May 8, 2011

Being Physically Attractive: Looks Do Count

Before you start thinking women don't care about looks at all, think again.  There is a certain element of physical attractiveness when it comes to getting a woman's attention, but it takes different forms than it does for men.  You might see them swooning over ripped movie stars in magazines, but on a direct level their desires are a bit more simple.
For women, physical attractiveness is based on four things, and they are all things any man can change about himself--grooming, style, fitness, and body language.

Grooming--Don't we all appreciate a lover with good grooming and hygiene?  How would you feel if your girlfriend slacked on trimming excess body hair or had days where she skipped deodorant?
You don't have to spend as much time on yourself as women do--not yet, thank god--but you should always spend some time grooming yourself.  Keep your hair nice and trimmed (don't forget the back of that neck), use the q-tips, and take regular showers.
Brush your teeth regularly, and please, please if you have a problem with bad breath, then do something about it.  Consider teeth-whitening.  Have enough pairs of shoes so you aren't wearing the same pair two days in a row--they need time to breathe after housing your sweaty feet through the day.  Keep your clothes clean and ironed.
One area men slip on a lot is the body hair.  Set yourself apart by not being that guy with the nose hairs and 3-day beard growth.  Consider trimming your armpits and other body hair as well if you are extra hairy.  Don't fall for the shaving mistake.  Shaving is itchy, scratchy, and really just doesn't look right.  Instead, get a beard trimmer or some hair clippers and just make everything shorter.
Most of all, don't forget your pubic hairs.  That is the last place you want hair raging out of control.  Keep them nice and trimmed at all times--it will also do wonders for how big you look if this is something you're concerned about (you really shouldn't be).
Style--Style is also vastly important.  Almost any guy can look ten times better if he wears the right clothes.  Consider taking a woman shopping with you--no one knows what looks best on men like a woman does.  A lot of guys are into the peacocking thing and others like it mellower.  The most important thing is just to have a style that is your own.
From cowboys to Goth guys to preppies, there are men in every sub-culture that wear what they wear well, so don't limit yourself with style.  Be yourself, but shoot for a sexier, more hip version of yourself.
Fitness--Women also like a man who is fit.    Having a low body fat percentage is usually most important, so don't get the idea you need to be some kind of muscle man.  Proper diet and exercising should be enough.
Diets don't have to be extreme. Cut back excess sugar, avoid saturated fats, reduce carbs, and get plenty of vegetables. Consider drinking wine or gin and tonics at the bar instead of beer if you really want alcohol.
Make sure to go to the gym to keep your muscles toned and strong (and talk to the women there!).   Getting in shape is huge.  It will increase your sex drive, improve your confidence, make you look better, and give you better posture.  This brings us to the other physical attractiveness variable--body language.
Body Language--Body language is possibly even more important than the other variables (to an extent).  The majority of our communication is actually non-verbal, so this is really not something to overlook.  All the style and grooming in the world cannot cover for non-verbal messages that signal weakness or danger.  Take an active interest in the study of body language and learn how to use it to send the right messages.
As you can see, being physically attractive is not what you previously thought and is well within your control.  This is the number one thing you should take from this article.  You have to accept that you were born the way you are and make the most of it--meaning take an active role in improving how you look.  Because most any man with a sense of style, proper grooming, a fit body, great body language, and of course an amazing personality will be seen as attractive.  Maybe not always on Day 1, but certainly on Day 2.
And the great thing about this kind of attraction is it just builds momentum as it goes.
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