Nov 30, 2009

Two SIMPLE STEPS to turn on that HEAT of PASSION

Turning on a women means you have to be turned on first of all. If you are not in the sexual state, she can’t be turned on to that sexual state.

Having said that, you want to create that electrically charged atmosphere where everything you speak melts into her ears and when you look into her eyes, you see that mysterious vulnerable erotic glow that beckons you from the other side o’ the deep ocean.

What’s that two simple steps?

Number one: SMELL HER. Nuzzle with her. Smell her neck, her hair, her arms, her legs, her stomach and her whole body. Let her feel your warm heavy breath on to her own body. She loves the feeling she gets from it. And when you do that, tell her how sexy she is, how intoxicating and how much irresistible you feel about her.

Number two: LICK HER. She wants her whole body to be worshipped, cherished and EATEN. When you lick her body, you make her feel like she’s desired. You light up that sexual energy in her that cries for more of you till the morning.

Ultimately, it’s all about making her feel like a woman by being a MAN. I reinforce once again, she wants to be cherished, she wants to be taken, she wants to be enjoyed and she wants to be the object of sexual pleasure to you. That’s her pleasure.

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Nov 26, 2009

Cameron Teone - Building Attraction

Who’s this guy?! Even if you haven’t met him or heard about him, let me inform you that he’s one of the STEADY PUA MEMBERS OF PRO HO, and his name is Cameron Teone. What’s PROHO now? It’s Project Hollywood in short. He was called by the name ‘The One’ and was a close buddy to the likes of Stephen Nash, Steve P and many other PUAs. At one point of time, he and Stephen Nash used to pick up women on a daily basis.

As I know, he was even co-opted to play a guest trainer in several Mystery and RSD workshops. He has played with the best and proved his mettle and artifice. He is one of those REAL pickup artists that are both good at the game as well as they are wistful to help other guys as well. He is ‘the TESTED one’.

A pickup artist is someone who can sublimate any social interaction to his or her benefit. He has a subliminal understanding of the game and they play it well. Have you ever wondered why most of the newer young kids who are turning pickup artists are good looking? It’s because they don’t have the real skill and they depend on their LOOKS.

But some pickup artists are genuine and they really know the art of pickup. They know how to flout the rules right at the right time. They know how to approach women and they know how to get into a sweet relationship with them. They are just IN CONTROL. And Cameron Teone is one of those rare pickup artists.

Personally speaking, I’ve got some of his books, audio and video lessons, and trust me when I say the guy is UNIQUE. I like his way of presentation that is succinct yet informative and they are so ‘to the point’ that you can actually relate to them. See, the problem with most newbies as I’ve seen is that they feel they don’t get understood. The PUAs are something like demigod to them. Cameron Teone abridges this gap, this lack of communication and states the way it is.

If you get chance, check his products on building and keeping attraction. They are just awesome. Would you like to be a pickup artist, you got to learn it from a real pickup artist.

For Free Dating Articles and eBooks, subscribe here with your email address

Nov 25, 2009

Richard La Ruina aka the Gambler – Natural Game Mastery

If you are a regular visitor at the seduction community, you have certainly come by the term called “Natural Game”. Yes, natural game flouts the prefixed theories and ideologies of picking up women as determined by the ones of Mystery, Tyler Dryden, Carlos Xuma, Ross Jeffries, David De Angelo and so forth.

Natural game tells you be to be yourself, to be honest with yourself. Who wants to make up for that simple pick up? To add to it, we men have a simple belief and yearning that we work on, and that is we want to be accepted by the women as we are. We don’t want to be the peacock-king, we don’t want to say something as stilted and stiff as the opinion openers, we don’t want to bother about the social status and demonstrating high value all the time. We just want to be ourselves. We want the respect for who we are. The geek that we are!

Natural game promises you with that. And one of the biggest proponents of ‘natural game’, apart from the likes of Vincent De Carlo and Gunwitch, is the latest fad PUA in the market, Richard La Ruina. A person who was a self-admitted shy guy and who didn’t even kiss someone till he cross his 20s, Richard aka Gambler catapulted himself to the ‘Best PUAs’ spot pretty quickly. And that’s through his book called ‘The Natural Game Mastery’, a 194-pages exhaustive PUA gem.

