Feb 4, 2011

Chris Orleans Interview

1. Please give us an introduction about yourself.

My name is Chris Orleans and I've been a seduction coach for men for over 4 years. In that time I've spoken at the 21 Convention twice, the World Pickup Summit once and have trained hundreds of men and indirectly coached tens of thousands through my videos and articles. I guess I'd have to say that I'm probably best known for my innovation in day game, ultra-fast sexual escalation tactics and simplification of the processes associated with both.

If you had to classify my curriculum under which I teach guys I'd call it a structured natural game. You see, there are a limited number of elements which comprise the idea of the perfect seduction, when you factor in things like obstacles and various contingencies you can now develop a learning strategy to get the maximum results out of minimal effort. Thus I try to teach all the pieces of the social puzzle while simultaneously integrating your personality within that framework.

2. When did you start on this journey towards self-improvement?

As long as I've been teaching I've doubled that as a practitioner. It all started a little more than 8 years ago. I was young, depressed, without women and without friends and locked myself in the world of the internet. Eventually a girl completely broke my heart and I knew something had to change. Not a very cool story but sometimes all you need is a catalyst to slap you in the face and make it obvious that your life is on the wrong track.

3. What is the most important problem that you faced, and how did you solve it?

My biggest problem that I had to overcome was the frame that pickup was the process of trying to impress, get something from or to otherwise cater to women. When I got into this scene 8 years ago this was the mentality of all of the gurus (and to some extent still is to this day). It was at the core of indirect routine game and all the lingo that went along with it.

What I didn't realize at the time was that all that pickup terminology and the routine/indirect methods were all catering to the idea that you aren't good enough to just be yourself in front of a woman and have that be acceptable for her to go home with you. So I went out and tried all these different gimmicks out and ran "sets" (what a magician calls his show, meaning that every time I walk up to a girl I'm getting ready to start my show) and still always felt like I was grasping for straws when it came to women.

But I was good enough. I just had to change the way I thought about game in order to even the balance. I had to become more compelling and expressive while creating more effective dynamics between myself and the woman in front of me. I had to learn to emotionally lead and develop my masculinity.

I understand that these are very conceptual big picture type changes and that I'm being quite cryptic with it but you must understand that every small problem can be traced back to larger identity issues and how you view the process of connecting with a woman.

To sum it up I had to learn the difference between talking about how awesome I am and just being awesome and letting that shine through my actions and behaviors.

4. What is the most important dating problem normally faced by men, according to your experience?

Every man trying to get better with women is usually afflicted by two anxieties; an approach anxiety and a physical escalation anxiety. The first, approach anxiety, has been beaten to death. There are literally thousands of resources online helping teach men how to break through that initial restraint because it's the first major obstacle every man will have to face if he wants any experience with cold approaching women. What the advice really boils down to is do it before you start thinking about it. Training your first instinct is the easiest path to take.

However, no one really talks about the effects of physical escalation anxiety. The mere fact that you are nervous touching a woman means that the perception of congruence will be completely thrown off. Your touch becomes shaky, soft and chunky rather than smooth. On top of that, you'll wait too long to begin the escalation which causes a weird state break when you finally do touch a woman. 

It's a physical game, you aren't talking to a floating head. You are talking to a human being and chances are that you will have a much better chance at being emotionally persuasive and forming a connection if you can incorporate smooth escalation into your game.

5. What is the most efficient solution to that?

I train in confidence through competence. 

While approach anxiety is a physiological response I believe that escalation anxiety stems from a perceived lack in competence. If you're confident that your touch will be well received because you know so through your training (whether with a coach or by using your own methods) then you'll naturally do it. Assuming you have the right idea of how touch escalation should take place (and how it should feel for her) then you'll begin to create a positive feedback loop encouraging a deeper and more full understanding of touch and how to use it effectively.

6. What would say to our readers here? Any advice for them?

How much is dominance over your social and love life worth to you? If you had to put a monetary value on the time, effort and financial commitment that you are willing to spend to become successful with women then what would that dollar amount be for you?

People ask me all the time what the catalyst was that created the amount of success I've experienced with women. What got me to the level I'm at today? The easiest way I can explain the difference between me and the countless men who never achieve the level they want is with the above question. 

For me the value was priceless, meaning that there was no amount of effort or money or time that was above my cap on what I was going to spend on this area of my life. The other option (a life without abundance and choice) was one that I could not accept or live with, so I went about learning seduction with a conviction that most people will never understand.

You can treat this like a hobby, something you do from time to time. Or you can treat this area of your life with the urgency that it deserves. This is your love life and nobody is going to fix it for you. If you don't take the necessary steps to move forward then do you really think you'll achieve the happiness that you deserve? 

Be serious about this stuff guys.

And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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