Sep 30, 2010

Why Women Love Jerks, Instead of Nice Guys

I want to ask you an important question:  why do women love jerks?

This is a question you've probably asked yourself at some point in your life.  And you might even wonder why women will ditch a guy who treats her well, only to go after an arrogant prick!

Sep 29, 2010

Top 5 Things to Note While Seducing Teenagers, 20-30 Years Old

Here's an excellent post by Simon Heong --
"Seducing Teenagers, 20 And 30 Year-Old Women"

I've been talking to a lot of younger girls (18-19) at the
moment, and actually making a real effort to hang out with
people younger than me - most of my good friends are 33-39,
to my youthful 31.

Sep 27, 2010

Top 10 Tips on How To Meet Women At Parties

Today I am going to give you some KILLER tips on how
to meet women at parties:


               The more you party, the more likely you'll know
       where the parties are. And the more parties you go to,
       the more likely people will invite you next time. So make
       it a habit to do something to expand your social circle
       every weekend.

4 Rules for Seducing Women

Like most guys, I'm sure you want to know the "secrets" for 
seducing women. The problem IS there really isn't major 
technique that works. There isn't a magical word or phrase
that'll automatically make a woman want to sleep with you.

With that said, there are a few concrete RULES that'll increase
your chances for seducing women.

Now there is a logical process for mastering the art of 

While it can all be covered in one post, I'll do my best to
give you what I consider to be FOUR crucial elements. So let's 
talk about them...

5 Ways to Start Conversations when Approaching Women

As you probably know women HATE pick-up lines.

Using them will completely ruin your chances. At best, she'll
laugh at you. And the worst is you'll be faced with a pretty
angry chick. 

The good news is there's a lot of different ways to start 
conversations in way that comes across as natural.

Specifically, I want to give you FIVE ways you can start a 
conversation with women...

What If She Wants To "Be Friends"

So what do you do if a woman wants to be "just friends"?

       The first thing you do is to move on temporarily, or
at least give the impression that you have moved on.

       Why? Because when a woman gives you the "let's just be
friends" line, it usually means:

Sep 26, 2010

6 Rules For Meeting Women During The Daytime

There are a lot of different ways to meet women.

Yet, most guys ONLY use places like bars & clubs.

The truth is the BEST chance to really meet a woman is OUTSIDE
a loud, noisy venue.

I've found that it's actually easier to meet a girl when you're 
out during the daytime.

In fact this can be your SECRET WEAPON for meeting women. One
that your friends will wonder how you're "getting" all these

Good Looking vs. Attractive

I was going to sleep yesternight and a sudden epiphany stroke me – about being good looking and being attractive.

This post is actually a continuation of the previous post ‘Do you have to be Good Looking to Attract Women?’ Do not worry… this post is not going to be long unlike my other posts. It is going to be rather short but complete dynamite. Read NOT once, but twice or thrice to get this under your skin, into your head.

Sep 25, 2010

Get TEN TIMES More Attractive to Women Instantly

Want to know how to make yourself instantly more attractive to

It's simple: get rid of your attraction killing habits.  Many
times a man can make himself ten times more attractive by stopping
certain things instead of doing certain things.

What male behaviors do women find unattractive?  Here's a quick

Sep 23, 2010

Is Approaching Women on the Street Worthwhile for YOU?

My simple and short answer: NO!

Do I say so after being completely unsuccessful at approaching women in the streets? NO. In fact, I have got regular positive responses from time to time and some of them have become my good friends even. 


Then why do I say that street approaching women is NOT worthwhile? It is because of the success percentage in return of the huge amount of time and effort investment.

Sep 22, 2010

Facial Beauty: Are You Facially Attractive Enough?

Yes of course, man. There is.

You cannot deny the facial attraction thing, when you are learning to be a PUA or even trying to be more attractive to women. Facial beauty holds the 'opening' key, if you know what I mean. But is that everything you want to have? NO.