In this book he encapsulates everything from how to open women to how to talk to women, from how to engaging big groups to how to isolate and get intimate with her and just about everything else. And the best thing about the book is that it contains some very novel concepts of its own. That’s what I like about it. He digs into the very concept of picking up women and presents the insightful tricks and tips (for one, the three types of seductive characters) in a new shape and form. It’s not just about good looks and money anymore!

To add to it, one thing that sets ‘Natural Game Mastery’ apart is that it has the inner game section (delineating the highly researched and comprehensive psychological principles) at the last. He stresses on the first impression and goes on to say how it is formed not when you spout out your opener but when she glances at you… from the corner of her eye.

‘Natural Game Mastery’ can surely be crowned as one of the best pickup systems in the market. And about Richard, this guy knows his stuff!

Although I don’t have his ultimate home-study pick up system yet, I have heard some positive feedbacks about the material. It contains the ‘Natural Game Mastery’ book (containing an extra part called ‘Dairy of a PUA’) as well as five outer game audio lessons and three electronic inner game PDF files. You get to know the behind-the-scenes secrets and all the advanced techniques for what you are hunting. Moreover, an offer of 30-minutes free counseling is also being included. What more do you want?

Richard says, ”It’s not about feeling good and pumping up; IT’S ABOUT RESULTS”.

PS: He's now out with his 'Stealth Attraction Report".

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According to the studies, around seventy five percent women don't reach orgasm during an intercourse. Why so? For one, it’s because their partner does not know how to properly excite her sexual buttons and she NEVER reaches that point of ecstasy to come. Another reason: he comes SO SOON.

Frankly and clinically speaking, premature ejaculation isn't the case here. Women just take longer to reach the climax than men. Period. Then how do we abridge the gap? Well, why don't you practice exercises that aids you in lasting longer? Thus, you are providing her with all the time to get all pumped up to one glorious climax.

Tantric Sex Tricks - Lasting Lovemaking

Exercise 1: Pressing Prostate Point (PPP)

Okay, here’s one bit of male anatomy explanation. Between the testicles and your anus is a part called the perineum, a soft spot for applying pressure into the prostate. Prostate stimulation lessens the probability of compulsive ejaculation. It washes away from the prostate gland the necessary fluid for ejaculation.

Already an expert at that? Now let's try what the pros do! To know more tips CLICK HERE...

Would you push your prostate portion hard enough on right before ejaculation, it actually blocks the ejaculation phase (or emission phase). The exercise stops seminal fluid to enter urethral canal on the inception of orgasmic spasms. Have you orgasmic contractions, the semen stays inside the body for re-absorption. This is called a Dry Orgasm and no, it is not painful!

1. Pleasure yourself until you feel you are going to come.

2. Stop moving, locate and press upward your prostate point for 10-30 secs. The tension should ebb away.

3. Tease yourself again, a bit further than in Step 1.

4. Repeat step 2.

5. Repeat step 1, a bit further than in Step 3.

6. Repeat step 2.

7. Continue till you master the control of sexual heights.

Who'z the LOVE guru? You are. Check out my best secrets HERE...

Exercise 2: Root Lock

Inside the body, right at the penis base is one muscle known as pubococcygeus (fondly called PC in short). This exercise trains you in using the PC muscles for ejaculation delay.

To carry out Root Lock, hold the breath (for a moment) push out the pelvic muscles as in emptying the bowels. Some do prefer pushing 'in' though and it depends on your preference and convenience.

1. Tease yourself on to the point of coming.

2. Exhale as much as you can, holding it, wide open eyes looking upward, push the tongue on the mouth roof, tighten the fingers, hands, feet, and push your asshole out till the sexual arousal starts ebbing away.

3. Repeat step 1, a bit further than in Step 1.

4. Repeat step 2.

5. Repeat step 3, a bit further than in Step 3.

6. Repeat step 3 but in this case, contract the anal muscles upward n' inward and pull the stomach in. Which one works better? Out or in?

7. Continue till you learn to master the ultimate sexual heights.

By now, it is uncovered that the tension in whichever way, shape or form, is your main ‘enemy’. So every time you make love to her and you feel you are coming, just try to demolish that enemy to reach the supreme sexual fantasy.

Discover more SPICY secrets to sexual satisfaction, CLICK HERE...

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A Sexual Massage… in the Bathtub

They say the best way to relaxation and sexual stimulation is through a bath. Well, it can be enhanced when YOU are there.

Prepare the ‘Proper’ Bath for Her

It is not about filling the tub with water or furnishing her with the soaps. It’s about creating the right ambiance.

