Aug 26, 2011

What happens after an One Night Stand

Before you even have an one night stand, know this...

If you're not giving women positive sexual experiences, then you stand
a higher chance of getting shit about it. There are ways to frame a
one night stand that make women happy and appreciative that it
happened. If you're doing this wrong, and hurting people's feelings in
the process, that's not good karma and you're going to run into
How to frame a one night stand as a positive experience -
Show early on that you understand the natural dichotomy of sexual
women. The good girl/naugty girl dichotomy.
Don't act like you're gonna be her boyfriend. Don't get all hyped up
and make future experience projections if you don't have any intention
of keeping them.
This is seduction. This is not a practical joke. It's not "haha, got
you! you thought I was gonna be your boyfriend." That is WEAK!
The frame is more like this- "we are both sexual people. I understand
you are a naturally sexy woman and I'd never view you as a slut. It
doesn't matter if you do this all the time or I do this all the time.
Tonight is the only thing that matters. Live in the present. Not the
past (you do this often?) or the future (you gonna be my BF?)."
Project sexual comfort. Women LIKE to be seduced under the proper
circumstances. So there's no need to take this "practical joke"
approach to things.
Unfortunately, some people do. There are guys who will say "I love
you" to a girl quickly to get in their pants. That is really wrong and
shows you are super weak. These guys can't comprehend that women
actually love sex and enjoy being seduced.
Yes it's great to tell lies that are flirty and fun, but it's bad to
tell lies that play with a woman's emotions and give her the wrong
How to deal with seeing the girls in public -
Go say hi. Don't try to hide out, run away or not be noticed. Be
normal and comfortable.
Don't act fucking weird. If you act awkward the girl will assume you
are doing so for a good reason and you will set loose a flurry of
confusion or anger.
Girls always adapt to your frame, so set a frame that works: I'm a
cool guy, I get lots of girls, it's not a big deal, maybe see you
again sometime, maybe not. You're cool, I'm cool, everyone is happy.
Treat her like a friend. Be happy to see her but don't hang around too
long. This is high value behavior. If you are high value, people won't
question you.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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