Aug 1, 2010

How To Make A Woman Respect You, The Second You Open Your Mouth

If you've been reading these emails for
any amount of time, you know most of
your success or failure with women
starts IN YOUR MIND!

(And if you haven't, don't worry. I'll
beat this point into your brain ;-)

And making a woman respect you
is no different.

It all comes down to what RESPECT
means. You know what it feels like,
don't you?

It's that feeling you get when someone
cares about your opinions... your life...
your well-being...

... But it's more than that.

It's also when the person you're
talking to has FAITH THAT YOU CAN
That you are "competent" which basically
means you can do stuff.

For example:

Your grandmother may care about
your opinions, your life and your well-being,
but she may have watched you drop
out of school.

So when you tell her you're going
to start a multi-million dollar business...

... She may not have faith you're
able to do it!

But your boss, who's seen you complete
task after task after task, may have
faith that you can do anything you
put your mind to.

And if he also cares about your
well-being - Then he's a man
who respects you.

The same is true with women.

A woman can like you. She can
care about you. She can wish you
the best.

But if she doesn't have FAITH in your
ability to "get shit handled"... ie. be
a successful man who can A) seduce
her and B) support her...

... You're gonna be friends.

The respect won't be there.

And without the baseline respect,
she can't be attracted to you.

This is all technical so far, so don't
worry much about it. I'm telling you
this because it's crucial for what
you're about to learn.

You don't need to remember any
of what you just read, except for
one, tiny thing:


Ain't no way to get around this

She has to respect you, to want you.

She has to respect you, to love you.

She has to respect you, to take you
- literally - into her body.

That's why you hear about women
picking men who are "like their fathers"
on an unconscious level.

This is because a woman usually
respects her father. And so she looks
for a man who fits her model of respect.

So how do you make a woman respect

The crucial piece is her having "Faith
You Can Get Shit Done"... or whatever
I called it before...

You have to SHOW her you can A) seduce
her and B) support her.

How? Well there are lots of ways.

If she meets you at your place of
work, or meets people you work
with, she may see THEY respect
you as a leader.

(Which is why we talk about giving
"leader" or "alpha" vibes, so much.
Dominance is a big part of this)

Say she sees you picking up another
woman. She knows there's something
in you THAT woman respected.. so...
She'll go after you to find it out.

(Which is why it's MUCH easier
to sleep with your girlfriend's
friends than it is with strangers)

But the most important and the most
RELIABLE way of all is the way you
talk to her.

And that's what you're gonna find
out how to do, today:


That's a little misleading.

Really, your "words" don't matter.
And that's the God's Honest Truth.

You could talk about the weather,
the baseball game, knitting... It
really doesn't matter.

You know this is true! Because how
many times have you seen guys
who are GREAT with women just
chatting about stupid shit?

All the time! Even in movies,
where the guy is supposed to
be "smooth" or "suave!"

The truth is: What you say is
only about 20% as important

And HOW YOU SAY IT all breaks
down to HOW YOU THINK about
talking to women.

So... Let's retitle this section...


How do you view a woman, when
you're talking to her?

Do you look at her as a place to get

As a goal? As an object?

Those are all very uncommon, if you
take them LITERALLY. But almost
99.9% of men - me included - slip
into thinking of women in these

Here's how we trick ourselves:

We thinking about women in "types"
or "groups." We do this with people
in general.

You'll meet someone, and you'll immediately
classify them into "businessman" or "hippie"
or "stoner" or "married."


Even titles like "old" or "slutty" or
"fat" do us little good.

Women can feel you judging them,
and THIS is what makes her lose
respect for you.

THIS is what screws up the power
in your conversation!

Think back to a time when you
were on hold with customer
service for a big company.

(I had a TERRIBLE experience with
Barnes and Noble, recently)

For me, I always feel like a fast food
customer. Like the person on the
other end doesn't know I'm a HUMAN.

To him, or her, I'm simply "one of
those customers." And because
I feel like this, I instantly lose all
respect for the person handling
my call.

Does that happen to you, too?
Of course it does!

Think again to a time when you had
GREAT customer service. For me,
T-Mobile has always gone above
and beyond.

I feel like they care about me.

I feel like they're listening to MY
complaint or request.

And I feel like they CARE whether
I am happy, or not.

Not a "customer." Me.

And I respect the hell out of them.
You would, too.

This is the shift you need to make,
when you're talking to women.

Start seeing her as an individual.
A unique person. Not one of a group
of people, or some type of person.

When you meet a woman, don't
try classifying her. Simply think
to yourself, "She's a woman."


Don't try to put her in a category.

(You can start to "sort" her once
you know ACTUAL THINGS about
her... Not just "first impression"
bullshit. Which can be highly

IMMEDIATELY, you will be more
curious and genuinely interested
in her life. And these are both
qualities she RESPECTS and
ATTRACT her to a man.

Hell, I even recommend doing this
with yourself.

Think of yourself as a "Man."

Not a "Weight Lifter"...

Not a "Reader"...

Not even a "Pickup Artist" or
a "Guy Who's Good/Bad With

... Think about yourself as a
"Man Who Likes To Do X"

Then fill in X with whatever you

Everyone is unique. Start treating
women in a unique way, and the
benefits are endless.

First and foremost - You'll be more
relaxed when you talk to her.

Because this won't be a "competition
to seduce a woman".... It will be "trying
to find out more about HER"...

Also, you'll be naturally more attractive
to her. The most magnetic people in
the world are the people who genuinely
care about and are interested in

Because who doesn't love a little
flattery, now and then? It only stings
or turns her off when you're doing it
to "get" something from her.

Finally, you'll gain her respect.

I can't explain this one, any more
than you've seen, above.

But I promise you - Try this simply shift
in your thinking out, and you'll see the
difference "light up" in her eyes.

It's not a "1%-2%" difference.

It's a Big 'Ol 85% Improvement
in your "Game."


Not to mention you'll be CRAZY
amounts more fun to talk to...


What do women want from a conversation
with a man? Fun. Enjoyment. Everything
in the world falls under those two

Sexual Tension is fun because it's exciting.
Flirting is fun because it's a game. Meaningful
conversation is fun because she gets
to share her thoughts with a man she

How can you make talking to you FUN
for women? It's simple: You need to be
having fun, yourself. And that's easy,
when you follow the teachings inside
The Conversation Cure:


at people. Think of them as "Men" "Women"
or "People"

And avoid trying to judge or put
labels on them. It's easier than
you think. And it's mighty relaxing.

2) CHAT WITH A WOMAN! Can't sleep
with her, if you don't talk to her. Can't
date her, either. Can't even register
as a "blip" on her radar.

So start one conversation. I'll do it,
too. So you and me are working
together - like a buddy system, for
you getting better with women.

3) RELAX! It's the weekend.

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