First, shut the blinds and windows and drown the bathroom DARK. Light some incense sticks and candles, depending on what you use for the… scented oil placed on the oil diffuser or burner.

The more number of candles, the merrier!

Next, play some peaceful music, not too soft or too loud.

Next, ensure everything you want is within your reach, on a nearby tray or chair.

A bottle of wine (perhaps, champagne) and a platter of crackers/cheese is delectable… and will help you both last long while the massage’s on.

More about the right WAYS to stimulate her sexually, CLICK HERE...

Sexual Massage Moves in the Bathtub

It is always best to just let her relax, get comfortable and unwind with herself for the first 10-15 minutes.

When you start massaging, sit outside the bathtub, on a chair or on the edge, and use wooden roller on her body.

Draw up her hands so that you can massage her torso. Focus on the back of the neck and the backside of the head.

A free report on various positions! CLICK HERE...

Shampooing her hair with TLC (‘tender loving care’) makes her feel more relaxed.
Without disrupting the massage momentum, join her NOW. Keep massaging her shoulders, her upper back and her lower back. Well, here comes the best part – her front part.

Reach over, cup her pair of breasts VERY GENTLY and massage them as if to create more lather.

Tease her. Massage her breasts, to her shoulders, again her breasts, going down, rubdown her stomach, and to her breasts again. Each time, a more daring step GOING LOWER and LOWER.

One naughty tip: Has your woman not gone Brazilian (i.e., has shaved off pubic hair) shampoo there too! Similar strokes as if you are shampooing her hair.

And a very important part of the sexual massage, gently insert your finger into that SWEET SPOT, not to make her come but to connect with her sexual being. Good luck!

More HOT tips on making her coming to you…night after night…Click here

12 Nights of Passion: a Sex Game to Be Carried Out in Days…

Here’s the Game plan….

Beware: before you reach the 12th night, you should know how to give her exactly what she has hoped for.  CLICK HERE...

1st night – Romantic Dinner. Footsie under the table.

2nd night – Red Roses on Bed. Soft Music. Cuddle Each Other to Sleep.

3rd night – Strip Poker. Just some Dry Pleasure.

4th night – Play Silent Dirty Words. Who’s the naughtiest?

5th night – Play Twisted NAKED.

6th night – Hot Oral Sex.

IMPORTANT: Learn proper Oral Sex Techniques. CLICK HERE...

7th night – “Accidentally” leave some hot erotica for your lover to come by.

8th night – Sexual Massage. No intercourse though.

9th night – Phone call at odd hour. Warm her up and then leave her wanting more.

10th night – View a literotica over the internet.

11th night – Naught text messages now and then.

12th night – An erotic video of yourself. Ask her to meet you up somewhere. And when she comes, release the passion.

The 12 Nights of Passion is all about keeping the fire of sexual tension and sexual desire burning in the relationship.

More sexual tips and advices to satiate your partner in bed, CLICK HERE...


Sometimes, in our quest for better foreplay and better sex, we tend to get a bit carried away… to the point that we do things that TURN OFF our partners. Some of these mistakes are not just overzealousness but due to myths propagated in adult films and magazines.

Well, to avoid these foreplay booboos, here’s a list of Ten Foreplay DON’TS.

In General…

Take a shower and be properly groomed. I’m not talking about going to a salon here. Just ensure that your breath and body are clean. Also, if you’re planning to do some ‘poking’, ensure that you cut your nails down. Nothing hurts more than long nails, or can be more disgusting (in case you poke into something and er… take out something with your nails! Yuck!)
Put on some music. Foreplay can be a very embarrassingly noisy event (wet slapping noises, an escaped fart or two, etc.). To hide these sounds, drown them out with a bit of sexy music.

Don’t OVER-tongue him/her. Don’t ram your tongue into your partner’s eardrums or throat. It can be a complete turn off if he/she feels the need to tilt his/her head (from having clogged ears) or feels the need to gag.

Don’t embarrass him/her. I once advised a client to ‘start foreplay early during the day’ and mentioned some of my ‘foreplay moves’ like rubbing against each other, dry humping, footsie playing, etc. Well, I guess my client got carried away as she tried footsie playing with him during a business dinner. She thought she was being ‘naughty’, he thought it was annoying. Moral lesson? Know WHEN to make your moves.

