Oct 19, 2010

Damn! It's so Simple, Bro!

The simplest way is when your ready to go in for her
first kiss...

Look her deeply in the eyes, allow your hands to slowly
but gently touch the side of her cheek you can use one
or both hands.

I find for first kisses the two hand approach works much
better. Cup the back of her head or contour her jaw line
with the palm of your hand.
Your thumb can rest either just in front of the ear or
on the cheekbone just below her eye or any point in
between. While maintaining eye contact, gently draw her
lips to yours. Allow your eyes to close as your lips
gently touch.

That's the quick lesson.

For First kisses, I always use my palms to face technique.


Because It Just Plain Works More Reliably Powerfully and
Consistently Than Any Other Method of First Kissing I Have

I discovered many years ago that when you really want to
get a woman's romantic desires clicked into over drive
the fastest way to do it is by touching her anywhere on
her face while your kissing her.

Now pay attention here folks.

Notice I did not say her sexual drives!

Understand that kissing certain areas of her body will
signal her to become romantically turned on, and
consistently more passionate, while others will actually
stimulate and accelerate her sexual drives and desires.

The first thing you want to do with any woman, (at least
in the world of David) is get her romantic muscles flexing
and her passions enflamed... Why?

Because her sexual drives inevitably follow her romantic

Guys this is important...

If you can't create that physical/emotional connection or
chemistry necessary to turn her emotional sparks into a
roaring flame, your likely to throw too much fuel on the
fire to fast. The result...

All progress stops and the fire goes out!

Have you ever tried to fan a small flame in order to make
it grow and accidentally blew it out?

In your effort to feed it more oxygen you actually gave it
too much fuel too fast and poof!

Out goes the flame!

That's what I'm talking about when it comes to enflaming
a woman's passions.

Your kiss creates the tiny flame i.e. the connection
(everything is clicking for her inside) the touch on the
face adds just enough fuel at just the right pace to cause
that romantic spark to grow into a passionate flame.

Once the passion fire is really burning, if you know where
to go you can actually transition to other parts of her
body that acts as sexual accelerators, which means that
you are actually transitioning her from a predominantly
emotional sense of arousal to equally physical sensation
of arousal.

You see the key to mind blowing sex is not how big your
penis is or how good looking you are or even how long you
can last in the sack...

The key is... How Deeply Aroused You Can Get Her!

You will discover that the root of many of the obstacles
you will face in your journey to sexual mastery will
ultimately come down to this one simple element --

Lack of Sexual Arousal!

The more aroused your partner becomes the more receptive
she is to all manner of sexual acts, stimulations, and

Don't take my word for it!

Prove it to yourself... master the art of building sexual
tension here and she will think you're the GREATEST lover
she's ever had or will have the first night your together!
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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