Aug 25, 2011


Today we're going to talk about everyone's favorite subject:
Meeting women.

It never fails to amaze me.  Just when you think every possible
idea on this topic has been thought of and written about, something
new just appears out of the blue.

The latest instance is no exception.

Recently a guy flew in to see me.  Since he hit town about noon,
our first stop was to one of my favorite lunchtime haunts.
This was a fortuitous move since the manager of this particular
restaurant is unquestionably effective at hiring very cute and very
sweet waitresses.

Once we arrived and were seated, sure enough a young Latina about
21-23 years old bounces up to our table with a smile.

Being careful to lean back in our seats and keep cool, we place our
order...but not without engaging our waitress in some fun and playful

She plays right along, laughing and feeding the banter right back
to us.

When she brings my Diet Pepsi a few minutes later, she
intentionally brushes my shoulder with her hand as she wisps away.
"Did you see that?", I ask my counterpart.

"I did", he responds.

"Keep watching", I suggest.

Sure enough, our waitress returns often to check on us...both before
AND after our food arrives.

On one occasion, mixed in with other conversation she casually
mentions that she's excited.

She tells us she's almost completely moved out of her parents'
place and into an apartment of her own...making it a point to inform
us that she has no roommates.

On cue, I say the following. 
"Almost, huh?  Well...we don't know you NEARLY well enough to help
you finish moving your stuff.  So don't even ask."

She responds playfully.

A few minutes later, she returns to check on us yet again.  The
kitchen is out of something or whatever and we need to make a

I tell her I knew she was going to be trouble from minute one.
"Well...", she says, "I try to be good and do everything right when 
I'm working.   I save being bad for my free when I go to
the beach."

She quickly leaves.

A while later, as we're finishing our lunch I ask for the check.
She brings it and asks, " you guys have any big plans for the
rest of the day?"

I tell her the bare basics of what those plans are.  Basically, I
say that my friend and I have some business to do.
"You know, I get the impression that this chick kind of likes us",
my friend says.  "Do you get that feeling also?"

I do indeed.  And somehow, it no longer even seems to be a mere
suspicion.  It appears to be a FACT.

It was then that the bolt of lightning hit me.

Over the course lunch she had said the following three things: 

  1)    She made it a point to tell us that she just moved into an
  apartment by herself,
  2)    That she isn't such a "good girl" after work, and ...

  3)    ...She asked us what our plans were for the rest of the day.

Had she expressed all three of those thoughts AT THE SAME TIME,
would there be ANY DOUBT that she's attracted?

Absolutely not!  Had she done that, it would have for all intents
and purposes been a direct proposition of the most blatant kind.

But here's the thing.  She DID say all three of those things.

She just happened to drop the "hints" in context with other
conversation along the way.

Now, bear in mind here that I made NO indication of interest toward
this girl. 

All I did was simply do an "in-field practice" of how women tend to
respond to a naturally confident man who is reasonably masculine as
they define it.

But she responded with POWERFUL interest. 

Like almost all women truly tend to do, however, she absolutely
spaced her hints of interest evenly throughout the conversation.

So what's the take away here?

Well, as the title of this newsletter indicates, when you start a
conversation with a woman you've never met before make it a point
to look for a stream of SMALL hints interspersed throughout the
conversation rather than one BIG one.

If you train yourself to do this, you can "string along" those
smaller indications that she likes you and consider them at a more
HOLISTIC level. 

That way, though you may trick yourself into believing you're just
"hearing things" if her comments are taken one at a time, when you
"string them along" the power of what's really transpiring is
likely to beat you over the head with a 2 x 4.

When we left the restaurant, my friend told me as we were driving
out of the parking lot that the waitress had looked disappointed
for some reason as we walked out the door. 

Wow...all we did was eat lunch and make conversation. 

We never intended to "string her along" least not in the classic

I trust that all of you guys who aren't either "retired" like me or
only in town for six hours like my friend was will get the woman's
number and make plans with her the next time you see the dynamic in
motion that I shared with you today.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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