Avoid those embarrassing mistakes and learn to be a great lover in bed. Go to: 'Female Sexuality Revealed'.

For Him...

Don’t twirl, tweak and twist her nipples hard. No. Despite what you often see in adult films, she really doesn’t like it if you play too roughly with her nipples. They need to be caressed, not manhandled.

Don’t be the one to request to turn the lights off. Almost all women have body image issues. So don’t do her a favor by asking to have the lights off. In contrast, she’ll immediately think you find her body offensive in some way. If she’s not exactly the ‘cover girl’ type, don’t over compliment her either because she’ll know you’re lying. Instead, just tell her you prefer women with ‘curves’.

Don’t go for G-spot stimulation if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing! Sure, G-spot stimulation can bring her almost sexual nirvana but it can be painful for her if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’m not saying don’t attempt it. Rather, be very attuned to how she responds to your fingers.

Learn more techniques to give her the best orgasms in bed. Go to 'Female Secrets Revealed'.

For Her...

Don’t ask him to wear a thong. Ladies, despite what you hear about the ‘metrosexual man’, don’t ask him to put on a thong. It really does turn most men OFF.

Don’t smother him. He’s gone down on you and boy do you love it! You’re delirious with pleasure and because of this you… try to squeeze your thighs shut and/or start to grab his hair and knead his face against your crotch. Well, let’s see what you’re REALLY doing to him hear. With the first one, you’re like a praying mantis trying to squeeze and rip his head off. With the second one, you’re making it hard for him to breathe! Ease up girls. Show your appreciation the RIGHT way and he’s bound to lick you to the ends of the earth again.

Don’t expect him to read your mind. One of the worse things you can do during foreplay is to expect him to know exactly what you want to happen. With this attitude, you’re really setting yourself (and him) for a foreplay disaster. Let him know that you like what he’s doing to you, or better yet, TELL him EXACTLY what you want done. He’ll appreciate it and you get what you want. Win-win!

Foreplay is all about increasing sexual tension in a way that is pleasurable for you and your partner in more than just the sexual sense. It should be in an atmosphere of comfort and trust, and maybe even with a hint of sexual danger, and not be forced or selfish in any way.

Think about this the next time you engage in foreplay with your partner and you’re bound to have a great and sexually thrilling time!

To learn many more SPICY secrets to satisfy your lover in bed, go to: FEMALE SECRETS REVEALED

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A sexual massage is just something I LOVE to receive from my partner. It always relaxes my body and my mind, and never fails to stir my center till I’m all wet and ready to have mind-blowing sex!

I’m sure you want your woman to feel this too so I’m going to give you some basic sexual massage moves you can do tonight. Ready?

How to Give Your Woman a Sexual Massage

In addition to ensuring that you have the right environment (i.e., a quiet room, a well-laid out bed or place on the floor, etc.) and equipment (e.g. scented candles, massage oils, etc.), consider making use of fabric or items made of silk, satin and velvet as well. All these different textures can help bring about different reactions from her. If you don’t have them, don’t worry. Nothing can beat the best part of this sexual massage session: you.

Firstly, ask your woman to undress (or better yet, undress her). Another tip here to ensure good hygiene is to give her a warm bath first. Either way, once she’s nude, have her lie face down on the area you prepared for the massage. While she has her back to you, undress as well.

To learn more tips about how to satisfy your lover tonight, go to MY FAVORITE INFO WEBSITE

Use your hot breath.
Make sure your body and hands are not cold and then lie on top of her (you facing the back of her head). Support your weight on your arms (don’t crush her!). This move does three things: it signals the start of the sexual massage by applying pressure on her whole body; it helps to warm her body and prepare it for the massage; and it starts to introduce sexual thoughts into her head because she can feel your penis between her thighs.

Now don’t get carried away here and start sex. Proceed with the sexual massage and you will be rewarded as the sexual tension builds up!

Now, start to breath on her neck and her back. Your hot breath should stimulate her sensitive skin.

Use your fingertips.
Now, pull yourself up and straddle her thighs (your penis resting between the backs of her legs), put some warm oil on your hands and start to massage her back with just your fingertips. Alternate your strokes. Apply hard, pressured ones with light touches.

Palm circling.
Progress from using your fingers to ‘palm circling’, which is basically massaging her back by applying the whole width of your hand. This is a firmer technique that helps her body really relax. As a general rule, never massage her on the bones. Place the palms of both your hands on her back and move them in circles, firmly outward and away from her spine.

