The man that wants to
The man that wants women in his life.
The man that wants monetary success.
The man that wants power over the forces
of life that seem to control him.
The man that wants to project and show
his personality, not cover it up with a
bunch of phony lines and routines.
Forget about all this "Alpha" talk and
just open your mind up to finding this
part of you that isn't held back by
fear, and is ready to reach out for
understanding that could - and will -
change your life for the better.
So on one hand we have the lowly
"average guy", or non-Alpha. He's a
little insecure, possibly low
self-esteem, but he really WANTS to grow
and change.
On the other hand we have the Alpha, the
confident and assertive man with healthy
communication and self-esteem.
There is only one direction of growth
here, and it's from the Chump to the
What is the Alpha?
I'll tell you more about it your nextlesson...
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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