Yup... women have A LOT of secrets.
Her life is like her purse - stuffed full of *secrets*, and
getting bigger every year.
The problem is that when you meet a woman, you don't know
what ANY of them are.
Imagine how different things would have been if you have
known what those little "secrets" are?
- Like the time she blew that guy out on the dance floor...
sucked on it like there's no tommorow
- Or how she gets a certain "high" doing "it" in public
- Or how she secretly likes doing "naughty", slutty little
things to you but was just too shy to say any of it at all??!
Wouldn't it save you a whole bunch of frustration if you could
just find a way to get her to reveal some of these deep, dark
secrets at the get-go... right at the very start?
Not to mention that if you get a woman to reveal her DARKEST
secrets about herself, you make it 10x EASIER to take her
home and sleep with her!
Master this and you will be GREAT at seducing women, because
once a woman has opened up and revealed herself to you,
she's yours for the taking.
#1: Get her to tell you a childhood secret.
This is where it all begins. By getting her to invest a little
with you by telling you this, she's going to start opening up
more to you.
Start small.
I usually ask her: "So I bet you were a real 'nice girl' when
you were growing up. I bet you never got into trouble."
Then she's going to smile and laugh, and say something like,
"Yeah, right!"
Then you challenge her again, and tell her: "Oh, really? What,
like you made a prank phone call? I don't know... Tell me what
you did that was so 'bad.'"
That will push her into revealing something about herself
to you.
#2: Get her to tell you about her wildest night out with her
girlfriends - and something wild that one of her FRIENDS did.
This one is the "gateway drug" for a woman that gets her to let
down her guard and really open up.
You see, when a woman is out with her friends, she does things
that she might not normally do. Not freaky in a sexual way, but
just wild because her girlfriend's behavior gets her to act
more like the group than herself. It's the mob mentality.
What you're doing is getting her to start thinking about those
wild times, even if she doesn't tell you about all of them.
In fact, she will probably hold back on 90% of the crazy shit
she did on those wild nights.
But what's easier for her to reveal is something one of her
friends did on one of those crazy nights. Hey, it's not HER,
after all, and it's easier to talk about someone else's wild shit.
The key to this step is - don't be judgmental!
Don't make any comments that make it seem like you're judging
her friend negatively, or against that kind of behavior.
Tell her that's all cool, and you wish you'd been there to see
it yourself.
#3: Reveal a dark secret of your own.
This is really key.
A woman has a radar that tells her when she's "clicking" with
someone. And one of the biggest parts of that is when she
senses that she's getting as much from you as she's giving.
This enables a sense of connection from her.
So what you have to do is to think ahead and plan out what you
will give up as your sacrificial lamb - your dirty secret.
What I usually tell women about is the time I was playing with
my cute cousin, when we were just getting to be around 5 or
6 years old.
We were pretending we were a married couple and we would go
off to work, and kiss each other goodbye. Hey, we didn't
know any better, we were just kids. But it was kinda wrong,
but still fun at the same time.
Now most women like that story because they've encountered
some guy that they would like to have had but couldn't because
of some taboo (typically he was married.)
I suggest the story be absolutely true, because bullshit won't
work here. She'll figure it out in a heartbeat, and you'll
actually hurt yourself in the trust area.
You have to have a lot of detail in your story, too. That
will make it more convincing, and it will draw her in like
bees to honey.
#4: Get her to reveal her "dark little secret."
After you've told her your story, this is the perfect time
to spring this on her.
You see, there's this little psychological principle called
the "reciprocity" rule. It means that if you do something for
someone, they feel compelled to do something for you to return
the favor.
To not do anything would leave an outstanding debt on them
that they don't want. (This is also why most people refuse
the most basic of favors from you - especially strangers.
You can't do nice things for people because they'll feel
indebted to you.)
But this works for you because now she will want to reveal
something to you to "pay back" this debt of trust.
The key here is to make sure she's really giving you a good
"dark secret" in exchange. Some women come up with some
really lame shit, like they shoplifted a pack of gum.
If she does this, you can't accept it. You have to call her
on it by saying, "Oh, now come on... I gave you something
really good there, and that's the best you can come up with?
You must be some kind of innocent girl that's never even
kissed a guy before."
You tease her into going further and telling you more.
Now you see what we've done here?
We've moved her along the trust line from mild disclosure
(small secrets) to the big muthafuckas (DARK secrets.)
Oh, something really important here: If she does finally tell
you something dark, you do NOT make fun of her. She went out
on a limb by revealing this to you, so you need to make sure
you don't violate her trust by making her feel like a fool
for doing that.
When she's done, buy her a drink to reward her. Then do what
you did before for her friend and express nothing but
Then take her home and bang her the rest of the night...
Because now she'll want to act consistently with this new
"bad girl" image you've helped her create.
Check out my dating product reviews here
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