Feb 3, 2011

Sure-Fire Ways to Create Instant Attraction

The determining factors that makes a woman want to be with you is
not as mysterious as "experts" make it out to be.  If you want to
make the most of your time in meeting (and ATTRACTING) women, I
HIGHLY suggest you check this out:


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When you're out there in the field trying to kick off a nice little
chat with that girl you just walked up to, are you doing the right
things to keep her interested?

Are you using the proper techniques to make sure that you're not
just another AFC, hopelessly trying to keep a dying conversation
alive for a few more minutes?

Are you running out of things to say, and then suddenly your brain
locks up after going into cerebral arrest?

We've ALL been there pal - even the best of us had to start from

(And by "scratch", I mean "crashing and burning horribly"...)

That doesn't mean though that it's an excuse for you to sit on your
LAZY ass.  Make enough reasons for you NOT to improve your
conversation skills, and you'll be stuck in that rut FOREVER

OR you could pull up a chair and listen to your buddy Slade as he
walks you through the essentials of being a good chatterbox.

FIRST of all, you need to understand that successful interaction
with women means triggering the needed emotions to make them see
you in an attractive light.  Why focus on emotions anyway?

Women are intelligent and sharp creatures, but they don't rely on
pure logic when it's romance we're talking about.

You've probably heard other people talk of the power of women's
intuition, and nothing could be CLOSER to the truth.

To guys, the process of courtship is a step-by-step process that
experts have broken down into a series of stages.  When you THINK
about it, attraction is essentially a SYSTEM that's almost like a
sort of science you can study and analyze.

What a lot of guys don't get is that women don't think so much as
they FEEL when it comes to dating.

That's right, they don't let their minds decide whether you're
boyfriend material or not.  She's not thinking, "Well, this guy
here has trait A, B, C and D...and those things match my list of
attractive qualities.  SOLD!"

Actually, it's something more like, "Wow, I feel really comfortable
with this guy...he could be something, I can tell you that!"

So what we're appealing to is her HEART, not her head.  That takes
us back to the importance of fostering positive feelings in a girl.

Maker her feel those warm and toasty emotions so she can associate
those things with YOU.

In other words, the GOAL of having a conversation with her is to
spark her INTEREST by baiting her with GOOD FEELINGS.  Do this, and
she'll be hooked to your presence (along with the great emotions
that you trigger within her).

With that objective in mind, what's next?  Simple - get her talking
by asking the RIGHT questions.

Have you ever seen those cop flicks where they pepper a suspect in
an interrogation room, complete with the harsh light bright enough
to melt his eyeballs?

(Personally, the dim light lamp swinging overhead has a more
dramatic touch for me, but anyway...)

This is NOT how you want to shoot off your questions.  Funny as it
sounds, guys who tense up during a conversation kinda sound like
this, and the poor girl can't decide whether to laugh or retreat to
the nearest exit.

When you start asking her about herself, phrase them in a way that
allows her to share her story.  This way, you can use this to come
up with a positive comment (good emotions, remember?) and use the
information to know her better.

NEVER rely on questions that will only get you one-line answers
(like "yes", "no" or "maybe").  You're supposed to get a friendly
chat up to speed, and not flog a dead horse (so to speak).

Let's say for instance that you're out shopping for a new mobile
phone and then this head-turning redhead steps in.  So you pretend
to look at the display model that's right next to the one she's
examining when you pretend to walk away...

...right before you turn your head to her at "the last moment".

You:  Confusing, aren't they? Don't they all look the SAME?

Mobile phone goddess (MPG): Yeah, I guess.  I'm not much of a phone
person myself, but you gotta keep up with the times right?

You:  What happened to the last one - maybe you dropped in the pool
like I did (chuckles)?

MPG:  Haha, no.  My dog actually used my last phone as a chew toy,
but that's what I get for being careless right?

You:  Yikes.  Well, your dog's lucky to have YOU around.  So how
long have you had him?


Ok, so what you've done here is to figure out what she likes (dogs)
and what she really doesn't care about that much (phones).  From
here on out, you know which things you can ask her about, and which
topics you'd best avoid.

For example, you could STEER (an important term to be discussed
later) the conversation towards anything canine-related because
she's into pets.  Who knows, you could even ask her if you can come
along the next time she takes him out for a walk!

The important thing is to talk about things that will get her to
open up about her life.  Then, you can use the stuff that interests
her for the purpose of generating pleasurable feelings.

As you saw from our little mock scenario, it always a good practice
to take responsibility for being IN CONTROL.

What do I mean by this?  It's up to you to make sure that the
conversation always remains interesting.  Otherwise, she might try
filling in the awkward silence with topics of her own.

It's possible that she'll open up interesting discussions, but if
they turn out to be boring, then she'll blame YOU for letting the
conversation take a dull route.

I know that sounds unfair, but taking the initiative in courtship
is a guy's job.  As early as now, just accept the fact that being
the pursuer is YOUR responsibility - it comes with the territory.

It's a SMALL price to pay when that hot woman you've asked out
starts marching to your beat.

So bear in mind that finding the right springboards for a nice
series of conversations means keeping your ears OPEN.

Be attentive!  Most novices make the mistake on being TOO FOCUSED
on other things.

When you're talking to a girl, don't let your own thoughts drown
out what she's saying.  LISTEN to her, and don't think about things

"What should I say to to make her laugh hysterically, or leave her
impressed with my sharp wit?"

"Wow, she really has a killer body...I HAVE to take her home
tonight, NO matter what."

"Uh-oh, what I do tell her so she doesn't think my life is boring??"


What you're doing is filtering out all the USEFUL information she's
passing on to you.  Everything she says can tip you off on what
kind of girl she is, and which things she cares about the most.

These are VALUABLE chunks of knowledge you can use to re-configure
her perception of you.  Like what I said earlier, her stories can
CLUE you in on what you can talk about, and that will make her feel
those intoxicating, feel-good emotions.

Otherwise, you'll be scrambling to come up with empty fillers to
keep a dreary and awkward conversation from dying a predictable
death...all because you wouldn't listen to her.

Besides, being attentive to her is a basic courtesy.  If she stared
at her watch or fiddled with cell phone while you were sharing
stuff about yourself, I'd bet you wouldn't feel great at all.

What's more, being tuned in to her makes you more attractive in her
eyes - it also tells her that she's the ONLY person in the room
that you give a damn about.

On a last note, I want you to tell yourself:

"I'll be fine, no matter how this conversation turns out.  Even if
it doesn't go the way I hope it will, I've learned something out of

In PUA-speak, that translates to, "RELAX!"

Your only purpose here is to make her feel good and have some fun
yourself.  Flirting with a woman should be a playful interaction...

...not a life-or-death situation!

Treating it as the latter will turn her off because of the
desperate vibes you're broadcasting.  She's supposed to be relaxed
and comfortable around you, so talking to her like it was "mission
critical" won't help you achieve that.

She has to get used to the idea that being around you is a
pleasurable experience, so drop all the chatter buzzing in that
brain of yours.  You shouldn't really care about the outcome of
your conversation - the main priority is to remain unruffled if
things go south.

Ultimately, women find the a man's ability to keep calm (not
corpse-like), relaxed and friendly even if they try giving him
crap.  Don't think for a second that they aren't testing you - it's
such a natural thought process for them that even they aren't aware
that they're doing it.

They like to test guys to ee how much they can take and push their
boundaries.  The best way not to let her walk all over you is by
chilling out and simply having FUN with her.

After all, social interactions are meant to be ENJOYED, right?
Hardwiring that into your attitude and thoughts will make you a fun
guy to be around, and that's pretty much the point our little talk
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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