Have you ever wondered... How you can you have sex
with a woman without having to sign your life away
or give up your freedom to date other women?
I'll tell you the secret in just a minute.
First an even more important question... how can
you date and sleep with multiple women without the
drama over commitment?
After all, we're told women are all looking for a
husband and will only 'give it up' for a guy once
he's in an exclusive relationship.
This is complete horse crap, but for many guys it's
the only reality they know.
You see, I know what that's like. I was once there
In college when I finally started having a few
dates, I got into a long term relationship pretty
She was a sweet girl, and hey it was nice to have a
woman in my life.
I didn't think too much about it as I was dedicated
to getting my degree, until one day...
I Got The Shock Of My Life
She told me she wanted to get married!
Talk about being blindsided, I NEVER saw this
It was an ugly time for me. And it was a WAKE UP
call as well.
I realized there was no way I could settle down
with any woman, because I had no idea what the
perfect woman for me was like.
It was then I knew I had to date a lot of women,
just to realize what kind of woman I wanted.
The Relationship Trap
As my skills at meeting women got better and I
began dating a lot, I kept running into a new brick
I date a woman for a couple weeks, we would sleep
together, and next thing I knew... she'd assume we
had an exclusive relationship.
What a fricking mess!
I quickly learned once I fell into the relationship
trap, you can't go back to 'just dating' and casual
You have to end it. It's like when your computer
locks up, you've gotta reboot to clear up the
Breaking Up Sucks
I don't know about you, but I hate having to break
up with women all the time. It's painful to have
to tell someone you don't feel the same way about
And us guys are not really good with drama, tears,
and emotions.
I had to find an answer to this problem. I knew
it's possible to date a lot of women without the
And I knew I wouldn't find the answers at the
university library either.
So I began to study the 'naturals' on campus. Not
just the average players either, but the guys with
the harems.
The Zero Drama Harem
The good thing about naturals is they are evidence
you can date multiple women, sleep with multiple
women, and have them all love you.
They had a modern day harem. These guys never had
a problem with the relationship trap. There was
never any questioning about commitment
The women KNEW it was about casual sex, and were
totally cool with things that way.
These guys were good, no scratch that, they were
The answer was there, all I had to do was figure
out what they did.
It took me about a year of experimenting, then it
I Cracked The Code
When I finally realized how to solve the problem, I
smacked my self on the forehead.
It had been right in front of me all this time, but
I couldn't see it.
In hypnosis, they call this a Negative
Hallucination. It's like when your keys are on the
table and you look right at them and don't see they
are there.
And our society lays some heavy hypnosis on us when
we are young so we believe things like - a woman
won't sleep with you unless there is commitment.
So what is the answer? It's so simple you probably
won't believe it.
What Women Really Want
The problem is, guys think INTIMACY = COMMITMENT.
And this is where we go wrong.
And this comes from the belief that a woman wants
you to commit to her before she will sleep with
Bzzzt! Wrong Answer.
What a woman wants more than anything else is
CONNECTION. And connection leads to intimacy.
Now here is the tricky part for us guys. For a
woman, connection happens at an EMOTIONAL level.
Logic ain't gonna get it.
The Keys To Her Kingdom
When a woman connects with you on an emotional
level, she will WANT to be more intimate with you.
If she doesn't connect with you, the only kind of
hookup you'll get is with drunk party girls.
When she shares an emotional bond with you, she'll
give you the keys to her kingdom.
And you can have connection with commitment to any
kind of exclusive relationship.
You can date as many women as you can handle, have
wonderful relationships with each of them, and
never deal with the commitment trap.
No Soap Opera
And you don't have to get all mushy and tell soap
opera type stories for a woman to connect with you.
It's a common misconception that sharing emotions
means being weak or some kind of mushy sap.
Truth is, it can be as FUN as you want. And it'seasier than you think.

with a woman without having to sign your life away
or give up your freedom to date other women?
I'll tell you the secret in just a minute.
First an even more important question... how can
you date and sleep with multiple women without the
drama over commitment?
After all, we're told women are all looking for a
husband and will only 'give it up' for a guy once
he's in an exclusive relationship.
This is complete horse crap, but for many guys it's
the only reality they know.
