Feb 7, 2011

THE Facial Expression "Trick" For Approaching Women

I'll be the first to admit that my approaching skills are less
than stellar. As I've mentioned throughout this newsletter, I
prefer to build a naturally attractive personality and make
women do all the work.

Yeah it's pretty lazy, but it works for me :-)
However, there are times where I see an attractive girl and I
know the ONLY way I can meet her is to "sack up" and be the one
to start the conversation.

Now there are a TON of different ways to approach a woman.

Furthermore, I think the problem is I'm not really into
long, complicated conversation starters which require a
lot of memorization. Instead, I prefer to us simple and
direct openers that immediately get the ball rolling.

Who wants to waste 10 minutes telling a story in the hopes
it'll make a woman interested???

So whenever I see a girl I want to approach, I like to resort
to an opener that works INCREDIBLY well. In fact, I've used it
to start a conversation with over 90% of the women I try it

Truth is, you can "approach" a girl without saying a word!

Whenever a person is in a public setting, it's human nature
to look around and observe who's around. You can use this to
your advantage...

If you spot an attractive girl, wait till she looks around the
room and sees you. When she does, LOCK eyes on her and hold it.

At this point, you have TWO choices:

1) Hold eye contact and wait till she looks away

2) Hold eye contact and take it one step further...Flash an over-
exaggerated face that'll make her laugh.

MY choice is to ALWAYS flash a funny, playful face!

Why does this work? Well I've found that people act really
serious when they're in a public setting. Most are afraid to
act themselves and end up displaying a cold demeanor.

And you can set yourself apart by displaying a funny attitude
when a woman sees you. Without saying a word, you're telling
her that you're a FUN guy that she would want to meet.

As I've discussed in a previous email, women use eye contact to
show their interest in a guy. So if a girl laughs, smiles, or
displays ANY sign of interest, then you're being given what's
known as a "approach signal."

This is basically an unwritten invitation for you to walk over

What type of faces should you make? Well there really isn't a
strict formula. I usually like to give women a slightly childish
look whenever we lock eyes. (Trust me, this works)

For instance, here are some faces you could make:

~~> Stick your tongue out.

~~> Give her a "pouty" look.

~~> Do a really exaggerated "pick up artist" wink.

~~> Demonstrate a demure and mock-embarrassed look.

~~> Display big "shit-eating grin" smile.

~~> Do a fake angry look, and then crack into a smile.

~~> Give a quick head tilt (like the "what's up" expression.)

~~> Send a quick wave.

~~> Do a mock "in love" expression (grab your chest and flutter
your eyes.)

~~> Do a fake a suspicious look (like you're not sure why she's
looking at you.)

If you're not sure how this works, let me give a quick example
that was used by my buddy, Aaron. Now Aaron isn't the most
attractive guy in the world, BUT he's pretty good with women.

In fact, he met his current girlfriend at a nightclub a few years
back when (upon locking eyes with her) he went to great lengths
to make her laugh (at my expense, I might add.)

Being the friend that he is, Aaron "threw me under the bus" to
get a laugh out of this girl. As I was talking to a group of
people, he looked over to this girl as she was sitting with her
friends and started "fake-choking" himself pointing at me with a
smug look on his face. Before I could ask him what was going on,
he was across the room talking to her.

This quick story brings up a few important points:

#1- I need to find better wing men :-)

#2- You don't need a complicated gimmick to start a conversation.
Sometimes the environment you're in provides all that you need.

#3- A simple smile and friendly attitude can be the best opener
you have.

When using this approach trick, don't be surprised if she looks
away from you initially. Making contact with a complete stranger
can be uncomfortable for anyone, but try it a few times with the
girls you see

Most of the time, you'll see a girl look away, then a few seconds
she'll look at you again, and when she does, MAKE SURE you don't
turn away! Instead, try upping the ante by smiling, nodding your
head at her, or using one of the funny expressions I just

You'll find that more playful of a demeanor you display, the
more she'll be open to talking to you. And when you get a
positive response or enticing smile, then all you really have to
do is walk over and introduce yourself. The hard part has 
already been done!
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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