Scoot yourself lover down her body. You buttocks should be by her feet now. Now reach to the top of her shoulders and start doing the palm circling massage… but this time, glide down to her ass and start massaging there too. After a few strokes, you can be naughtier with this one.

Reach to the top of her shoulders again but this time, keep your head low so that your face is right in front of her ass. (Like kneeling and bowing to someone.) You can do the palm circling again while breathing hot and heavy against her ass.

A slight – and naughtier variation – would be to lick her ass instead of breathing your hot breathe on it WHILE palm circling her back. (Hey, don’t forget the massage part even while you’re busy sexually arousing her.)

To learn more naughty tricks to give your lover an orgasm, go to 'Female Orgasm Secrets Revealed'.

Go back to straddling her thighs, sitting up now, and use your thumbs to massage her lower back. You should make short, rapid, alternate strokes with each thumb, moving up and across her ass toward her waist. Continue up the right-hand side of her body all the way to the shoulders. Repeat this on the left side of her body and finish off by going back and concentrating again on her lower back (just above her butt).

Now for the sexual part… continue to thumb massage her while your hands move slowly down her butt. Part her crack and start to thumb massage her anus. She will try to squirm here but be firm! If she can take it, alternate between this massage and breathing your hot breathe on her anus.

Repeat all these back massages as long as you want! Just remember to oil up often as the warm oil and the gliding effect of your skin on hers does a lot of sexual magic!

Learn more tips to satisfy a woman in bed by clicking here...

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How to Give Her an Orgasm

Is it really so hard to give a woman an orgasm? Many say it’s difficult but many men also claim that it’s very easy… IF you know what to do. So the question is, do you?

Any health, loving and lasting relationship counts a great sex life as a key ingredient. And if you look around you, it’s probably not hard to tell which couples are truly happy with each other. These are the couples that still look at each other with lust in their eyes! So what’s their secret? It’s probably because they are BOTH sexually satisfied in their relationship.

A lot of people know that women don’t reach an orgasm as easily or as quickly as men. What many don’t realize is that this does nothing but build sexual frustration. And sexual frustration manifests itself in many negative ways in a relationship; until one day, you both wake up and realize that you no longer have passion in each other and in your lives.

The good news is it’s really not hard at all to make a woman reach an orgasm. But you both have to work at it, which, if you think about it, is part of the fun as well!

How to Make Her ‘Come’ – A Step-by-Step Guide

You may find this step-by-step guide useful. It is one of the many tools that Gabrielle Moore, an expert on sex education has created. Click here to learn more about other tools by visiting her website...

Step 1

Engage in a lot of foreplay! Foreplay is very important because it helps her relax her mind and make her more focused on the lovemaking at hand. It’s also a great way to bond as many women associate foreplay as a man’s way of taking time and ensuring sex is not just a physical act but about intimacy.

Foreplay can start hours or even days in advance and is really limited only by your sexual imagination. As you keep this ‘sexual tension’ high, you’ll find that it’s actually easier to bring her to an orgasm once you do engage in sex.

Step 2

If foreplay is the ‘primer’, oral sex is the next big step. Many women actually claim that oral sex is the ONLY way they can reach an orgasm so if you both want it to be that way, then don’t resist.

When you do go down on her, don’t rush it. Show her that you really love her by lavishing her genitals with your undivided attention. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination so to speak.

At the start, just tease and lick softly and lovingly. Once she’s focused on that part of her body, increase the tempo. When you notice that her breathing is getting faster and harder or if her legs are becoming taut, move your attention to her clitoris. Tease it by drawing small circles around it with your tongue and then apply more pressure and lick faster.

If she gives any indication at all that she’s really turned on, remember this: DON’T change anything. Keep the tempo of what you’re doing and she’ll reach her orgasm soon enough.

Step 3

If your tongue doesn’t bring her to an immediate orgasm, don’t despair. Don’t forget that your fingers can be put to good use too! Use your index finger to ‘trace’ the outline of her labia. Be sure to touch her gently. This is guaranteed to electrify her body. After this, place your index and middle finger together and then draw circles around her clitoris.

Pay attention to her body (is it in a pleasured, relaxed state or is it pulled taut like a string?) to gauge just how turned on she is. Don’t forget to pay attention to her moans and groans as well.

