When you have an artist's eyes and a dirty mind, you SKETCH like this. __________________________________________________________
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
Feb 26, 2010
Shall We Sketch?!
Just found this video in YouTube. I love sketching myself and this STOOD OUT to me. You must see it.
Feb 23, 2010
That’s How to Play Hard To Get – But PLAY hard to get…!
Now I have seen something that most of the men, after getting advice from the so-called dating experts, that you should not pick her call up, reply her texts, act busy or just plain ignore her, completely try to conform to those petty dating tactics. But those don’t work.
Why? It’s because they don’t know how to play hard to get, can’t play hard to get or simply don’t want to play hard to get. That’s the problem you see. If you don’t know how to play hard to get, you end up frustrating her. Furthermore, if you are trying to reach an outcome by playing hard to get and you are not doing it the right way, you are just conveying your insecurity, lack of confidence and neediness. And it turns women off from a mile away! Then there are some who hate even the term of ‘playing’ and just want to wait for her to come running to them because they had been so GOOD to her, almost good to a fault.
Guys, it doesn’t work like that!
If you don’t show interest, you CAN’T create that sexual vibe, where she knows that you are interested and up for the game. So, you have to show interest.
But the question here is how to show interest? If you show too much way too soon, it is not good for the game. The frame will change into something, as ‘I want something from you’. That’s not conducive to the game. You want her to pursue you. But when you TRY to make her pursue you, she actually gets the hint that you are needy of the outcome. She gets repelled.
Feb 22, 2010
What Creates Sexual Attraction in Women – Am I Sure? Well, you BET I Am
We have done this a couple of times and we are doing it again. What creates sexual attraction? That’s a long discussed mystery. You don’t know what creates sexual attraction in women. Unfortunately, women also don’t know what creates sexual attraction in men. Yes, trust me there. Some women will say that showing their beautiful hourglass frame will be enough. But no, it is NOT. They cannot be farther from the truth.
This goes to ALL WOMEN who think attracting men can be easy. No, it is NOT easy and in fact, quality men want more than just your looks.
Now, getting back to the topic of what creates sexual attraction in women, I will not say how to create sexual attraction. But I will list what NOT to do to create sexual attraction.
Remember this: Unless you make a move, you are not a MAN. If you move too much too soon, you are still not a MAN. Let me explain.
Feb 21, 2010
Art of Picking up Women discovered…
I was thinking of my interactions with girls, and realized something. This is I, ‘Nice Guy’ Ron, in my small dirty untidy apartment, tapping on my computer’s keyboard. Sometimes, I feel like I really work as a computer hacker does in his small little room, trying to break the intricate codes and feel so happy on each of his success.
Anyway, back to art of picking up women, have you considered what a woman wants from a man? I mean, she can be a topnotch lawyer or she can be the host at the local bar next-door. In either of the case, what does she want from her man? You might be thinking, the lawyer would definitely want someone highly educated, intelligent or such while the bar chick will like a cowboy kind.
Well, first of all, one of the basic facts of picking up women is to know that every woman is used to a specific lifestyle, a standard of life. And if you create that lifestyle for her, you pick her up. It’s that simple. That’s why it is SO important to first work on you and be the person she might want to spend her time with.
But here’s an important thing to learn when it comes to the art of picking up women. Do you think if you recreate your lifestyle, as she wants, she will be attracted to you? The truth is NO, SHE WON’T. Look when you are of her standard, she feels a rapport with you. That establishes the comfort, understanding and trust between you two. That’s called “FRIENDSHIP”, nothing to that intense sexual attraction she has for you.
So, what is that a woman wants from a man? She wants her man to be a MAN.
Feb 19, 2010
Approach a Woman in Bus, Train - On a Public Vehicle
Today I approached a woman. She was coming from the opposite direction. She passed by me, and I took a turn and went up to her, smiled a bit and said a calm Hi. I don’t what she was thinking. She had her earphones on. Anyway, she pulled them down. I just rephrased myself once more. And she replied back with a kind of shy, scared ‘Please no’. I felt kind of weird. I just left her alone. Rejection is part of the game. I will try on the new one that comes my way. And yes, I am not that great in approaching women. It’s still one of my sticking points. I am trying to overcome that, damn it.
