So... you meet a great woman but find out that she has a
boyfriend. It happens to the best of us.
The question is what do when you encounter the "boyfriend
Do you give up OR try to still make her
Well, if you're still interested in a girl DESPITE the
boyfriend, then you need to pay attention to the following
six steps...
Step 1: Analyze the Situation
The first thing you must do is look at your relationship
with her.
The reasoning is that if you are already in her "friend
category" the boyfriends REALLY it's the's
her ATTRACTION for you.
A quick test is to use "sexual small talk" and see how she
The truth is girls don't like dating their male friends.
Thisvis mostly because they do not want to ruin the
Even if she does ultimately get rid of her boyfriend, she
won't date you because she already considers you a friend
and doesn't want to cross that line.
The solution is, then, to get out of this friend category
and transition into a potential date rather than a friend.
If you're acting like her FRIEND, then the rest of
these steps won't work because her opinion of you won't
...UNTIL you make it happen.
Step 2: Pretend He's NOT There
Once you understand your relationship with her as
described in step one, you're ready to apply step two.
Simply put, you must ignore the fact that she has a
Don't talk about him with her.
Wait to see if she brings him up. If she rarely mentions
her boyfriend when she is with you, chances are that she's
not that interested in him.
Many girls get into relationships by default...
...EVEN if they're not really into a guy.
You can always tell how good a relationship is by the
amount a girl brings up her boyfriend. If she doesn't
talk about him then it's likely that she's open to your
Step 3: Don't Criticize her Boyfriend
Now if she does talk about her boyfriend several times,
you'll have to change your strategy.
To turn her interests your way, you need to change her
mindset to make her see you as everything her life is
It's important to never talk negatively about her
current boyfriend. This will only cause her to defend
him - Keeping her focus on him rather than you.
Stand apart from other guys and respond positively about
Comment on how great he sounds, which leads us to the next
Step 4: Talk about Her Boyfriend
At first you might think this is the exact opposite of what
I told you in step 2. But bear with me because there's a
method to this process.
When a girl brings up her boyfriend during a conversation,
you have to adopt a new strategy. The best way to do this
is to ask questions about him when she does brings up this
Another great technique is to exaggerate his positive
For instance you could say stuff like "Wow, you both sound
like a cute couple. I can picture you both still married in
ten years, a nice house in the suburbs and four kids."
This technique works because you are attaching that to her
fear of losing her freedom and independence. Consequently,
she will begin to think about what she is giving up and
never having fun, even if it is not true.
This is powerful stuff, so use at your own discretion.
Step 5: Compare yourself to Her Boyfriend
The next step is to create a "comparison" between the two
of you in her mind.
You don't come out and TELL her why you're a more attractive
Instead you talk openly about the wild and interesting
things that are going on in your life.
In a way, you're showing you're demonstrating positive
qualities she probably doesn't have in her current
Step 6: Explain Why You're NOT "Boyfriend Material"
Now, you can't tell her you would make a terrible
boyfriend... must transition into telling her why.
Talk about your adventures.
Make yourself sound like the adventurous person that's
not really "boyfriend material."
The idea here is you're reversing roles. Instead of being
the boring guy she's probably with, you're the guy who
is living the life that he wants to live.
This is a basic "reverse psychology" technique where
you're doing a take-away and making her work for YOUR
Overall, it's not that hard to get past the "boyfriend
obstacle." The key is to start with the six steps I
just described, while implementing 'small talk'
techniques that make her sexually attracted to you. _______________________________________________________

boyfriend. It happens to the best of us.
The question is what do when you encounter the "boyfriend
Do you give up OR try to still make her
Well, if you're still interested in a girl DESPITE the
boyfriend, then you need to pay attention to the following
six steps...
Step 1: Analyze the Situation
The first thing you must do is look at your relationship
with her.
The reasoning is that if you are already in her "friend
category" the boyfriends REALLY it's the's
her ATTRACTION for you.
A quick test is to use "sexual small talk" and see how she
The truth is girls don't like dating their male friends.
Thisvis mostly because they do not want to ruin the
Even if she does ultimately get rid of her boyfriend, she
won't date you because she already considers you a friend
and doesn't want to cross that line.
The solution is, then, to get out of this friend category
and transition into a potential date rather than a friend.
If you're acting like her FRIEND, then the rest of
these steps won't work because her opinion of you won't
...UNTIL you make it happen.
Step 2: Pretend He's NOT There
Once you understand your relationship with her as
described in step one, you're ready to apply step two.
Simply put, you must ignore the fact that she has a
Don't talk about him with her.
Wait to see if she brings him up. If she rarely mentions
her boyfriend when she is with you, chances are that she's
not that interested in him.
Many girls get into relationships by default...
...EVEN if they're not really into a guy.
You can always tell how good a relationship is by the
amount a girl brings up her boyfriend. If she doesn't
talk about him then it's likely that she's open to your
Step 3: Don't Criticize her Boyfriend
Now if she does talk about her boyfriend several times,
you'll have to change your strategy.
To turn her interests your way, you need to change her
mindset to make her see you as everything her life is
It's important to never talk negatively about her
current boyfriend. This will only cause her to defend
him - Keeping her focus on him rather than you.
Stand apart from other guys and respond positively about
Comment on how great he sounds, which leads us to the next
Step 4: Talk about Her Boyfriend
At first you might think this is the exact opposite of what
I told you in step 2. But bear with me because there's a
method to this process.
When a girl brings up her boyfriend during a conversation,
you have to adopt a new strategy. The best way to do this
is to ask questions about him when she does brings up this
Another great technique is to exaggerate his positive
For instance you could say stuff like "Wow, you both sound
like a cute couple. I can picture you both still married in
ten years, a nice house in the suburbs and four kids."
This technique works because you are attaching that to her
fear of losing her freedom and independence. Consequently,
she will begin to think about what she is giving up and
never having fun, even if it is not true.
This is powerful stuff, so use at your own discretion.
Step 5: Compare yourself to Her Boyfriend
The next step is to create a "comparison" between the two
of you in her mind.
You don't come out and TELL her why you're a more attractive
Instead you talk openly about the wild and interesting
things that are going on in your life.
In a way, you're showing you're demonstrating positive
qualities she probably doesn't have in her current
Step 6: Explain Why You're NOT "Boyfriend Material"
Now, you can't tell her you would make a terrible
boyfriend... must transition into telling her why.
Talk about your adventures.
Make yourself sound like the adventurous person that's
not really "boyfriend material."
The idea here is you're reversing roles. Instead of being
the boring guy she's probably with, you're the guy who
is living the life that he wants to live.
This is a basic "reverse psychology" technique where
you're doing a take-away and making her work for YOUR
Overall, it's not that hard to get past the "boyfriend
obstacle." The key is to start with the six steps I
just described, while implementing 'small talk'
techniques that make her sexually attracted to you. _______________________________________________________
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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