May 27, 2011

Kiss A Girl Within 40 Seconds Or Less? You Must Be Kidding!

Disclaimer: Though I am a big proponent of what you call the essential 'Don Juan' theory. I love to love women, cherish them and celebrate their womanhood, not just for a day or a month, but for a whole lifetime! It's about love, NOT 'bout sex. Yet as Simon Heong suggests here, some quick love-making sessions don't hurt either ;-)

If you've ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn't
know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a
completely mind-blowing experience just to watch in the first

May 25, 2011

Being Shy SUCKS Big Time!

Being shy is like the anti-thesis to
being good with women.

In case you're not familiar with the
term anti-thesis, let me put it like this:

If being good with women was
sweet as pumpkin pie, or fresh
as apples from a New England farm...

May 13, 2011

What Attracts a Woman To a Man?

Tell you something…even at the end of his life, a man still tries to figure out the answer to this question. And the answer is not so easy…phew!

I can’t say that I have figured out the answer to the question, but after these couple of years, I do have a vague idea of what I THINK is the answer.


As you know, we talk about some rather subjective, and at times
even philosophical ideas around here.

And just like I mentioned a few newsletters ago, it's all good.
Some of those "deep" ideas are what really give you an "unfair"
edge over other guys.

May 10, 2011

What Attracts Women Like Bee to Honey!

There are a lot of guys out there with
conflicting messages regarding what it
is and isn't like to be "Alpha."

As in "Alpha Man" or "Alpha Male."

May 8, 2011

Being Physically Attractive: Looks Do Count

Before you start thinking women don't care about looks at all, think again.  There is a certain element of physical attractiveness when it comes to getting a woman's attention, but it takes different forms than it does for men.  You might see them swooning over ripped movie stars in magazines, but on a direct level their desires are a bit more simple.
For women, physical attractiveness is based on four things, and they are all things any man can change about himself--grooming, style, fitness, and body language.

May 4, 2011

Love Women and Women Love You

Want to know a big secret about women?  You would?  OK, listen up,
and I'll tell you.  Here it is:  women like men who love women.

If you read any cheesy romance novel, one trait the hero always
possesses is that he loves women... in fact, he has a weakness for