Have you heard people tell you that women don't care much about a man's appearance? Well, a person's appearance is NOT important, that's true.
Well, that's certainly partially true, but only if you're talking about long-term relationships that have already been established.
When it comes to first encounters and first impressions, it's COMPLETELY UNTRUE and they are damn important!
In a first encounter, men and women place EXACTLY the same amount of influence on the looks of the opposite sex. If you're in a club, for example, you're most interested in talking to the hottest girls. The less attractive or average-looking girls are usually an afterthought.
The same is true for women.
If you're meeting a woman for the first time, she DEFINITELY cares about the way you look. After all, she doesn't know anything else about you - you've just met - and the only thing she can use to judge you is your appearance! So, you mean to say, the first impression that you make is what makes or breaks her decision to want to know you more. Needless to say, it is SO important in your dating life.
So, in this regard, men and women are identical. Both genders use looks as an initial means of evaluating someone of the opposite sex. It's a subconscious process that happens almost instantly upon meeting someone new.
Now, let's be clear: Once a woman gets to know you, she'll be less influenced by the way you look. She'll know you're nice, funny, and easy-going... and that will make her care less about your looks.
That's great news if you happen to work or go to school with lots of eligible female bachelors. You can prove your worthiness in the workplace or at school. Mostly of aren't so lucky. We're not surrounded by beautiful women, we have to actively seek them out.
So for most of us, the problem is that we can't get past that "first impression" with a beautiful woman! She judges you based on the way you look, and BAM! ... 99% of the time, she's not interested, because she's already got better-looking guys drooling over her all the time.
Phew! Never thought about the importance of my appearance and first impressions so carefully...
Say you're standing in line at a local supermarket, and a gorgeous woman is ahead of you in the long checkout lineup. You've got a minute or two to talk to her. How can you possibly show her that you're a great guy in one minute? She's not going to give you the time of day if she doesn't consider you at least mildly attractive!
Unlike women, men tend to continue to put a lot of emphasis on a woman's looks even after they get to know her. Guys like to be with hot women, period. (Women are more likely to date an unattractive guy assuming she already knows him really well and loves his personality.)
But you're NEVER going to be able to get a woman to give you the time of day unless you're at least decent-looking. If she finds you mildly sexually appealing, she'll give you the opportunity to prove that you're a worthwhile guy.
You don't have to be a total stud, you just have to look decent so that she doesn't write you off as a loser before you get a chance to talk to her for more than a minute or two.
Now, what are you gonna do? You are no Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise of course...
In short: You need to be somewhat good-looking so that you can get past the "first encounter" and show her you've got a great personality. If you can do that, she'll stop caring as much about your looks, and you're in good shape.
That means you have got NO CHANCE with that beautiful woman down the street?!
Don't worry gentlemen, Marc, my friend, says, all is not lost just because you're "average looking" right now. Improving your appearance is possible.
You CAN become more attractive to the opposite sex simply by following a handful of techniques that will help you look better and feel more confident.
He has designed the Handsome Factor Appearance Transformation system to help average guys do everything they possibly can do ensure they're looking good. You CAN become more attractive to the opposite sex simply by following a handful of techniques that will help you look better and feel more confident.
Check out the Frog-turned-Prince System here.
You can reprint this post in your website or blog and link back to my home page, Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog - Ron C.
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