May 26, 2010

Top Six Tips for a GOOD NIGHT OUT

Whenever you want to go out and work on your pickup skills, you want to make sure you get the fundamentals down first. Here are 6 tips you can use to ensure you will have a good night practicing Love Systems.

1. Be louder - Err on the side of being too loud rather than too quiet, especially in noisy venues. In any approach you make, every member of the group should be able to hear you comfortably. Vocal muscles are like any other muscles. You need to work them out. They will tire and become sore. And then your body will repair them to be stronger and more effective.

2. Improvise - Canned material is fine, but don't make it a crutch. You should never leave a conversation because you "ran out of things to say." Improvise. Try something - anything! Even "so, uhhh, where are you from?" is better than wandering off. You may not come up with the next spectacular line right away, but your subconscious will be thinking about it. Stay in enough conversations without a safety net of canned material, and you'll start to get really, really good.

3. Smile on the approach - You don't have to keep your smile plastered on, but smile in the first 1-3 seconds when you first approach. This will make people, especially women, more open to you.

May 23, 2010

Don’t Spit on Mystery or Mystery Method

Okay I know that in the seduction community, hardly anybody follows Mystery nowadays, and that’s why I aimed at writing this article, perhaps as a tribute to Mystery, the world’s number one PUA of all times. First of all, I have to proclaim that I am not an instructor of Venusian Arts or a paid follower of Mystery.  I have been in the field for quite some time now and trust me, I have been and still now continuing with my journey towards salvation. And nonetheless, everything I write in this article is coming from the core knowledge base that I have gained over the years and from the innumerous life experiences that I have had. So, instead of arraigning on the validity and sanity of the article without any legitimate reason just because it is talking about Mystery, it will be really appreciated if you would just keep an open mind and think about what I am trying to say here.

Let’s start with the very first thing. I can’t really say who coined the term PUA, but I heard the best definition from Mystery…”This is an art, and we are artists”. And that’s so true. We are not the vile seducers who want to take advantage of the opposite sex, nor are we the average chumps who “dream of getting lucky”. We are the pickup artists who live the dream, giving a whole new dimension to the lives of the opposite sex. We love women, and we make them fall in love with us. That’s the essence of being a pickup artist and Mystery defined it better than I did.

May 8, 2010

Britain’s Loose Lips League Table - Catherine Blyth

We prefer to do it in queues rather than lifts, hairdressers do it best and nearly half of us are it more than twice a week – it seems Brits can’t get enough of small talk.

Research by Chit Chat Bingo paints a vivid picture of Britain’s conversational habits with Belfast topping the loose lips league (see league table below) – and more than 15 per cent of us finding romance from conversations with strangers.
    • Nearly two-fifths of us chat to a stranger about once a week
    • More than half say small talk brightens their day
    • The weather and sport are the top conversation topics
    • ‘Do you come here often’ is regarded as the worst small talk opener
    • Simon Cowell and The Queen are most popular ‘dream conversations’
    • People chat more openly online than in person
    • Friendships, romance and marriage have been started from small talk


Brits find romance, friends and even business partners in queues  

People say we’re cold and reserved, but in fact most Brits are happy to make small talk with strangers, with around half of us indulging our chat-habit twice a week at least (49%) according to national research by ChitChat Bingo. 

So friendly are we that 16 per cent of Brits have even found romance through small talk, with a third making new friends and 3 per cent even identified a business partner.

May 6, 2010

A little explanation of the Coquette Game

The very first thing that you have to understand about the coquette game is that the very essence of the game is about validating the seduced. In this type of seduction, you are not really using any quality of yours to seduce the other person. Rather, you are sexually validating the other person. Well, it might not be sexual validation only. The coquette game is based on the concept of validation and approval.

Now, making someone qualify to yourself can be done in two ways: first, you have too high perceived-value and she feels the need to qualify herself to you. Second, you disapprove her, push her hard to get her to stand up and prove herself.

The first one, you don’t have to really do anything. All you have to do just sit and watch, keeping a poker face where she at times feels that she has gained your approval whereas at other times, she feels a doubt. In the latter case, you have to really stand up first of all and then challenge her. You have to disapprove her in a way, where she “feels the NEED” to qualify herself. If you are emotionally push her away too much or too far, you will literally snap the string and she feels insulted, de-validated and rejected. That’s not what your intention should be. You should be using a straight face, disinterested body language, controlled challenging…with a base of comfort and pleasure…so that she stands up to your challenge. She should feel that you are qualifying her and not rejecting her. At this time, you are being basically dominant over her reality, and throw in some strong displays of sexual interest to turn her on even more and hint at the pleasure and hope of getting back your validation.

Stages of Seduction

First Stage (essence – playful challenging flirtation, breeding challenge, attraction and likeability)
·         Playful
·         Challenge
·         Fun
·         Flirtatious

Transition to…Second Stage (essence - serious sharing, breeding trust and comfort)
·         Comfortable
·         Connect
·         Rapport
·         Sharing

Transition to…Third Stage (essence – serious sexuality, breeding sexual tension and craving)
·         Sexual State
·         Seductive Words
·         Direct Sexual Remarks
·         Romantic Compliments


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