Anyway, I’m very happy that I did approach a woman. I was getting a bit complacent with the fact that I am being regularly approached by women and that I get to know girls through my social circle more often. Yes, attracting someone towards me is not that hard anymore. But I need to do the cold approaches nonetheless. I want to be PERFECT and also meet some new cool people on the way.
I just figured two ideas while I was on the bus to a shopping mall. Actually I was trying to figure out what might be great opener on a public vehicle.
approach a woman,
pick up women,
public vehicle
Feb 18, 2010
High School Pickup – Tips to High School Flirting
It’s 1.47am in my watch. I am feeling sleepy, but still wanted to write a quick post on high school pickup. Here’s some truth about high school flirting and approaching women.
I think you probably know that one of my sticking points during my school days was how to flirt in school, that is, school flirting. I always found it hard to approach women in school. Yes I’m talking about the day game. When I was learning the Mystery Method, I didn’t show any interest. When I was learning the Gunwitch method, I was coming on as strong and weird, period.
You cannot just act all aloof around her and passing a weird neg on her, hoping that she will take the bait. Even if she does, you don’t have the knowledge whether she is attracted to you or not, because you cannot show interest until she shows it. And there lies the problem of high school flirting. That’s the problem in using Mystery Method. How can you fucking flirt if you don’t show interest?!
high school flirting,
high school pickup
Feb 17, 2010
Another QUEER Funny Pickup Women Video
Pickup women is MAGIC! You think so. Well, you are somewhat correct in that. It may not be the way it is proposed to be. But it sure seems like magic when it falls the right hands. Anyway, you probably know Mystery of Mystery Method, right? Tell you what, to me he seems the Father of Pickup Women. Below is a caricature of Mystery Method and Mystery. Pickup women is THAT easy?! Go check the video below:
Hope you liked it. I just found it while surfing. Comment on it if you want.
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
Hope you liked it. I just found it while surfing. Comment on it if you want.
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
Mystery Method,
pickup women
Pickup Women or Fall in Love with a Woman
The other day I was thinking about something. Well, my friends say that I think a lot. And recently I got a very strange and likeable compliment from one of my friends, that is, I THINK like a WOMAN! She said that I could delve into a woman’s mind and speak for her. I take that as a compliment.
So, I was thinking…and I was thinking about how some people helplessly fall in love with a woman, and some just pickup women for quick lays. You cannot blame anyone of them because if you look at it, both of them are very honest at their approach.
As Mystery of Mystery Method says, just treat it as a game. In any game, you need to learn the skill. So, focus on learning the skill and you will become a master soon. That’s what most pickup artists ultimately believe in. They perceive women as objects, subjects of prey. The more they prey on, the greater a player they are.
But tell this to the people who have suffered a breakup recently. They have a very different viewpoint, and tell you what, I completely relate with them. I have been in love myself. I just love that feeling, so novel and refreshing. I love the pain, the anticipation in love. I love to fall in love with a woman. I never condoned being a player. Maybe I mingle with a lot of girls, but I strongly believe that I am not a player.
fall in love with a woman,
pickup women
Feb 15, 2010
Fuck Off, Problem Girls!
I NEVER want to highlight myself as some invincible SUPERMAN who wins every time. Oh come on, that concept sucks! I am rather some who has to deal with rejection from time to time. In this post, I will tell you how I deal with the problem girls. Yes, I have met my fair share of problem girls by now. Bros out there, they SUCK big time.
In fact, let me tell you a story. I met a somewhat hot girl a few months ago. I have a peculiar habit of being in touch with most girls I have met throughout my life. It’s never as one night stands and I prefer to milk the cow regularly, rather than kill them and eat their meat one day. That sounds kind of filthy and if any woman reads that line, she would feel bothered and maybe write me a ‘sweet’ comment or email. But that’s okay. I am talking with my male brothers here. And in this post, I am going to be the typical jerk and will let out the poison, for sake of fellowship.
