Oct 29, 2010

When Do You Become an Alpha Male

Student asked, “[Insert the name of the PUA instructor here], what makes someone an alpha male? How does one become an alpha male?”

PUA instructor, “Stay relaxed, don’t move much, don’t smile much, don’t fidget, move slowly, keep audible and slow speech…”

For God’s sake, is it never going to end? When I first entered the PUA community, I looked for only one thing, simplicity. And now that I have come a long way in this study of dating and pickup, I still focus on one simple thing, SIMPLICITY. It is no rocket science. It is just a basic social skill, but a very important one though.

Oct 28, 2010

How to Use 'Option Limitation' to Maximize Your Success with Women

Getting girls to feel an attraction for you - that isn't simply
based on your looks, the contents of your wallet or the car
you've got parked outside - can be really tricky.

After all, how are men supposed to know what each girl's looking
for without asking?

If you DID ask, you know your chances would be small, after all,
no girl wants a guy approaching her with needy questions - she
wants a confident man who somehow seems to know what she's
after and can give it to her.

Oct 26, 2010

Top 5 Turn Offs for Women

Improving your dating life can be tough, especially when women reject you on the approach. It's part of the game. If you are getting striked out after the approach you might be doing something wrong that turns women off. It can be a lot of different things and you might be even unaware of the mistakes you are making. Here are 5 things to watch for that turn women off (and you want to avoid).

1. Pickup lines
Let's get one thing clear before you even approach: pickup lines do not work. Whenever you approach a woman with a (cheesy) pickup line, she will shoot you down. By using a pickup line, what you are actually saying to her is that you are someone who doesn't have any social intuition and you are someone who does not date women like her. Communicating those things automatically raises a red flag in her mind that you are not suitable for her to date you.

Bring Out The WILD (And Wet) Side In A Woman

A few weeks ago I received an excellent question regarding the
now famous (or rather, infamous) Girls Gone Wild videos.  This
doer wanted to know exactly why women behave that way, and if
there was anything to learn from it.

Is there anything to learn from watching these videos?  Oh my,
yes there is--and it is very useful, not just for attracting
women, but for understanding how people behave in general.

Oct 25, 2010

Attracting Women In A Club: 3 Things To Note About Passive Value (by AP)

Passive Value is one of my most favorite aspects of the game. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, passive value is the value that you display before you being actively gaming a woman. This is the 360-degree display of your value that is developed beforehand (or faked in-field), making the amount of game you have to run significantly less.
It incorporates:
  1. Subcommunication
  2. Body Language
  3. Fashion
  4. Social Proof
  5. Lifestyle
  6. Status
Think about celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio; all they have to do is exist in a club and women will be attracted to them. Why? Because they have proven their worth through their accomplishments (film, TV, music, etc.) and the popularity, wealth, and power that comes from those accomplishments is public knowledge, thereby making them (through their passive value) extremely attractive.

Is she REALLY going to tell us this? Wow. This is pretty personal—take a look

Wow, this is pretty darned personal…

Gabrielle is telling all. Go to:


I mean, it’s kind of unprecedented. Because now world famous
expert on the most personal aspect of your relationship (between
the sheets!) is telling us what turns HER on.

Oct 24, 2010

The Definitive Technique for Threesomes: The Dual Induction Massage by Style

Let's get started in the middle of things.
You've played everything right and you have two women 
back at your place.

At this point you've taken them both up to your room 
to watch some fun home video clips or for any other 
non sexual reason. Videos are nice because you can 
all lay on the bed to watch them and it gives you a 
reason to make sure the lights are low and the mood 
is romantic and comfortable, without it all being 
an obvious seduction plan.

Oct 19, 2010

Damn! It's so Simple, Bro!

The simplest way is when your ready to go in for her
first kiss...

Look her deeply in the eyes, allow your hands to slowly
but gently touch the side of her cheek you can use one
or both hands.

I find for first kisses the two hand approach works much
better. Cup the back of her head or contour her jaw line
with the palm of your hand.

Oct 18, 2010

The Truth of Love and Relationships

Disclaimer – I have been in love thrice now and my experiences were not that good. But that does not make me biased against it. I believe that love is the sweetest thing that can happen to anyone. Only thing is that love is really RARE ;-)

No, I am not going to bore you with all the biological changes and reactions regarding the onset of love and offset of love.

