Feb 16, 2011

How To Series - Open Hotties Consistently

Find the total Dating and Pickup How To Series here.

What's an effective opener when approaching a woman on the

street who is already 'moving' (either in the opposite direction

you're going, or she is about to walk by you as you're standing

Here's the deal - I was standing near the crosswalk (probably

shouldn't have been near the traffic signals, since in

retrospect this might give them a built-in excuse to 'get

going') in front of a big book store in an upscale part of

Chicago and approached two different women by themselves... I

used the opinion opener, "Hey excuse me I need a female's

opinion, do women think guys should be friends with their


In both approaches the girls were fairly friendly and maybe a

little curious, but gave fairly short answers and I didn't have

their attention for very long and then they were on their way.

The second one was a 10 and seemed somewhat receptive, and I

think if I had had a tighter response/interplay with her she

may have stayed and talked...

Is the opinion opener good for such a situation, or is there

potentially a more effective type of opener for stopping a

woman on the street? After she responds, what should I follow

up with?

Okay. First off, it's important to remember that the opener is 
just a means to an end. A lot of people put undue importance on 
the opener, and in many cases this is just a defense mechanism 
to give them an excuse NOT to approach.

Here's my latest eBook on Approaching Girls during the Day. Check it out! 
In other words, they see the girl, then sit there and think to 
themselves, "What opener? What opener?!" over and over, cycling 
through all their different openers in their head and weighing 
which one will be most suitable. 
By the time they've settled on one, odds are the chick is halfway 
down the block.
"Oh well," they think, "I'll get the next one." 
The specific opener you employ when approaching isn't as important 
as the ACT ITSELF. 
Just go. Don't think, just GO. 
It doesn't matter what you say, as long as your body language 
and demeanor communicates that you are confident, fun, and 
someone who can CONTRIBUTE to the energy of the set (by 'set' I 
mean any group or individual) you're approaching. 
Having said that, bear in mind that the 'neutral opinion opener' 
is the most consistent way to open a set, regardless of the 
People have what I like to call "autopilot responses" when 
others approach them. 
Think about the way you react when approached by a vagrant on 
the street asking you for money. You probably have an 
automatic response when faced with this scenario. "Sorry man, 
not today." 
Now, 99 times out of 100, you walk on and go about your business. 
But it's that ONE time, you think to yourself, "Wait a minute. 
that guy wasn't DRESSED like a homeless person, maybe he really 
did need help with his car (or whatever). Maybe I was just a 
total jerk to that guy." But you just continue to walk on down 
the street.
This is the same thing girls experience when you approach them 
from a frame where you're SEEKING rapport. They throw out their 
autopilot shutdown response. Maybe later, as they're walking off, 
they think, "Oh, maybe that guy was cool and I blew him off." 
But guess what? 
It doesn't even matter, because it's only three seconds 'till the 
next guy shows up anyway. 
So THIS is the reason why we approach with the neutral opinion 
opener. Because it's NEUTRAL, people have no pre-programmed 
autopilot response to it. They will stick around until they are 
able to determine what exactly is going on. 
And by that time, it's too late. Bwahahahahaha evil laugh.
All right, now that that's out of the way, let's take a look 
at the rest of your question. 
We talked about autopilot responses. To avoid triggering these 
on the street, it's best to approach in such a way that you 
don't SURPRISE them. In other words, approach either head-on, or 
at a slight angle, where they can see you. No running up on them 
from behind. 
When you're dealing with women on the street who are walking, it's 
a slightly different scenario than when dealing with a stationary 
target. You have to take into consideration the fact that there's 
INERTIA involved. They're purposefully moving toward a destination.
This means that, regardless of what opener you use, it needs to 
be delivered with AUTHORITY. You need to project your voice in a 
powerful way. 
Start your opener while they're still a good distance off, maybe 
ten feet. It takes time for them to logically process the fact that
they're being addressed. If you wait until they're within arm's 
reach, they're likely to pass right by before this can happen.
By starting off when they're ten feet ahead of you, it gives 
them time to process what you're saying and stop, either right 
next to you or sometimes a few feet behind you.
As you deliver the opener, do not pause or hesitate to see if 
they are going to stop. Simply deliver the entire bit, with the 
same authoritative, natural tone that ASSUMES the sale. 
VERY IMPORTANT: a lot of times, at this point, you'll find that 
the girls will sort of slow down or pause to hear what you're 
saying. At this point, many guys think, "BAM I'm in!" and will 
then move to close the distance between themselves and the 
Guess what? As soon as you take ONE STEP, the chicks will bounce. 
You've got to hold your ground and just keep spitting the 
opener. I know it's hard, but exercise some self-restraint, okay?
If you've gotten this far, the girls should be stopped, looking 
at you to see what you'll say next. Right here, deliver a solid 
HOOK to kick-start attraction, and it's game on. 
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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