Jan 24, 2011

The Eight Types of Women Game Men!

There are 8 different ways women
"tease" or "seduce" men into doing
things for them...

(while withholding sex!)

And each of the 8 types of women
has her own, unique way.

Are Women Offended by Your Sexual Presence?

 Is your sexuality inherently threatening to a

Instinctively, we know it can't be--at least at its essence--or there
wouldn't be six billion of us here on Earth.

So why is it that we're so afraid of offending women with our
masculinity?  Could it be we simply are confusing "sex" with

Jan 22, 2011

Quick Flirting Checklist For You

Here's a "flirting checklist" for you:

1)      Do you flirt with every woman you see?

2)      Are you playful when you flirt?

3)      Do you flirt without worrying about results?

4)      Do you always leave a woman wanting more?

5)      Do you tease women and bust their balls?

6)      Do you send mixed feelings?

7)      Are you unpredictable with your flirting?

8)      Do you create anticipation by pulling back?

9)      Do you try to make a woman say "please"?

11)     Do you act like the woman is the one who's
 hitting on you?

Jan 20, 2011

Why Txt Msgs Sck Dck

(c) Ross Jeffries

Why in the world would any guy in his right mind want to take a stepbackward down the intimacy ladder with women?
Yet that is exactly what many men are doing by following stupid-ass advice from “PUA GURUS” to use text messaging with women they’ve just met.
Listen: using your voice is far more powerful, conveys far more emotional meaning, and enables you to evoke far more powerful states of emotion than even the most cleverly worded text.

How To Deal With Her Ex-Boyfriend

It would be great if every new relationship started with neither of you having any baggage from previous relationships. But if you’re over the age of 25, that’s probably not going to happen no matter how strict the woman’s parents have been about her dating life. Everyone, including you, has a past.
If your date or girlfriend still lives in the same general area as her ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, then the chances are pretty fair that at one time or another you’re going to run into him. So how should you react when you run into her ex? Your best bet is to take your cues from her.

How To Be The Bad Boy Women Love

I want to start this blog with one of my favorite movie quotes.

One that'll help you create the mindset of the confident,
sexually attractive man to ALL women.

This quote is from one of my favorite movies of all time called
'Swingers.' Made in the middle of the 90's, this flick showcases
the dating exploits of a few guys in Los Angeles. Like many other
comedies there's one guy who is a "ladies-man" and another who has
trouble attracting girls into his life.

Jan 18, 2011

The Greatest Seducers of All Time!

I'll bet if you asked ten guys who claimed to be in the attraction
business if they knew what the names Rudolph Valentino, Gabriele
d'Annunzio, and Duc de Richelieu had in common, you'd get a blank

Oh sure, everyone knows the name Don Juan (a fictional character
based on a compilation of well known rakes of the era) and
Casanova, but how many people know the first three names?

Jan 16, 2011

How To Be A Challenge To A Woman - Women Want a Catch, Remember!

  Today I am going to show you a natural and easy way to
act like a challenge:

       By not making dating or a woman central part of your

       In my experience, most men are WAY too obsessed with
their love lives every time they meet a new woman. They want
to spend time with their girlfriends 24/7. They daydream
while they are at work. They stop hanging out with their
buddies. They even turn their schedules around to accomodate
the new relationship.

Jan 11, 2011

If You See A Woman Check You Out...

 Today's tip will be VERY short. I'm going to tell you
what to do when you check a woman checking you out...

       The answer is really quite simple:

       Approach her!!!

       Remember that women are naturally attracted to men who
are bold, direct, and confident. So if you find a woman checking
you out, just approach her and say "Hi" with a big smile.

       If she goes like, "whaaaat?" just flash her another smile
and say, "Nothing. Just thought you might be a interesting person
and so I came up to say 'Hi'. What's your name?"

       Or...if you're in a nightclub setting, you can flash
her a big smile or even toast her a drink from across the
room. Then then turn around casually and resume your conversation
with your buddies. Wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then approach her
table. (This is called a 2-stage approach and it works like a

Jan 10, 2011

5 Tricks to Make a Sexually-Charged, Fun First Date

Asking out a woman is usually the first and most important step
towards getting her. 

The problem is what do you do to maintain that attraction?

In other words, how to do create heaps of sexual chemistry on
that first date?

Well first off, it's important to understand WHAT really makes
a woman attracted to a guy. 

Jan 9, 2011

3 Dating Myths that NEED to be BUSTED about attracting a woman

Here are the 3 myths that NEED to be BUSTED about attracting a woman:

1.  Women only want a man that has money.
Oh boy!  This is one of those myths that average guys like to hold on to,  so that they don't have to deal with the reality of why they are not successful with women.  You just say that women are after guys with money,  and it makes it seem okay to not even bother trying.  Well,  that could not be further from the truth.  
Are there some women out there that are only after a guy that has money?  Sure.  Are all women out for the dough?  Not at all.  
Even when a woman thinks that she wants a guy that has a lot of cash,  she will usually end up falling for the guy that really makes her feel attraction,  even if he only makes a normal salary.