But since this is a practical dating and pickup blog, I am going to split the whole complicated game into as simple a concept as I can, especially for the men who love reading my blog.

Oct 15, 2010

Phone Game Tip: What to Say When Calling Women

Today I want to discuss "phone game." Specifically we're going
to cover what to say on your first phone call.

As you probably know, a girl's opinion is largely based on the 
feelings she experiences during your first phone conversation. 

Most guys fail in this area, because they simply "wing it" 
instead of forming a plan of action.

Oct 10, 2010

Sending MSN/AIM Instant Messages That Turn Her On

How the hell do you turn on a girl... SEXUALLY... through 
instant messenger conversations?

Sure, some girls just don't dig the whole "cyber" thing... but 
how do you know if you've got one that does?

Let me teach you how you can figure out if a girl is D.T.C. 
(Down To Cyber)... and let me teach you how you can convert her 
into a girl that's receptive to "cybering". 

Top 9 Common Misconceptions about Picking Up Women (by RSD)

What is it that separates the amateur from the professional? Is
it innate, god-given skills? Hard work? Passion?

While all these things may play a factor, a lot of the time, it's
just a question of KNOWLEDGE. A woking knowledge off the ins and
outs of the game, and the ability to see past common
misconceptions and discern the true path, which is often

Oct 8, 2010

Gabrielle Moore’s NEW e-book on Oral Sex arrives THIS FALL!

After months and months of speculation, it is a fact: intimacy-expert Gabrielle Moore will launch her new e-course this FALL. This time, it is on a wet and wild subject many of her readers have been asking for: ORAL SEX.

David Wygant (The Real-life Hitch) Review

On FoxNews, on Huffington Post, in the LA Times, the NY Times, the Playboy Magazine and so many more…

David Wygant, over this period of twenty years, has become one of the media's most sought-after personalities. His energy and insight into dating, sex and relationships -- no matter whether it's on the Internet, over the radio airwaves, on television, in the country's biggest magazines and newspapers, or in person -- are contagious and inspiring. David offers a wide variety of products for men looking to meet amazing women, find love, improve their sex life, enhance their relationship, or just develop real inner confidence.

Oct 7, 2010

5 Dangerous Myths Guys Believe About Women

It's funny how many guys love to believe certain myths that
have been spoon-feed to them by the media.

The truth is there are a large number of misconceptions men have 
about what women find attractive and how they view dating. What's 
bad about these myths is they limit the success of men. If you 
believe in them, then you're NOT going to date the kind of 
women you deserve.

What to Do on a Space Date

Space virgins, check it out! Your favorite Star Wars characters show you how to get laid. This first video in a series of Nerdy Instructional Films from OneMinuteGalactica cuts clips from the original Star Wars trilogy into a 1950s instructional video. He plans to create more in the same vein using different films. 

Oct 6, 2010

You Need Money or Good Looks To Get Beautiful Women

Most men believe all it takes is money or good looks to attract women. You see it all the times in Hollywood movies where the rich guy is walking into restaurants with a gorgeous woman besides him. Other times when you're walking down the street you see a male model walking with a stunner. All these images reinforce the belief that you need money or good looks to get women.

Oct 4, 2010

What to Know Before Trying to Get Your Ex Back

I want to talk about something that is happening a whole lot
more these days: break-ups... and how you can get your
girlfriend back.

So if you're currently going through a breakup and don't know
how to get her back then listen up. Before you can even think
of planning a relationship repair strategy you must take into
account the following four factors:

Oct 2, 2010

Table Manner Tips for First Dates with Your Special Woman

Here are some "table manners tips" for you to follow next
time you're out on a first date:

       1) Do not play with the table utensils or crumble
       the bread.

How a Woman Rates a Man

In the seduction community, you must have across terms such as Hb1, Hb2…Hb10, etc. If you are new to the pickup community and do not know what these terms mean, HB stands for hot babe, and the number you see suffixed to it is just a rating that is based on her looks mainly.

Why such rating?

You Now Know How to Turn Her On - From First Date to Sex

Ever wonder how you could
end your first dates wrapped in
a woman's legs?

In this post, I'm gonna share
one of my "sneakiest" secrets,
with you.

You're NEVER going to
"stumble" in between your
first kiss and having sex,
ever again...

PLUS - You'll have much more
sexual confidence... because...
You know how to touch a
woman JUST RIGHT, in
order to turn her on.

It's a simple secret: