Jul 5, 2011

Night Club Game - Any Method You Have?

Hi, you guys are amazing.  I've been reading your newsletters 
for a long time now, and it's obvious that you have a METHOD.  
I like this.   
I've been working on my game for a long time, and found that I 
have my inner game intact.  I can really attract a girl, once
I know her.  But I rarely go to clubs or bars, so I don't really 
meet that many new women.
The thing is, I don't really have a SYSTEM or method like you 
guys do.  I'm seriously considering attending one of your 
workshops.  Do you teach your METHOD during these workshops, 
i.e. openers, running game, physically advancing, and all the STEPS?
I'm really interested in finding out as much as I can. I'm 
determined to get this part of my life HANDLED, and one day I'll 
be at least as good as YOU GUYS are!!!
BTW, I know you guys usually go out in the field in groups, but 
I'm wondering if you could offer some tips on how to have fun 
and stay loose, when going out ALL BY MYSELF.  I find that it's 
harder to go out alone, because I don't have "my friends to get 
back to," or at least a social safety net for my 
spontaneous/funny behaviour. 
Any ideas? 
-A, California
>>>>>> MY REPLY:
Do we have a method? You bet your ass we do. In fact, we've 
spent the past several years honing and refining that method, 
NON-STOP. And it's constantly evolving. 
Many people are content to sit back and just do whatever comes
to mind when it comes to interacting with beautiful women. And
this is fine in many cases, especially if your inner game is 
up to par, because in that case you'll be giving off all of the 
right subcommunications.
But add a comprehensive METHOD to the mix, and your success can
skyrocket beyond your wildest dreams. 
Let me put it this way: Social interactions are dynamic, living
things that change and evolve constantly. Within any given social
interaction, there are an infinite number of things that can 
But within that infinite number of possibilities, there are a 
few things that USUALLY happen, over and over again. When you 
take those probabilities into consideration and begin to 
structure your game around them, that's when the true value of 
a method becomes apparent. 
That's when your success or failure at the game ceases being a 
matter of statistical roulette, and becomes determined by your
skill and dedication. 
So yeah, we have a method. And it's a damn good one too, if I 
must say so myself. 
The RSD method covers all bases, from soup to nuts. From inner 
game, to understanding the social matrix, to openers, to phone
game and end game, it's all there. 
And it's not just for bars and clubs. The principles taught 
enable you to approach any woman, anywhere, and get consistent, 
predictable results EVERY TIME. So whether you prefer to hit up 
the nightlife or the coffee shops and bookstores, you'll be 
able to attract the woman of YOUR CHOICE.
So you wanna get this part of your life handled? That's awesome.
You wanna get as good as we are? Fat chance, sucker.
Nyuk nyuk yuk, just kidding! The best thing about this game is
that ANYONE has the ability to learn this, provided they're 
willing to dedicate themselves to it. 
I mean, just look at my story. Not long ago, I was a total chode
when it came to meeting women. In fact, I was terrified of even 
keeping eye contact with a woman for more than a couple of 
I knew I was a cool guy, but I just didn't know how to convey it
in a short period of time. 
Then I hooked up with the Real Social Dynamics crew, and I 
learned how to turn my life around.
And I'm still learning. All of us here at RSD are committed to 
always keeping the student frame, never being so arrogant as to 
believe that we can't learn something new. That's what makes
our system so powerful; it's the best out there, and it is 
constantly evolving to reflect new discoveries. 
So let's get to the meat of your question. You're concerned about
going out alone, because you lack a "social safety net."
Look... I PREFER to go out alone a lot of the time. It has some
tangible benefits to your game.
First of all, it FORCES you to approach. 
Sometimes, when you go out with your friends, even friends who
are skilled at game, there's a tendency to just shoot the 
breeze with your boys, and you end up standing there the whole
night with your d!ck in your hand. 
Figuratively, of course. Unless you're me, but that's another 
Out by yourself, on the other hand, you HAVE to approach, 
otherwise you're gonna end up standing around by yourself on 
"Death Row" with all the other LOSERS. 
Working without a net is great, because it forces you to pay 
attention and be at the top of your game. Re-frame things like
When I go out by myself, I get a feeling of FREEDOM, like, I'm 
totally unencumbered. If I want to leave at the drop of a hat 
for another venue, I can go. I don't need to gather my buddies
and make some big production out of it. I can do whatever I 
See how re-framing these things works?
Besides, this skill set is all about making new friends, right?
Use the skills to create what I like to call "insta-wings" right
then and there, on the spot. Don't have a safety net? Weave one
for yourself!
That's another huge benefit of knowing the game. Before I got 
into this stuff, if you dropped me into a room of 100 strangers, 
I would probably have just sat there along the wall with a drink
in my hand and not spoken to a single soul.
Now, you can put me in a strange city with nothing but the 
clothes on my back, and within an hour I'll have some new friends
showing me around and getting me all set up. It's an incredibly
empowering feeling. 
Anyway, keep going out, and keep challenging yourself, and 
you'll get this stuff in no time. 
Thanks for writing in.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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