Here’s some form of epiphany about which I am talking. When I first entered into this arena, I SUCKED! Don’t worry. This is not going to be some sales page, where I upload my life-changing story of how I get women now and then reveal some magic product for you. So stay with me. Yes, I sucked and sucked BIG TIME.
I was scared as hell to talk with any woman, leave alone approaching a woman. When I talked, I fumbled and stammered, and most of the times, like any AFC would do, I tried to ACT GOOD in front of her. No stigma, no bad impression! You can guess it. I had NO girlfriends. I had girls even laughing at me and exploiting me with their homework. Yes, I was a studious geek you can say.
But then I came across the community. And I CHANGED! I learned about the secrets of the players. One of the sites that I used to refer when I was starting was It was an eye opener, some kind of Holy Grail for me. Well, I imbibed in tricks after tricks, and started feeling as if I was still hollow. I felt like a superman but couldn’t realize the powers yet. What was happening?