Feb 26, 2011

4 Reasons Why You Should Learn Daytime Dating

Most guys think you can only meet women in bars and clubs. That can?t be further from the truth. Just think back how many gorgeous women you?ve seen shopping. The great thing is that meeting women in the daytime is a great alternative. Here are 4 reasons why you should start meeting women in coffee shops, malls, colleges, and shopping streets.
You don?t enjoy going to bars or clubs.

Top 3 Places to Meet Women in the Daytime

One of the great advantages of meeting women outside bars and clubs is the wide range of places you can meet women. At night you?re limited to bars, lounges, and clubs. In the daytime you can meet women anywhere like coffee shops, theme parks, grocery stores, and so on.

What Do I Do?

*** QUESTION ***
I often get tix to professional highend shows in Los Angeles and 
WOMEN ( I have to been led to believe) are impressed/interested/
intrigued by guys and the uncommon events (Professional theater, 
Opera, Orchestra's, Dance )

Will I Hurt Them?

*** QUESTION ***
Hi Jeffy,
I hope I win some sort of prize if I'm the first person to email 
you with a question.  Maybe I should get a prize anyway for 
asking a question that you probably don't get very often.

Is Kindness Toward Women A Form Of Weakness?

There’s a big argument/debate on whether you can ever be “kind” to women.
Could she view this as a sign of strength (you are confident enough that you present yourself from a place of kindness and warmth) or weakness (that it makes you a pushover, an AFC, or worse)?

Feb 21, 2011

How To Have Sex On The First Date

Having gone out with with literally thousands of women and gone
to bed with hundreds over the past two and a half decades, I've
learned that there's nothing you can do to GUARANTEE having sex
with any particular woman. 

5 Ways to Sexually "Turn Off" Women

I looked at her like she was crazy.

About a month ago, I was engaged in a deep conversation with a
female "friend" of mine. The topic was what "turns on" women. 

What Are The 35 Laws of Subtle Attraction

From Jeffy (Real Social Dynamics) - 

So the linchpin of my teaching methodology is Attraction = Value.
My goal on program is to help the client understand this on a very 
deep level, and then learn easy ways to convey as much value as 

Feb 16, 2011

How To Series - Open Hotties Consistently

Find the total Dating and Pickup How To Series here.

What's an effective opener when approaching a woman on the

street who is already 'moving' (either in the opposite direction

you're going, or she is about to walk by you as you're standing


How To Series – Find a Girl of Your Dreams

I have planned to create a series on dating and pickup. In this article, I am going to tell you in a few minutes how to find the girl of your dreams.

Feb 15, 2011

Is That The Woman You Want?

From Shelley McMurtry - 

Whew! The cold front got to Austin last night at around 3:15am... and
I soon found myself outside, in the freezing cold wind (in my
Victoria Secret nightgown, nonetheless), picking up various items
that had blown off of the porch and into the yard because... yes... my
dumb ass didn't pay attention to the weather reports & wind
advisory and failed to take precautions prior to the cold front

Being A Man - Phew!

Well, I came home yesterday afternoon, it was a beautiful day
outside, so I decided to take a walk around the equestrian center
and visit a few of the horses. While walking, I came across one of
the women who boards her horse at the equestrian center. She was
checking on her horse, and the man that she recently started to
date was with her.

Feb 12, 2011



(I'll be less cheesy with "The Pro"
stuff in the future... but c'mon...
you gotta give me one "gimme")

Step One: Go where the single
women are.

Feb 11, 2011

When To Say "I LOVE YOU"

A question that I often get from my newsletter readers
is, "When should I say 'I love you'"?

       For most of my readers, the answer is "NEVER".

       Why? Because chances are, if you've only signed up to
this newsletter recently, you haven't gone out with the woman for
a long enough time yet. (By a long enough time I mean at least
one or two years.)

Facial Expressions - How Attractive Are You?

Yesterday I was in the gym finishing up the final workout of a
month long volume-loading progression.

It was a long workout, and I saw a lot of people come and go in the
gym, all with different facial expressions.

You can divide them into three categories.  Neutral (most
people's), attractive (very, very few), and completely unattractive
(a "vocal" minority).

Small Penis Problem

*** QUESTION ***
Hi Jeffy
You got some very interesting articles, good to read in free time. 
Jeffy my major problem is that I am suffering from small penis. Could you 
please advise me on this issue, what I would need to get it big? I know 
there are tablets & other means available but that stuff is not permitted in 
Is there any other way?

How To Calibrate To A Woman's Value

From The RSD Team - 

*** QUESTION ***
Hi guys,
Most of the material I read seems to concentrate on extreme techniques for 
getting with "10s" and such. They either have high self esteem or project 
it. Either way, they're used to being hit on a dozen times a day.

Get Your Body Language Right

Most men have no clue on how to use body language to attract a woman.  

But,  learning how to use body language to attract women can prove to be a valuable resource if you really want to attract beautiful women.  

After all,  when you know how to use "body talk" to attract a woman,  you can create triggers that will make you almost irresistible to women.  If you can trigger her attraction,  then you have her wrapped up and you can direct how the situation will unfold.

Get A Valentine On Valentine's Day

From StyleLife - 

Get Ready for Valentine's Day (next Monday)!
It's the BIGGEST PUA day of the entire year.
That's why I call it ... RED ALERT V-DAY.


Because on Valentine's Day and the days
leading up to it many single women will be on
the PROWL!

Who Is More Manly?

I managed to have a relaxing yet productive day yesterday, and
towards the end of the day I decided to run a couple of errands
before the stores closed. I also wanted to pick up a few groceries,
so I stopped by SunFlower Farmer's Market on the way home.

While there, I had the great surprise of running into a male friend
of mine. We ended up visiting for about twenty minutes. Now... I
don't agree with everything this man believes in... and his views,
on many subjects, are certainly not my views... but I always love my
conversations with him because he's positive, interesting,
knowledgeable and comical.

Complimenting Women The Right Way!

A nice guy walks into a bar, sees a beautiful woman, tells her how
pretty she is, showers her with compliments and then...

...watches in wonderment as she walks away with a guy who is, shall
we say, not so nice.

Women love to get compliments from men, no doubt.  But there are
the good kind, and the bad kind, and most men give the bad kind.

Want To Know How Love Science Works?

The science of love

When do you know if you fancy someone? What does love do to your brain chemicals, and is falling in love just nature's way to keep our species alive?

We call it love. It feels like love. But the most exhilarating of all human emotions is probably nature’s beautiful way of keeping the human species alive and reproducing.

With an irresistible cocktail of chemicals, our brain entices us to fall in love. We believe we’re choosing a partner. But we may merely be the happy victims of nature’s lovely plan.

Feb 7, 2011

THE Facial Expression "Trick" For Approaching Women

I'll be the first to admit that my approaching skills are less
than stellar. As I've mentioned throughout this newsletter, I
prefer to build a naturally attractive personality and make
women do all the work.

Yeah it's pretty lazy, but it works for me :-)

What You Must Do If You Run Into An Ex-Girlfriend

If you ever break up with a woman and then run into her
later (especially when she is already dating another man...), it
can be a very difficult and embarrassing situation for both of

       In fact...you will probably find it very difficult to
be nice and polite to her...

       But you've got to try.

Horrible Advice On How To Pick Up Women

From Jeffy -

Jeffy here, back again to bring you some of the most valuable secrets of 
social interaction ever to grace an email. 
Just kidding. This issue, I'm gonna give you some of the WORST advice 
you've ever heard. Let's get right to it.
In my travels and my work with Real Social Dynamics, I meet a ton of 
students who are just starting out in the game, and there are certain 
things that they inevitably struggle with during this nascent period 
of player-dom. 

Feb 5, 2011

How To Pass A Woman’s B.S. Tests And Win Her Over

Now, let me give you three scenarios to illustrate these principles in action.
Scenario One: You call to ask her out. Her response is ambivalent, something like, “Well, I’d like to but, why don’t you call me later in the week and…”
Here’s your response: “Let me ask you a question, point blank. Is going out with me something you can take or leave or is it something that you’re smart enough that you really want to do that?” Then shut the hell up and listen for her answer.

Attraction Code - Note From Vin Di Carlo

Ever learn something so powerful,
or so profound, it changed the way
you saw the world - forever?

For example:

* When Columbus proved the world
was round...

* When an apple fell on Newton's

What Women Want Is Passion

I once had a woman tell me, "I'd rather sit down with a man who can
talk to me for five minutes about something he's truly passionate
about and I know nothing of, then to spend even a second with a
hot, rich, dull guy with no imagination."

Bingo.  Every guy should read and re-read that.  It's what I've
been saying for a long time:  if you want to attract a woman,  you
first have to stimulate her mind.  Then her body follows.

Feb 4, 2011

Picking UP Women vs. Making Women FALL in Love

Well, if you don’t know already, picking up women is vastly different from making a woman fall in love with you.

In the dating community, you will find a huge hype about this whole term ‘pickup women’.

How do I pickup women in bars?

How do I pickup women on the streets?

Chris Orleans Interview

1. Please give us an introduction about yourself.

My name is Chris Orleans and I've been a seduction coach for men for over 4 years. In that time I've spoken at the 21 Convention twice, the World Pickup Summit once and have trained hundreds of men and indirectly coached tens of thousands through my videos and articles. I guess I'd have to say that I'm probably best known for my innovation in day game, ultra-fast sexual escalation tactics and simplification of the processes associated with both.

If you had to classify my curriculum under which I teach guys I'd call it a structured natural game. You see, there are a limited number of elements which comprise the idea of the perfect seduction, when you factor in things like obstacles and various contingencies you can now develop a learning strategy to get the maximum results out of minimal effort. Thus I try to teach all the pieces of the social puzzle while simultaneously integrating your personality within that framework.

Feb 3, 2011

Must-Know Attributes for Would Be PUAs

You may wish to have AWESOME success with women, but it won't be a
reality if you're not willing to invest your time to learn new

It's like hoping to win the New York City Marathon without going
through the proper training.  As much as you'd like to make
headlines, you'll never pull it off if you lack PREPARATION.

Sure-Fire Ways to Create Instant Attraction

The determining factors that makes a woman want to be with you is
not as mysterious as "experts" make it out to be.  If you want to
make the most of your time in meeting (and ATTRACTING) women, I
HIGHLY suggest you check this out:


There's nothing else quite like it.  We'll provide you with TOP
ADVICE for everything - starting from the most basic advice to the
highly advanced seduction techniques.

How To Keep Women In Relationships

You know,

Years back when I first started dating, I had pretty good luck
in "finding" women, but TERRIBLE in KEEPING them.

I found myself wondering why do women break up with men, anyway?

- Is it my looks?

- Is it because I had no money?

- Is it because of my boring, lousy-ass job?