now famous (or rather, infamous) Girls Gone Wild videos. This
doer wanted to know exactly why women behave that way, and if
there was anything to learn from it.
Is there anything to learn from watching these videos? Oh my,
yes there is--and it is very useful, not just for attracting
women, but for understanding how people behave in general.
First off, understand that people (not just women) will do
ANYTHING to get on TV. Why? Simply because it makes them
feel important. While this goes all the way back to Carnegie's
"How to Win Friends and Influence People," don't discount the
power of people's desire to feel important.
When Jerry Springer was running at full throttle, there was a
mild controversy that the show participants were hired actors.
In some ways I wish that were true, but it's not--all you need
to do get people to act like idiots is to invite them to share
their stories on national TV and you will get stories not
even the best screenwriter could dream up. And these people
are eager to share their stories so they can say for the rest
of their lives that they were "on TV" and their friends were not.
This is one reason why "girls go wild" on those videos--to make
themselves feel important in front of their friends. The
lesson here is, if you can make someone feel important, they
will want to spend time with you, and will do all kinds of
things to keep that feeling.
Here's another reason why "girls go wild." If you watch,
there's usually one or two "bad girls" who start the whole
thing, and then the more restrained ones join in, even though
they'd never start it. Why? Social proof--"because everyone
else is doing it, I should do it."
Social proof is an extremely powerful tool of influence -- it's
why the networks use laugh tracks on sitcoms.
Because the audience is laughing, you feel like you should be,
even if the show is dumb. Although it sounds like it shouldn't,
and we've all been cautioned against it, social proof is (and
will always be) a powerful tool for influence.
Here's one more reason girls "go wild" and it has to do with
what I refer to as "the frame." The frame is simply the set of
rules governing the interaction.
You can take these same set of women, and put them in an office
environment, with consequences for mis-behavior and they will
not "go wild." But put them on Spring Break or the beach (in
other words, change the frame) and they will "go wild."
It's simply a matter of changing the frame.
It's why the severely dressed attorney who wears birth control
glasses and puts her hair up in a bun at the office, dresses
in tight, skimpy clothes with lots of cleavage, and lets her
hair down when she goes out on Saturday night.
The frame is changed, and so is her behavior.
She'll do things in that environment that she'd never do in her
The thing to keep in mind is this: if a woman is not behaving
the way you like, you need to change the frame, the set of
rules governing the interaction.
She may not "go wild," (or she might) but she will change
her behavior.
Oh yeah, and stay off National TV unless you have a good reason
to be there... that stuff sticks around forever, now.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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