May 13, 2011

What Attracts a Woman To a Man?

Tell you something…even at the end of his life, a man still tries to figure out the answer to this question. And the answer is not so easy…phew!

I can’t say that I have figured out the answer to the question, but after these couple of years, I do have a vague idea of what I THINK is the answer.

What attracts a woman to a man? It’s the fact that he is a MAN!

Yes, just think about it. Did Adam run any attraction routines on Eve? No, they instinctively got attracted to each other, and they did the RIGHT thing! We are hardwired to feel attraction towards each other. It’s the societal conditioning that created the problems for us, the barriers, the complexities of life.

But the question is, have we lost our instincts yet? No, women still react to that man, who is a MAN. Yes, there are a couple of factors that go along with it. Yet, the very basic thing that attracts a woman to a man is that the man is a MAN.

She will still look to the fact that you have a nice stable future, you are normal and that you somewhat have a bit of good looks (that’s a plus!).

But everything is just supplementary to the fact that you are a MAN. If you are not a man, then your looks or money not gonna cut it.

But the irony is even if you don’t have money or looks, that MAN factor will still score for you. Trust me on that. That’s a fact.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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