So, I was talking of that girl. I really don’t understand that girl till now. She calls me up now and then. I flirt heavily with her. And then she disappears. Every time we meet, I don’t act like the ‘nice guy’ but rather become the horny jerk and make all the advances on her. She accepts it, never says ‘no’. If she doesn’t say no, she is saying YES. Anyway, I am more of a commitment person. To be honest, I’m a typical cute boy and I get hit on by a lot of girls when I am out. They flirt with me. I can understand what they are saying. I flirt back, most of the times. But to be honest, I don’t really like to flirt and sleep around. I am looking out for ‘my type’. I know there are certain numbers of guys who think like me.
And every time this girl tries to fuck my mind, I get real pissed off.
problem girls
It's All About Generating Sexual Attraction In Women
It’s all about generating SEXUAL ATTRACTION in women, the animal physical attraction women crave for. Trust me on that.
Have you ever noticed when a man or a woman (not together, but single) enters into a room, all the eyes turn towards him or her? To be more specific, they haven’t done anything special yet. They just enter. Perhaps they spurt out a charming Hi to the immediate person they meet, socialize a bit and then go to get them a drink. Well, that’s what you do normally do. Yeah, but the difference is when they are NOT trying a bit, they are getting instant attraction. And let me tell you once again, they are generating sexual attraction in women or men around them.
What they have is their ATTITUDE. When they are not doing anything unique, they are actually conveying a huge inner power inside them, a kind of higher status conveyance that appeals to both sexes. Their eyes, their facial expression and their body language, everything works for them. What they have is a strong sexual energy around them, and it comes from sexual confidence. Generating sexual attraction in women or men is not hard, but it belongs to another realm that normal daily pickup artists who are so obsessed with pickup lines and routines are yet to reach.
And let me tell you one thing straight. Without generating sexual attraction in your woman, you are doomed!
Your romantic life will never soar and you will always date your right hand, if you know what I mean. Even if you were the jumping entertaining monkey or the super-jerk Stifler, you will always end up LAST. Remember, it’s not always the ‘nice guys’ who finish last. It’s all of us who don’t know how to generate sexual attraction in women. Hey, don’t panic! I’m still here.
Feb 12, 2010
How to Impress Her, Make Valentine Day Special
Some cool techniques to Ignite Romance on the Valentine's Day...
I really NEVER condone with what most pickup artists advise. It sounds stupid! Be a REAL MAN. The video below tells you how to be practical yet wow the girl on valentine's day.
I don't know Arkady...never talked with him. But I like him.
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
I really NEVER condone with what most pickup artists advise. It sounds stupid! Be a REAL MAN. The video below tells you how to be practical yet wow the girl on valentine's day.
I don't know Arkady...never talked with him. But I like him.
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
Feb 11, 2010
How to Deal with Rejection from a Woman
Rejection from a woman…now that’s something men despise, men fear and men are nauseated by.
Of course, that’s natural. Rejection from a woman feels like a BIG BLOW to a man’s ego and I, being a man, know it.
Now here’s the thing. As in each of my post, I talk about some particular abstract topic. In this one, I will talk about rejection and how to deal with rejection from a woman. See, I am not a big proponent of those ‘e-How’ or ‘wiki How’ lists. They seem unpractical and stupid to me. We must get to the root of it and try to handle it the most suitable way.
So, what to do when you are being rejected by a woman? How to deal with a rejection from a woman who you would have liked to know more about? You were really sincere this time. Yes bro, it happens.
Sometimes, you want to be genuine with a girl and that girl turns out to be such a JERK, to be honest. No, I’m not a woman hater but yeah, I have faced it myself a couple of times and I just HATE it.
Anyway, let’s get to the point. Why do you get rejected by a woman in the first place? Try to understand that.
Is it YOUR problem or is it HER problem?
Feb 9, 2010
How to approach women and get QUALITY women in Bookstores, Cafes...