You can alternate using your tongue and fingers to stimulate her clitoris and just like what’s advised above, if she indicates something that’s really turning her on, just keep doing it! To learn more about other techniques to stimulate her, click here…

Step 4

If clitoral stimulation has not brought on an orgasm yet, then try G-spot stimulation! Assuming that she’s already hot and wet, slowly insert your index and middle finger inside her womanhood, palm up. Once inside, position your fingers to the “11 o’clock”. Slowly try and locate a small bump or swelling (like an engorged clitoris). Once you find this spot, congratulations… you’ve located the elusive G-spot!

Step 5

You can stimulate the G-spot in many ways. You can tap it with your fingers, draw lazy or frenzied circles around it, or flick it wildly like a light switch. If you wish, you can use your thumb to stimulate her clitoris while stimulating her G-spot. This will surely give her an orgasm to be remembered! To learn more, click here…

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Is Her NOT ‘Coming’ Getting in the Way of Your Relationship?

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It’s a fact that men and women are different and that extends to achieving sexual pleasure as well. Take for instance the topic of orgasms; men reach their climax sooner than women. Period.

Unfortunately, since the reasons WHY a woman does not reach an orgasm as fast as a man are not explored, what happens is that the sexual relationship generally develops into one where reaching her orgasm is not even an objective!

Society has a lot to do with this. It seems that women, in general, have been raised with the mentality that when it comes to sex, his orgasm is the goal. As for her, it’s ok; it’s natural that she doesn’t reach an orgasm. And while couples easily accept this, what most people don’t realize is that a woman not reaching her orgasm is actually the root of MANY relationship problems.

Relationship Problems Caused by Your Partner Not Reaching an Orgasm

Sexual Frustration. Imagine if you have sex with your partner and you’re never given the chance to reach your climax. That’s a dreadful thought, isn’t it? You probably wouldn’t even call it ‘having sex’ at all. Think of all that frustration inside you that just grows after each time you have sex. Well, it’s the same for women!

Even though it would take longer for women to reach the point of ‘sexual frustration’, they will reach it one way or the other. And this frustration will manifest itself in many different areas in your relationship.

Resentment. You can’t blame women for wanting what they see as an obviously great and pleasurable experience for you. If you don’t take the time to learn how to bring her to an orgasm, then she will soon begin to resent your ‘selfishness’ in bed. After all, why should you have all the fun? You may find great techniques here…

Again, this resentment may start small but sooner or later, it will grow and reveal itself in other areas of your relationship. For instance, she may become short-tempered with you, and you will see this as simply her being annoying or a nag. Do you see how this can easily become a big problem in your relationship?

Decrease in Sexual Intimacy. For many women, instead of discussing the topic of female orgasm with their partners, they deal with their sexual frustration by turning to other things such as using sex toys or engaging in self-pleasure or masturbation. While using pleasure toys and pleasuring one’s self is not bad at all, using it as a permanent substitute to reach an orgasm is!

Pretty soon, the act of making love itself will look less and less thrilling for her. After all, she knows she can get greater pleasure from her sex toys and through masturbation than by making love with you. As a result, she will be less and less inclined to engage in sex.

And now the tables have turned. As she loses interest in sex, now YOU are the one who’s going to start to feel sexually frustrated. Find new ways to recover sexual creativity here…

Relationship Withdrawal. When physical intimacy decreases, overall relationship closeness begins to decline as well. You see, if you don’t make love, you also don’t reach that magical moment called ‘afterglow’, when a couple truly bonds after having sex.

Think about it this way: each day that you don’t make love, is a day that brings the two of your further and further apart.

Infidelity. If a woman gets to experience sexual pleasure only through sex toys and by the use of her own hand, and if this makes her lose interest in the sexual act itself with you, then imagine how ‘easy’ it can be for her to fall for another man!

If a woman meets a person who can bring her tremendous physical pleasure that no one has ever given her before, isn’t it logical that she would fall head over heels over this person? After all, in her eyes, it’s this person who truly cares about her. Otherwise, why would he go to such great lengths to pleasure her?

Female orgasms are not often talked about but in reality, a lot of relationships suffer the consequences of women not reaching their climax. So if you want a great relationship, one that’s also characterized by great sex, then the best thing you can do is to ENSURE you know how to make her reach her climax. To learn more, click here…

Good luck!

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Why Is It Difficult for Women to Reach an Orgasm?