You see, I know what that's like. I was once there
In college when I finally started having a few
dates, I got into a long term relationship pretty
She was a sweet girl, and hey it was nice to have a
woman in my life.
I didn't think too much about it as I was dedicated
to getting my degree, until one day...
I Got The Shock Of My Life
She told me she wanted to get married!
Talk about being blindsided, I NEVER saw this
It was an ugly time for me. And it was a WAKE UP
call as well.
I realized there was no way I could settle down
with any woman, because I had no idea what the
perfect woman for me was like.
It was then I knew I had to date a lot of women,
just to realize what kind of woman I wanted.
The Relationship Trap
As my skills at meeting women got better and I
began dating a lot, I kept running into a new brick
I date a woman for a couple weeks, we would sleep
together, and next thing I knew... she'd assume we
had an exclusive relationship.
What a fricking mess!
I quickly learned once I fell into the relationship
trap, you can't go back to 'just dating' and casual
You have to end it. It's like when your computer
locks up, you've gotta reboot to clear up the
Breaking Up Sucks
I don't know about you, but I hate having to break
up with women all the time. It's painful to have
to tell someone you don't feel the same way about
And us guys are not really good with drama, tears,
and emotions.
I had to find an answer to this problem. I knew
it's possible to date a lot of women without the
And I knew I wouldn't find the answers at the
university library either.
So I began to study the 'naturals' on campus. Not
just the average players either, but the guys with
the harems.
The Zero Drama Harem
The good thing about naturals is they are evidence
you can date multiple women, sleep with multiple
women, and have them all love you.
They had a modern day harem. These guys never had
a problem with the relationship trap. There was
never any questioning about commitment
The women KNEW it was about casual sex, and were
totally cool with things that way.
These guys were good, no scratch that, they were
The answer was there, all I had to do was figure
out what they did.
It took me about a year of experimenting, then it
I Cracked The Code
When I finally realized how to solve the problem, I
smacked my self on the forehead.
It had been right in front of me all this time, but
I couldn't see it.
In hypnosis, they call this a Negative
Hallucination. It's like when your keys are on the
table and you look right at them and don't see they
are there.
And our society lays some heavy hypnosis on us when
we are young so we believe things like - a woman
won't sleep with you unless there is commitment.
So what is the answer? It's so simple you probably
won't believe it.
What Women Really Want
The problem is, guys think INTIMACY = COMMITMENT.
And this is where we go wrong.
And this comes from the belief that a woman wants
you to commit to her before she will sleep with
Bzzzt! Wrong Answer.
What a woman wants more than anything else is
CONNECTION. And connection leads to intimacy.
Now here is the tricky part for us guys. For a
woman, connection happens at an EMOTIONAL level.
Logic ain't gonna get it.
The Keys To Her Kingdom
When a woman connects with you on an emotional
level, she will WANT to be more intimate with you.
If she doesn't connect with you, the only kind of
hookup you'll get is with drunk party girls.
When she shares an emotional bond with you, she'll
give you the keys to her kingdom.
And you can have connection with commitment to any
kind of exclusive relationship.
You can date as many women as you can handle, have
wonderful relationships with each of them, and
never deal with the commitment trap.
No Soap Opera
And you don't have to get all mushy and tell soap
opera type stories for a woman to connect with you.
It's a common misconception that sharing emotions
means being weak or some kind of mushy sap.
Truth is, it can be as FUN as you want. And it'seasier than you think.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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So, where are you ending up, Mr MindMedia Ronn?
ReplyDeleteSleeping with women?
Man, where do you people get so much time in your pocket, er?
I slept with two of them, almost simultaneously, for a year or so....
had two other lined up -
but never thought of blogging this "thing" for others...charlatan WE...
no charades,man, live life holy...
or you gonna burn yourself out in STDs, and yeah wear Condoms (I never wore any, I have this supersexual hypersexual thing with a minimum of one-hour stamina - come and test me!)
and yeah, more than a month gap between sexing two girls....
and one more thing, people,
blockheads as you guys are, RESPECT them, or you're not gonna end up anywhere I say, so long!
I don't like this term "Harem", so low-life...
no offense, am a great admirer of love-making, but there must b poetry in it, no crudeness
Oops! That was a pretty angry comment. Looks like you haven't had your wanking for quite some time.