Student asked, “[Insert the name of the PUA instructor here], what makes someone an alpha male? How does one become an alpha male?”
PUA instructor, “Stay relaxed, don’t move much, don’t smile much, don’t fidget, move slowly, keep audible and slow speech…”
For God’s sake, is it never going to end? When I first entered the PUA community, I looked for only one thing, simplicity. And now that I have come a long way in this study of dating and pickup, I still focus on one simple thing, SIMPLICITY. It is no rocket science. It is just a basic social skill, but a very important one though.
Now, everyone who is studying the process of attraction and seduction, and learning to be a PUA, very well know what an Alpha male means. You have probably even heard of the widely used term derived from this concept, AMOG (aka Alpha Male of the Group). This term ‘Alpha’ is patronized and popularized by many dating and pickup gurus, and most of them have contributed some useful knowledge on this concept. If you are curious, one Croatian dating guru actually brought it to the forefront six years ago, before everyone, and he is known as the ‘Bad Boy’.
But the funny thing is the concept of alpha masculinity is still not clear to many. What is being an alpha male?
Is it having a buffed physique?
Is it being the tallest guy in your group?
Is it having the good looks of Tom Cruise?
Ultimate Truth: Alpha male is YOUR PRESENCE.
It is not trying to act cool and tough by standing at a corner with a stoic expression on your face.
It is not about being all buffed up and bashing up every other guy that comes across you.
It is not about sexually molesting her, just to show your Alphaness.
Alphaness is all about accepting and expressing your sexuality to a full hilt. You can be an Alpha when you are lean, when you are plump, when you are short, when you are tall…so on. Of course, your physicality does help in your alpha male projection. But if two alpha males are interacting with each other, you will see that both of them ooze the same power. Remember what that defeated king said to Alexander the Great – “treat me as a king should treat another king”. Now that’s Alphaness.
Alpha is the energy that you emanate, rather than separate features on your body. It is more about your inner state.
In the animal world, Alpha signifies your high position in the social hierarchy of your species. The more alpha you are, the higher you rank in the social hierarchy scale and the more dominance you show over others. It is not about real value. It is about social value – remember this. You can be an excellent hip-hop dancer but if you are not Alpha, you will not cut it. Someone who is NOT a dancer, but an ALPHA will snag the deal.
It is about the power you ooze. It can come in many forms.
Even when you are laughing loud with your buddies…
Even when you are walking silently through the sidewalk…
Even when you are just lying down and reading a book…
Even when you smile to a woman and approach her…
Even when you bow down to your teacher…
People know by your attitude, your actions and your reactions how you feel about life and where you stand in the social arrangement. That decides your alpha quotient. That’s when you become an Alpha male.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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