So let me set the scene for you ...
You have met a woman you are unbelievably attracted to, and now you have her in your bedroom.
(This story is starting out VERY well so far!)
The question is: What do you do with her now?
Ok, ok ... I don't ACTUALLY mean what do you DO with her now, (cause that would be and entirely DIFFERENT newsletter...) but rather, what do you do with her besides obviously ripping her clothes off and doing some serious penetration -- which, by the way, without foreplay is the absolute 100% WRONG thing to do.
But this newsletter is not about foreplay ... well, at least not in the physical sense.
It's about foreplay in the music sense.
Whatever your lovemaking skills are, either good or bad, all of us can use a little help when it comes down to setting the mood.
The FIRST thing you need to do in your bedroom is to make sure she doesn't trip over the wires of your Xbox on the way to your bed.
Nothing turns a woman off more than Halo playing on the tv screen right before you're about to do the nasty.
What she'd rather do is walk into a den of iniquity.
I'm not kidding ...
If you desire to hear her "ooh and ahh" before you get her naked, (which if you're SMART you will!) then here are a few quick suggestions to get her really turned on to getting naked:
***WOMAN TURN-ON #1***
Make sure your bed has clean sheets.
If you can see the outline of your body on your sheets, it's time to clean the sheets.
Also, invest in a good pair of 500 or more thread count sheets. You want her to feel how great it is to lay in that bed of yours.
It's all about creating the mood and, of course, getting her to come back for more.
***WOMAN TURN-ON #2***
Buy some really nice scented candles and light them before she goes into your bedroom, thus setting the mood.
***WOMAN TURN-ON #3***
A nice bottle of massage oil by the bed is always a nice added touch.
Not only will this make her think she's going to get a massage, but chances are she might massage you.
(which is not a bad bonus ... )
***WOMAN TURN-ON #4***
And, of course, MUSIC!!!
You want to create a soundtrack for your sexual encounter.
You want to do this because whenever she hears those songs when she's not with you, she's going to think of all the fun things you did to her in the candlelit darkness of your bedroom.
Let's talk more about the music...
Don't be a cliché and put on Marvin Gaye, the seductive crooner who had a great run.
Cause if you start beltin' out "Let's Get It On," I can almost guarantee the result with be her laughing AT you instead of wanting to do much hotter things WITH you.
You need to dig deeper and come up with something more original, thus once again distinguishing yourself from all the other guys.
So for instance, let's say this is the first time you're having sex with her. You need to play your "first date soundtrack."
Play something that you know she's going to like.
>>Tip: If you've been paying attention to the details in your conversations with her, you already know what kind of music that is.
By playing music she likes, she's going to be very comfortable in the bedroom.
Remember, the first time she has sex with you she's going to be nervous, so she wants something soothing.
That's why I talk about the sheets, the candles and the music playing in the background.
If this is someone with whom you're already in a relationship and you want some "quickie sex," the music you choose should be upbeat.
Choose something like the music of The Killers. Do not play Paris Hilton singing if you remotely expect her to get moist.
Let's say you're already in a relationship with someone and it's the first time you're going to have sex with her.
I like to play either Buddha Bar CD's or Hotel Costes music, i.e., kind of an eclectic mix of world music that's relaxing and soothing.
You don't want to put on Kansas "Lamplight Symphony" or Boston's "More Than A Feeling"the first time you're having sex with someone you've been romancing.
So keep that iPod full of all types of music for all types of sexual encounters. _______________________________________________________

You have met a woman you are unbelievably attracted to, and now you have her in your bedroom.
(This story is starting out VERY well so far!)
The question is: What do you do with her now?
Ok, ok ... I don't ACTUALLY mean what do you DO with her now, (cause that would be and entirely DIFFERENT newsletter...) but rather, what do you do with her besides obviously ripping her clothes off and doing some serious penetration -- which, by the way, without foreplay is the absolute 100% WRONG thing to do.
But this newsletter is not about foreplay ... well, at least not in the physical sense.
It's about foreplay in the music sense.
Whatever your lovemaking skills are, either good or bad, all of us can use a little help when it comes down to setting the mood.
The FIRST thing you need to do in your bedroom is to make sure she doesn't trip over the wires of your Xbox on the way to your bed.
Nothing turns a woman off more than Halo playing on the tv screen right before you're about to do the nasty.
What she'd rather do is walk into a den of iniquity.
I'm not kidding ...
If you desire to hear her "ooh and ahh" before you get her naked, (which if you're SMART you will!) then here are a few quick suggestions to get her really turned on to getting naked:
***WOMAN TURN-ON #1***
Make sure your bed has clean sheets.
If you can see the outline of your body on your sheets, it's time to clean the sheets.
Also, invest in a good pair of 500 or more thread count sheets. You want her to feel how great it is to lay in that bed of yours.
It's all about creating the mood and, of course, getting her to come back for more.
***WOMAN TURN-ON #2***
Buy some really nice scented candles and light them before she goes into your bedroom, thus setting the mood.
***WOMAN TURN-ON #3***
A nice bottle of massage oil by the bed is always a nice added touch.
Not only will this make her think she's going to get a massage, but chances are she might massage you.
(which is not a bad bonus ... )
***WOMAN TURN-ON #4***
And, of course, MUSIC!!!
You want to create a soundtrack for your sexual encounter.
You want to do this because whenever she hears those songs when she's not with you, she's going to think of all the fun things you did to her in the candlelit darkness of your bedroom.
Let's talk more about the music...
Don't be a cliché and put on Marvin Gaye, the seductive crooner who had a great run.
Cause if you start beltin' out "Let's Get It On," I can almost guarantee the result with be her laughing AT you instead of wanting to do much hotter things WITH you.
You need to dig deeper and come up with something more original, thus once again distinguishing yourself from all the other guys.
So for instance, let's say this is the first time you're having sex with her. You need to play your "first date soundtrack."
Play something that you know she's going to like.
>>Tip: If you've been paying attention to the details in your conversations with her, you already know what kind of music that is.
By playing music she likes, she's going to be very comfortable in the bedroom.
Remember, the first time she has sex with you she's going to be nervous, so she wants something soothing.
That's why I talk about the sheets, the candles and the music playing in the background.
If this is someone with whom you're already in a relationship and you want some "quickie sex," the music you choose should be upbeat.
Choose something like the music of The Killers. Do not play Paris Hilton singing if you remotely expect her to get moist.
Let's say you're already in a relationship with someone and it's the first time you're going to have sex with her.
I like to play either Buddha Bar CD's or Hotel Costes music, i.e., kind of an eclectic mix of world music that's relaxing and soothing.
You don't want to put on Kansas "Lamplight Symphony" or Boston's "More Than A Feeling"the first time you're having sex with someone you've been romancing.
So keep that iPod full of all types of music for all types of sexual encounters. _______________________________________________________
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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