Your facial beauty will create some attraction no doubt, but that's more like curiosity on the part of the woman (remember they are cats, meow!). You have the face of Tom Cruise and women will want to know more about you. But if you think they will jump into the bed, just because you have an angel face, you are SO mistaken, dude.

Sep 21, 2010

Do You Have to Be Good Looking to Attract Women?

There is a false notion circulating around the world - you have to be good looking to attract women. This is so far from the truth. In short, you don't have to be good-looking to attract women. You just have to be a MAN. Don't worry if you don't get what I am saying. In this post, I am going to explain on this very fact. 

What does good looking mean in the first place? 


of good or attractive appearance; handsome or beautiful

Well, they used the word 'attractive'. And since it is all about attracting women, you have to be attractive, in other words, good-looking, duh. Right? Wrong.
Good-looking means handsome and beautiful, but NOT attractive.
And that is not the be-all and end-all in attracting women.

Sep 20, 2010

Free your Fear and Approach that Woman

Tired of shaking in your boots for hours on end? Tired of coming home, alone, wishing you had said something to that gorgeous girl in the whatever-color dress? I am with you. 
Believe me, any professional PUA that makes his living teaching men the art of Pickup has been there (and if they haven't; RUN! It's a scam!), but what makes us who we are today is the ability to get PAST that!
Right now you're saying, "Ron aka Nice Guy, what is going to motivate me to approach that girl when I could just as easily NOT approach her, and avoid the possibility of rejection or embarrassment?
Again, I understand that thought process as well and I'm going to give you the answer because I very sincerely believe that all men, of all ages, should share a particular freedom that our social history has bred out of us: 
The Freedom From Fear

Sep 18, 2010

What If You Face Performance Anxiety At That Crucial Moment?

You’ve connected with a woman and brought her to “that place” where she is ready to “go for it.” It started with her giving you a curious “uhhhh, can I help you?” glance when you first approached her, and in less time than you thought, she’s now naked and on your bed and…yes…it’s on.
Just NOW, for some reason, Private Wood stops standing at attention.  He slouches on the job and can’t get back up.  Even when she goes into “drill instructor mode” (don’t you love when she gets all dominatrix-like?), your Johnson insists on tripping you up.

Sep 14, 2010

RSD Checklist: Success in Dating Women - By Tyler Dryden


This was prepared a long time back by RSD.
Nothing whatsoever has changed about the fundamentals,
nor will they ever change. So, this list should serve
YOU well, too. It's the result of some hard-core
studying and experimentation... and also the input
from some of the best in the game. Enjoy.

Sep 13, 2010

5 Types of Women You Should AVOID Dating

Here are 5 types of women that you should avoid dating if
you're interested in developing a healthy long-term relationship.

       1) Chronic Cheater

       Never date a chronic cheater. Even though attraction has
a lot to do with whether a woman cheats on you or not (a woman
will be less likely to cheat on you if she's CRAZY about you),
some women are more prone to cheating. It's just in their DNA/
character and they can't help it. The moment you turn your back
on her and a hot stud (or even a not-so-hot guy) walks by, she's
going to want him.

Sep 8, 2010

Stop Your Nice Guy Behavior NOW!!

Today, I want to talk about a SPECIFIC behavior you *might* be
showing around women. 

What is this behavior?

It's the behavior of acting like "The Nice Guy" - NICE GUY BEHAVIOR
when you're talking to women.

Sep 5, 2010

Self-Improvement Classes to Improve Your Dating Skills

I am big on self-improvement and hence, here is a list of self-improvement 
classes that I think you should consider taking to enhance your dating skills and increase your success with

       1) YOGA:

       Costs: Anywhere from $15 to $50 a month

               - Will help improve your posture.

               - Lots of hot women. You will be outnumbered
               10 to 1 in most classes.

Sep 4, 2010

Become A Natural - Flirting Women Tips From David Wygant

If anybody can find the first part, please do let me know.

Tips on How to Become Natural in Flirting With Women (Part 2)