I just found this audio piece at YouTube, I thought you would like it. It's by Carlos Xuma.
The qualms that I have is, I CAN'T see the girl! How does she look? That would have given me a clearer idea. Anyway...
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
The qualms that I have is, I CAN'T see the girl! How does she look? That would have given me a clearer idea. Anyway...
Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
appear confident,
approach women,
non needy
Feb 7, 2010
Solve Sticking Point: Approaching Anxiety – How I Solved Mine
Approach Anxiety is something most of the men feel when they are out to approach a woman. What is Approach Anxiety? Hands sweating, hearting pounding, lips sealed, and eyes ogling at that delectable woman yonder…you want to go talk to her but you JUST CANNOT. That’s Approach Anxiety, a big sticking point for many.
Why does Approach Anxiety come up when we think of approaching women? A whole of scientific basis behind that…am not going to discuss that in this post, I am keeping it for some other post. For the time being, just know that it is hardwired into our system since the primordial times and it’s something you cannot circumvent or solve EVER.
It will STAY there. This sticking point will STICK forever.
And let me tell you it is really clever and dangerous when it comes to your being to approaching women. Why? When you are a newbie or AFC, you won’t understand what is happening and everything you don’t approach that woman, you curse yourself. You REGRET!
But let me tell you that it is far better than the guise of approaching anxiety in the later stages of your learning the game. When you are well into the game, your approaching anxiety is NOT going to go away, but it starts to feed your ego and stops you from going for it. Let me explain. At first, when you are a newbie and you can’t approach her, you beat yourself up. You feel a lack inside. But some time into the game, you start to feel powerful and you start to qualify woman. And this is where the problem starts.
approach anxiety,
sticking point
Feb 5, 2010
Become Sexual Attractive - Tips for a Nice Cute Guy
Check my photo…!
I don’t know if I’m cute or not (though I have been complimented by many girls before) but one thing, I AM NICE. I just can’t be a jerk. That’s my problem.
And I know many guys out there have the same problem. They can NEVER be the ARROGANT JERK that women most likely crave after. But you want to become sexual attractive as those bad boys. That’s completely understandable. Remember I was already there.
So, here’s the deal. In this post, I will reveal how to become sexual attractive and it's dominantly for those nice cute guys.
Now, what does this Bad Boys do that women go crazy over them? Let’s see:
Feb 2, 2010
Oxis International Anti Aging Antioxidant Products Review
If you think your skin is being daily attacked by the notorious free radicals, nitrogen and oxygen, and creating a hell lot of oxidative stress for your body and mind, then Oxis International is there for you. Your question is simple. Who is this Oxis International? Well, Oxis International is a multinational company, with its headquarters based in Beverly Hills, CA, USA, is engaged in the research and development of the products and solutions that would thwart the consequences of the oxidative stress.
Remember, oxidative stress can be extremely harmful to your mind, body and soul, and Oxis International is coping with that to render the humankind a better healthy life.
And, these antioxidant products…have you thought how useful they are for your dating life? Apart from the glutathione anti aging products, there is the super antioxidant, L- Ergothioneine (commonly termed as ERGO), which is the patented antioxidant solution of the Oxis International and the only spring of the pure chemical compound, l-ergothioneine.
If you want to improve your dating life, as well as your overall health and wisdom, here is the web address for you below, the Holy Grail for your life.

You can reprint this post in your website or blog and link back to my home page, Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog - Ron C.
Remember, oxidative stress can be extremely harmful to your mind, body and soul, and Oxis International is coping with that to render the humankind a better healthy life.
And, these antioxidant products…have you thought how useful they are for your dating life? Apart from the glutathione anti aging products, there is the super antioxidant, L- Ergothioneine (commonly termed as ERGO), which is the patented antioxidant solution of the Oxis International and the only spring of the pure chemical compound, l-ergothioneine.
If you want to improve your dating life, as well as your overall health and wisdom, here is the web address for you below, the Holy Grail for your life.
You can reprint this post in your website or blog and link back to my home page, Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog - Ron C.
anti aging,
free radical,
oxis international
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