Mar 22, 2010

You are NOT a Superman

Here’s some form of epiphany about which I am talking. When I first entered into this arena, I SUCKED! Don’t worry. This is not going to be some sales page, where I upload my life-changing story of how I get women now and then reveal some magic product for you. So stay with me. Yes, I sucked and sucked BIG TIME.

I was scared as hell to talk with any woman, leave alone approaching a woman. When I talked, I fumbled and stammered, and most of the times, like any AFC would do, I tried to ACT GOOD in front of her. No stigma, no bad impression! You can guess it. I had NO girlfriends. I had girls even laughing at me and exploiting me with their homework. Yes, I was a studious geek you can say.

But then I came across the community. And I CHANGED! I learned about the secrets of the players. One of the sites that I used to refer when I was starting was It was an eye opener, some kind of Holy Grail for me. Well, I imbibed in tricks after tricks, and started feeling as if I was still hollow. I felt like a superman but couldn’t realize the powers yet. What was happening?

I missed one important truth. That is I was NOT a superman. I just turned into a MAN. That’s it. And I was competing against other MEN. It’s not as it was only me playing around. That’s what I used to think at the beginning by the way. Nobody knew what I was doing and I was playing. But over the time, I figured there are other players out in the field. And perhaps some of them are even better than I am.

Yes, I am comparing myself with others. Why? I needed to learn what sets me apart from the rest. Remember, you have got to understand your strengths and weaknesses before you go over to fight. It’s not about just winning the girl’s attention, but also about presenting you as the most valuable person to her. And that’s IMPOSSIBLE. You cannot get every girl. You have to know yours demographic and work on them. It’s actually a two-way process. You are seduced by them and they are seduced by you.

Sometimes she will NOT be what you want her to be. She can also turn out to be one fucked-up girl. Shitty people are always there! Learn to accept the fact that you CANNOT control everything. Just let go. Know what you want. Know what they can want. Go get them.

It is, as the boxer knows how to fight. He keeps on improving himself, exercising and getting stronger. He can still lose in the ring. But he still knows what he wants and what is wanted from him. He just goes on with that. He cannot win every single game still. That’s impossible, even so when you are dealing with such a variable quantity as humans are. Learn to let go!

I get women now and have women in my life. But I have learned how to get real about it.


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