Oct 18, 2010

The Truth of Love and Relationships

Disclaimer – I have been in love thrice now and my experiences were not that good. But that does not make me biased against it. I believe that love is the sweetest thing that can happen to anyone. Only thing is that love is really RARE ;-)

No, I am not going to bore you with all the biological changes and reactions regarding the onset of love and offset of love.

But since this is a practical dating and pickup blog, I am going to split the whole complicated game into as simple a concept as I can, especially for the men who love reading my blog.

Love is nothing but a sales procedure. In this procedure, a member of a sex sells himself to a member of the opposite sex. First he markets and promotes himself. Then, when he sees a prospective customer, he works on converting that prospect into a sale. That is how love happens.

Do not be mistaken, the first step can be taken by both sexes, whether female or male. In most cases, the male makes the first move though. In some cases, the female actually incites the male to make the first move. This process is called flirting, and the female members of the human species are generally adept at flirting.

But why do we fall in love with a certain person? This must be the question that is running on your mind. Why would a member of one sex go for a member of another sex? It is so simple. We are sexual mammalian species and thus, we have to choose a mating partner.
We WANT the other person because we believe the other person would be a good mating partner. And needless to say, that partner has to be the best. It is just as if we want to sell ourselves in return of the highest value. That is the word – value. That is all to it – love.

We humans want to live in illusions and since we like lofty thoughts and ideas, we tend to create a perfect imaginary world around it. But we must remember that we are simply doing a business here – a transaction of value.

We put a value on ourselves and we put a value on the opposite person. If it matches or the other person’s value is over ours, we go along with it. And what value we are talking here? Social value…We are looking for someone who is going to “provide value” now and forever.

This is true for both men and women. And since we look for the highest value, there comes the problem. We always look for the highest value around us. They said marketing would never work on a satisfied customer. And unfortunately, we are not satisfied customers. We always look for BETTER, for MORE!

But how do relationships stay then? Remember, we put a value on ourselves and on the other person as well.

So, in short, we choose on two factors -
  • If the other person is valuable enough
  • If he/she is attainable by me

So, even if we think someone is more valuable than what we have, we will not try just because we will not think him or her to be attainable. Just when we think that we cannot get any better than this, we are into a relationship. Moreover, in certain cases, we just get comfortable with the person, an effect of being together for a long time. Thus, we want that person only, because it saves us a lot of rejections and compromises if we are to go for someone else.

We can look at this as brand loyalty. Even though there are better brands in the market, we go and buy the same old brand, just because we are getting satisfied with it. We do not look for anything else.

That is a relationship.

So, at the end of the story, what is love? Love is a transaction! Be a good businessperson. Promote well and know how to exchange values. That is the end of story.
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