According to reports, roughly 70% of women don’t reach an orgasm during intercourse. Although that figure in itself is shocking, it also makes you wonder about how many women never orgasm at all (i.e., intercourse or not)!

A lot of flack fall on men on why women don’t experience an orgasm but truth be told, women have a lot to do about this as well whether they realize it or not.

6 Reasons Why Women DON’T Climax

There are many reasons why women don’t reach sexual climax. Some of them maybe men’s faults but a lot can be because of her too…

Foreplay? What foreplay?

Foreplay is extremely important. For women, making love begins in the mind and if you don’t ‘condition’ her mind for sex, then chances are she won’t be sexually reciprocating in bed too. Furthermore, women really do need more time than men to reach an orgasm; so foreplay is actually your way of extending your own sexual stamina.

She’s thinking too much!

Women are natural multi-taskers. Unfortunately, they’re so used to thinking and doing several things at the same time that they find it hard to simply be ‘in the moment’ during sex. If most men can be very ‘in the zone’ during sex, women seem to have various thoughts running through their heads all the time (e.g., home chores that need to be done, kids’ homework, dirty laundry, etc.).

She’s full of… insecurities.

Women have many body image issues. While you may adore her, her mind is probably worried about at least three different things as you undress her: Is the light revealing any cellulite? Are my ‘love handles’ protruding? Does he think my breasts are too small/big?

If body image anxiety is not in her head, then she may be thinking about things such as “I didn’t shower yet, I hope I smell good… especially down there.”, or “I didn’t pee. I hope I don’t embarrass myself.”

ALL these thoughts are making her focus on the wrong things! It’s taking attention away from sexual pleasure and into sexual insecurities. And when a woman is in this mode, it’s almost impossible to her focus on reaching her own climax!

She really doesn’t know her own body.

There is a certain art form to making love to a woman’s body. It really does have a lot of mysterious curves, spots and turns. Sadly, many women don’t indulge in a lot of ‘self exploration’ when it comes to sex. As such, it’s hard to guide you on what makes her feel good or which techniques really turn her on. And really, if she doesn’t know her own body, how can you be expected to instinctively know what brings her pleasure, right?

The best thing is… it’s never too late to learn! Why don’t you BOTH explore her body? Don’t rush anything and try everything. See what turns her on best and use that knowledge to make her reach her orgasm. Make it your sexual quest! However, here are some clues to save you a few steps…

YOU’re not paying attention!

True, men are not mind-readers. Unfortunately, many women are not great communicators in bed as well so we have a little problem here. Compounding this problem is of course that favorite female bedroom habit of ‘faking orgasms’. As a result, YOU think that what you’re doing is great when in reality you may not even be close!

To solve this particular problem, try to develop a certain ‘sexual code’ between you two. For instance, a slight squeeze on your arm means “You’re doing great! Pls. keep doing it!”; while nails on your skin or arm mean “enough of that!”. You will receive more squeezes, however, if you know some important facts. Click here to learn more...

YOU’re changing ‘techniques’ too fast.

Men like to try different sexual positions and that’s great but sometimes you may be changing just a bit too fast. Women need to get accustomed to a certain ‘rhythm’ before sexual pleasure begins to climb. If you keep shifting positions, she will either (a) never find the position that brings her an orgasm, (b) lose the sexual pleasure she was experiencing in the previous position or (c) be so frustrated that even if you go back to the same position, she may not be that sexually aroused again.

So keep this in mind: when it comes to female orgasm it’s not just location, location, location… it’s also about repetition, repetition, repetition.

Hopefully this list of potential reasons why your partner is not reaching an orgasm paves the way for discussion between the two of you. Don’t focus on why she’s not reaching an orgasm. Instead, focus on what you guys are going to do, so that she does reach her climax. That’s a more positive approach and lot more fun too! Learn creative and easy ways to do it here…

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Online Dating: The Cold-Hearted Truth About Shirtless Photos

FACT: Survey after survey shows the body part that women vote sexiest and most desirable on men is the abs.

So how do you post shirtless photos in your online profile without lowering your value and looking like a try-hard tool?

Whether it's MySpace, Facebook, dating sites, or epersonals, any top online dating expert will tell you posting shirtless photos is a big "no no." In general, they are correct. But you've worked hard for that physique. So here are Two Simple Ways how to get away with it AND raise your value at the same time:

STRATEGY #1: Take photos where your body is NOT the main focus.

