Now, let me give you three scenarios to illustrate these principles in action.
Here’s your response: “Let me ask you a question, point blank. Is going out with me something you can take or leave or is it something that you’re smart enough that you really want to do that?” Then shut the hell up and listen for her answer.
Now, what are you doing here? You’re calling her on her ambivalence and letting her know you don’t have time to be put on hold. And you’re also suggesting she’s stupid if she doesn’t grab this opportunity.
Finally, you’re embedding a command that she really does want to go out with you. Will this work? Very often it does. It’s not what she’s expecting, and that always gets attention. Just be as matter of fact and non-hostile as you can.
Understatement works best with this one. What if she still hesitates? Well, say this one:
You: Look. You have my number, and I’m going to leave it up to you. And you know, if you don’t call it’s going to be a loss for me, but maybe what you won’t realize until after you hang up is, that it’ll be a loss for you as well. Ok? Bye.
Look: I’ve heard every excuse in the book, my friend, from “My parakeet is sick” to “I’ve got to shampoo the rug”. Seriously.
Here’s how it works…
Her: I can’t make it. I’ve got a rare tropical disease that’s causing me to shrink by the hour.
You: (dead silence for as long as it takes for her to talk again. Just say NOTHING!!!)
Her: Hello? Are you there? What’s wrong?
You: What’s wrong is I can’t believe the bullshit I’m hearing.
Her: What?????
You: Look…you made a commitment to spend time with me and now you’re blowing me off. You’re disrespecting me and disrespecting my time and I’m NOT going to put up with it. My rule is, if someone makes a commitment to me, I expect them to keep it. If they can’t keep it, I need to know at least a day in advance so I can make other plans. Got it? If you can live with that rule, great…if not, sayonara!
Then, HANG UP!! Now, this may sound extreme, but man does it work well!!!
In fact, she’ll probably call back with five minutes and apologize and ask you out!!! I’m not kidding here; I’ve seen the hardest, jaded bitches go to giggly little girls, eager to please me when I’ve done this. It throws some kind of switch in their heads.
I guess with some people, you don’t really get their attention until…
You Give Them A Swift Kick In The Ass!!
Please note, I’m speaking of an attitude. I am NOT talking about or in any way suggesting or condoning physical violence with a woman. In fact, I am against the use or threat of the use of violence or force against ANY human being, unless there is an imminent threat of violence against yourself or a loved one. I can’t make this too clear. I’m talking about using your mind, NOT your fists.
Wait for her to finish, and as soon as she does say something like this:
YOU: Can I ask you a question?
HER: Sure.
YOU: Are you being intentionally rude to test me, or are you just accidentally acting clueless?
HER: (mouth dropping open in shock, unable to say anything!)
YOU: Don’t ever keep me waiting like this again, ok? I’ll always treat you respectfully, but I expect the same. Do you understand me?
HER: Uh..uh…yes.
The point is this: when women throw this stuff your way, you want to do the unexpected.Don’t put up with it, like a “nice guy” and don’t lose your temper like a jerk. Walk a middle ground of strength, self-control AND self-respect, and these tests will become opportunities to power her straight into your bed.
And that certainly beats a poke in the eye, doesn’t it?
‘Til next time…
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