Feb 11, 2011

Facial Expressions - How Attractive Are You?

Yesterday I was in the gym finishing up the final workout of a
month long volume-loading progression.

It was a long workout, and I saw a lot of people come and go in the
gym, all with different facial expressions.

You can divide them into three categories.  Neutral (most
people's), attractive (very, very few), and completely unattractive
(a "vocal" minority).
The worst ones are guys who walk around with a phony, used car
salesman's grin, who come to the gym to "pick up women."

They never succeed, of course, but they are doomed before they
start.  They transmit their intentions so blatantly, that women
secretly recoil inside.

Their facial expressions are so obviously insincere that they
produce a feeling of repulsion--what women call a "creepy guy."

These guys have no mystery or intrigue about them.  They also have
a certain shallowness about them you can just feel.

You do not want to be one of these guys, or just as importantly
appear to be like one of these guys.  I know many guys whose
natural facial expression comes across as creepy, even though they

You want to be the man with the attractive facial expression, and
the way to do that is by studying those men from the past who drove
women wild.  Study Rudolph Valentino, David Niven, and Sean Connery
to see what attractive expressions look like.

Then, for fun, study the expressions of the modern excuse for an
actor, whiners like Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon,
three complete posers.

It takes work to learn the right expressions, but believe me it's
worth it. No other man will take the time to do so, and you'll be
the only one who's got the looks that kill...
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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