Jun 29, 2010

Want to Approach a Woman in the Bar? Follow Nike!

If you have always been nervous to approach a woman in the bar, here's something for you from David Wygant.

Once again, women LOVE men of action. So, don't think, JUST DO IT!


You can reprint this post in your website or blog and link back to my home page, Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog - Ron C.

Jun 19, 2010

The Female Orgasm is Revealed, Wanna Be the Sex God

You see I have been in the seduction community for quite some time and I have been actively working on my game since the beginning of 2006-2007. What the dating coaches don’t tell you is that you have to PERSIST in the field to reach that ultimate paradigm of success. Yes, and I am very proud of myself for being able to conquer most of my sticking points, and push forward (one still remains…I will talk about in a separate post).

Anyway, here is an honest confession from my side. Over the time, many men from the seduction community will realize one thing like me. Look, we used to be nice people, oriented according to the social matrix and then suddenly we are directed how to act like assholes, and funny enough, follow some procedure to get a girl (courtesy Mystery Method). I am not decrying the use of Mystery Method, no I am not. But I am just trying to voice for the thousand men who get overwhelmed with all the knowledge about women, psychology and dating.

But it does a severe damage to your mindset. It gets you in a very analytical mode. Most of the men who are all about methods are just so critical and analytical, just about everything, even when the woman behind the cash counter smiles graciously at them, they think she is trying to throw approach invitations. Well, that can be true to some extent, but we do not tend to see what havoc this thinking process actually does to us. It diminishes our power of perception, and gets us to think! Too much thinking is bad for health, more specifically when you are having sex. I have suffered that myself. It just sucks!

Jun 18, 2010

Beyond Words Download - Nonverbal Communications by LoveSystems

Let's cut it straight. What you say hardly matters. It's always HOW YOU SAY IT that counts! And this is so important in women, dating and pickup... So says LoveSystems in their Beyond Words DVD set on how to use proper nonverbal communication in picking up and dating women. 

Okay, imagine this scene in your mind. Tom and Mary in sloppy factory rags are sitting side by side on the grumpy creaking bed, when Tom murmurs out, "...I just want you to know that I will always love you." Done with the visualization part? Okay, now tell me what is the relation between Tom and Mary. If you are even a little intelligent as I am, you would understand that you cannot judge their relation only with their words. It's HOW Tom says those words and how Mary reciprocates will help decide that. 

Okay, here are some questions for you.
  1. Okay so you are doing well, getting girls now and then. But, are you REALLY satisfied with your dating life?
  2. Do you feel that you are doing everything your dating coach is telling you, all the routines and gimmicks, and clever tactics, but still not getting superior results that you expected?
  3. Are you curious what your college buddy does differently from you that he gets all the girls in college while you are the so-called PUA?
  4. The seduction community is stowed with theories and tactics on Natural Game. Duh! Even after reading all those online dating materials, you still don't know what makes a "natural" distinct from you, right?
And I bet your answer is YES!

You see, this is just so important while you are out on to your mission of life, picking up women, whether you are looking for a girlfriend or want to get laid fast and furious. If you don't take my word now, you will understand what I mean, when you realize that you are not getting that much success as you always want to. Remember, there is much more to the word "Game"....You are interested to know more, right? Without further ado, let's guide you to Beyond Words by LoveSystems now.

Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.
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Jun 17, 2010

Learn Natural Game the Natural Way

This article is for the newbie pickup artists who just entered into the seduction community. Just look at them... they are literally inundated by the various methods from the hundreds of the so-called dating gurus out there. Some will be championing the cause of neuro-linguistic programming, some will be rooting for EFT, and some will be espousing the indirect stealth game. I have been there and I know how difficult it is for the newbie to decide what he needs in the first place.
Tell you what... you should not go for any of these kinds of games. I am not dejecting or decrying any of these methods, but the problem lies in the fact that they are all after all METHODS. Methods are not suitable for your social, mental and emotional development. Rather you should learn natural game. What is natural game? Natural game is the phase where you don't have to play any game, at least not consciously. You are playing natural game, when you just walk up to a girl, talk to her for a few minutes and without putting any conscious effort, she seems all over you. That's Natural Game.
Here are a few pointers to the people who want to learn natural game.

Beyond Words - Subtext 101 by Cajun

Alright gather around everyone, its time for acting 101: Subtext!

What is subtext? For acting, subtext is the underlying meaning behind spoken words as interpreted by an actor. What does that mean? Basically you're adding additional meaning to your spoken words by the way you say them. I'll give you an example:

Lets say I have the following (cheesy) script for a scene I'm about to act in:

JOHN and MARY are alone in the bedroom. Mary is upset and John is comforting her.

"John: Mary, everything is going to be ok, I just want you to know that I love you."

Now if I'm going to play JOHN in this scene there is a lot of information I'm going to need in order to apply the proper subtext to my dialogue. Things like:

What is the relationship between John and Mary?
If they are siblings then the line would be spoken much differently than if they were lovers.

What happened just before?
What if this scene took place right after they had sex?
How would you reflect that in the above line of dialogue?

This is all information that can be implied with the proper subtext.

So.what does this have to do with game? EVERYTHING!!!

Jun 11, 2010

Become a Player But…

You must know who is a player first of all. In the seduction community, I have happened upon men who are feeding their egos by preying on women. The very first thing that I must say is I have discovered something over these years that I have been in the field. Women are not your enemies for god’s sake! They want men as much we want women. And if you are coming from such a mindset where you think you have to conquer and win over women, whether through force or gimmicks, you are digging yourself into a hole from where you cannot climb out again. It’s your downfall process, I fear.

It is my 230th

Oh come on now! Get over that concept. I have seen men so like boasting the number of women they got laid with, they prefer the numbers. What the hell! Are the numbers necessary? Tell you what…the numbers only show how shallow and low standard you are. Lowly drunken bar and club skunks…the gold diggers…the maid servants (well, I don’t go for them, my policy)…It’s just shows that you are a horn dog in heat and you will get together with anyone that comes across your path. How loser like!

Jun 10, 2010

Alpha Male Movie Scenes - Snipped and Collected by David DeAngelo

Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.

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Jun 1, 2010

Western Guys Love Asian Women - Simon Heong

So why is that so many guys LOVE Asian women?

It seems like every year, more Western guys are dating and
marrying women from countries like China, Japan and the
Philippines. (And I can't blame them...personally, I think Asian
girls are the sexiest women in the world!)

It's not only their exotic looks we are drawn to.

There are a number of important reasons why men find Asian women
so appealing. Some of these reasons, we're not even aware of
on a conscious level!

Here are some of the big ones:

#1 They have strong sexual appeal.

The silky hair; flawless skin; petite, hard bodies; and exotic
Oriental features add up to combination that a lot of men find

Anatomically, the Asian face (particularly the women with
more "Oriental" features) is constructed so that it seems to
convey less expression and emotion than the faces of Caucasian

The construct of their faces makes Asian women more "difficult
to read" than Caucasian women, who tend to express and share
their feelings constantly (whether we're in the mood to know
about their feelings, or not!).