Don't think you have to hone in on your body for girls to notice all the hard work you've done at the gym. They notice. The point is that modesty is much more attractive than blatant obviousness.

A well-known example where the body is the main focus is the infamous self-taken mirror shot. This is possibly the absolute best way to scare women off. Want to add salt to the wound?...Pull your shirt up as you take the pic!

Examples of shirtless opportunities that will raise your value are candid action shots that are athletic or water related where you're not posing for the camera (i.e. drumming, sailing, hiking, surfing, skating, swimming, etc.)

***lifting weights doesn't count because the activity itself comes off as bragging. Who takes pictures of themselves working out? Honestly.

Not sure if your shirtless photo will lower or raise your attractiveness to women? Here's a super easy way to tell: Look at the photo and ask yourself, "Does it look like I specifically took my shirt off for the camera?" Or, "If photography was never invented would I still have my shirt off at that moment?" If the answer is "Yes" then you're good to go. If the answer is "No" then fight all your instinctual urges and trash that photo!

STRATEGY #2: Take photos where there's a REASON you're shirtless.

Take photos in situations where it's the social-norm to have your shirt off. Examples include the pool, lake, beach, water park, boat, BBQ on a hot day, etc. However, even in these shirtless scenarios you still want to make sure you're not trying to pose or flex those abs for the camera. Try and get pictures with friends who are also in their swimsuits. And photos with hot girls in bikinis is a fabulous way to create social proof AND take the primary attention off your own physique.

But listen! Don't go showing this article to every guy you know. After all, the guys who pose for their sexy abs shots are the reason a regular joe like me is able to steal beautiful women out from underneath their noses.

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#1 Mistake Guys Make When Talking To Exceptionally Hot Women

You are an average guy just like me, probably messaging or contacting super hotties infrequently. And complicating it further, she responded POSITIVELY. What happens next? We think to ourselves, "Oh man, I need to act smart…I need to impress her…I would not like to blow this one up!" And then you BLOW UP!


Why do we actually act different? It’s because we think, “This girl is too hot for me…I need to impress her…I need to prove myself to her”. And there’s the problem. You cannot get a girl by qualifying yourself to her. She will only go for someone who’s at par with her social status level. Remember that.


DON’T do anything special. Just act normal and treat her like everybody else. Check her out and see if she meets your criteria. I hope ‘only good looks’ isn’t your decisive factor. Remember, she’s a normal girl with a more refined exterior. That’s it. In fact, some of them don’t really have a personality and they are just so shallow because of their looks. She's been able to cruise through life by using her looks to get friends, boyfriends, material items, jobs, etc. Whereas the rest of society has to use its personality, charm, wit, work ethic, sense of humor, etc. We call these particular women External Validation Whores! These are the women who feed off of getting attention from their external surroundings, and most of the attention comes from men. Haven’t you come across one? I bet you have. To add to that, it wasn’t your fault that you blew it up with her. She just wasn’t right herself. She was FLAWED and why would you ever go for a flawed person?

And if you're a Matchbook Method member...when you are talking with a hottie, remember not to act anything different. Let her impress you and gain your approval.

As infamous pick up artist Mehow quotes, "Keep the pimp hand strong."

Nov 24, 2009

Should You Approach Women?

Friends, first of all I must say, I am not a dating expert of the kind. I do not teach people how to approach women or how to get a girlfriend. But I have been in the dating field, as an ardent student for quite a few many years and here is what I have to say.

I have seen men, walking by the street or sitting in a restaurant or café... If they get to see a hot girl walking or sitting somewhere in a corner, they just keep staring at the girl. Dude, this is not the way you do it. Approach her. Approach her. Open her. Take the initiative and make the move.

Remember, a very beautiful girl has always been ogled at and approached (if at all). So she WILL NEVER APPROACH YOU. You get me?

Even if you look like Adonis or have the money of King Solomon, she will just look at you or give you signals that she is interested. Nothing more than that...And what if she has not seen you? Then what? Why take the chance, men? Go out and know for yourself What She Wants.

I have seen that different girls want different types of men. Some very beautiful girls are just so INSECURE. They want a man. They want a father figure, if they are the royal pampered brats. Some of them are tired of the boy-toys that they want a man. Some of them are tired of the players that they want an honest man. Some of them just want romance and they want to fall in love. If you give them what they want, they are yours forever. I am not asking you to be a player. I did not want to be a player, never. But I wanted to be a real attractive man.


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