Meeting and approaching women is
the hardest and one of the most important
part that decides your success with women.
That's why, in today's email, you're
gonna discover:
* WHAT TO SAY to a beautiful woman.
One word that starts a great chit-chat
can't miss, or it's game over! Screw
these up, and you'll be single forever...
* THE $500.00 BET you can make
to increase your success with women,
ten fold! Here's why you should give
your friend a TON of your money...
... And hopefully a whole lot of
ways you can use the techniques
in this email in your personal
life, as well.
==> Get your Ultimate Guide to Approaching Women and Advanced Guide to Approaching Women
So, lets get started :-)
First things first...
These are the "must haves."
Without them, you're approaching
her at a disadvantage. They're easy
things to fix that win you bonus
points in her eyes.
So just run through this checklist
with me, and see if you pass:
1) GOOD BREATH - Carry mints.
Buy a tongue scraper. Floss.
Very simple... however...
Nothing is a bigger turn off
than smelly breath. So fix it.
2) "OK" CLOTHES - Nope. You
don't need to be GQ approved.
You simply need to not turn her
off, with your style. This is very
At the minimum, just dress like
everyone else. T shirts, jeans,
sneakers... Easy as pie.
Later, you can get fancy and
learn about style and fashion...
But you don't need to.
I approached and met the hottest woman I've
ever met in my life right after
a 9 hour flight... While I was
in sweatpants and a t shirt.
Baggy eyed. Tired.
Really, the goal here is to help
your first impression. You simply
want to get a "Maybe" in her mind.
Instead of a "No."
3) CONFIDENCE - This one's
easier than you think, too. You
see, "super human" confidence
isn't necessary.
In fact, being nervous around a
woman is kinda sexy, to her.
So don't be afraid to say something
stupid, or be excited. It's good.
The GOAL here is to have enough
confidence to approach the woman. And you
ALREADY have this level of
confidence. I guarantee it.
In fact, you simply need to "unlock"
it, in yourself.
Know how I know you have this
level of confidence? Because you've
told someone your opinion of
something before, right?
Maybe you voiced an opinion on
a piece of music... or some art...
or even your buddy's jokes...
... If you can tell someone how
you feel, you're confident enough
to at least APPROACH a woman.
==> Get your Ultimate Guide to Approaching Women and Advanced Guide to Approaching Women
Because they're basically the same
thing. You're walking up to her and
saying, "I feel attracted to you."
That's it.
Anyone who makes it more
complicated than that is trying
to screw with your head! Ignore
You simply need enough confidence
to let other people know how you feel.
And then, you just do the following
Before you ever try a line or a
routine or even thinking about
what to say, I want you to walk
right up to a woman and say
Try to carry the conversation
from there.
You'll be surprised at how easy
it is... or maybe how hard it is.
Whichever the case, you've
gotten a "taste" of what
your first approaches will
feel like.
And this "taste" is something you
don't get from books or videos.
So it's crucial you get that "taste"
for yourself.
Make it an "easy" goal. For example,
try to approach 4 women, this week.
Maybe 2, if 4 seems to high for you.
And make sure your goal is simply
to APPROACH. Nothing more. We'll
talk about why in the next step.
But each and every month, make
your goal a little higher. Or... if you're
struggling with your goal.. make it a
little lower.
(My advice? Keep it the same. Better
to struggle a bit than give yourself
The easiest way to "enforce" your
goal is to bet a whole bunch of
money to a friend you trust.
Tell him: "I have to do X many
approaches, or I lose this money"
And then think about how painful
it would be to lose $1000.00 just
because you didn't say "Hi" to
a pretty woman...
This is the magic.
The secret sauce.
The stuff that makes LEARNING
and FAILURE into a fun, positive
When you approach a woman,
honestly don't care whether you
get her phone number or not.
Forget about "forcing" a good
conversation, as well.
Your GOAL is to approach the woman.
Anything else is bonus points.
It's gravy.
And you can simply chalk it up
to bigger, better experience.
This will do MANY things to you,
on a deep, psychological level.
Most noticably: You'll be TONS
Which gets you HUGE results
with women. You'll be relaxed
because you honestly don't
care if you get the girl - or not.
You've already completed
your goal.
And next month, you can bump
your goal to include "Go for the
phone number, every time"
Adding bigger and better goals,
month by month is the easiest,
quickest and most effective way
to get better with women.
See how powerful the basics
of the basics are?
I DARE you... no... I triple
dog dare you to stick to the
three step plan above and
not hook up with a woman
by the end of summer.
I dare you! ;-)
So go gettum, my man.
==> Get your Ultimate Guide to Approaching Women and Advanced Guide to Approaching Women
1) BRUSH YO TEETH! And toss
on jeans and a t-shirt. Not to mention
find your inner confidence!
(details in the email above)
2) SET YOUR GOALS for approaching
women. And make them achieveable,
even easy for month 1.
3) PLACE YOUR BETS... And make it
hurt! My buddy Alex has $500.00 down
for 4 approaches per week...
4) UP THE ANTE - Month by month
add a little something extra to your
bet, and to your game.
Why not start today? Today's as good
a day as any. Just start approaching women, of luck!
==> Get your Ultimate Guide to Approaching Women and Advanced Guide to Approaching Women
You can reprint this post in your website or blog and link back to my home page, Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog - Ron C.
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