Jul 22, 2009

Mystery Method (Venusian Arts) Review

Let me share with you something. When I first set off in this marvelous world, I clutched the hands of SoSuave.com (brainchild of Allen Thompson). Soon, there from I went on to learn about a list of dating coaches who are out there to help the single guys get girlfriends. They are out to change the dating lives of the male community of the world and one of the foremost of them was Mystery (real name: Erik Von Markovik).
He created his own “get women” method that was based on a whole indirect approach. Starting from how to approach women to how to get laid, they analyzed the whole process, broke them into bits and assimilated the parts into digestible bits. These figured out a whole new dating product and a uniquely original seduction system called the Mystery Method. It includes PUAs like Mystery, Matador, Lovedrop, etc.
If I have to say something about Mystery Method, I’d put forward its ORIGINALITY. It was completely a new of its kind and was a breakthrough in the seduction community. To be honest, Mystery method was kind of a pioneer in the world of pick-up women art. It formulated a whole scientific methodical dating model that aimed to create a new genre of men, the pick-up artists. Mystery, in the introduction of its book “the Mystery Method”, clearly differentiated between the pick-up artists, players and seducers. Players are insecure, seducers are wrong in their process and he alluded to the point that true seducers are ultimate pick-up artists. Mystery was the first to turn this whole mumbo-jumbo into an exact science that follows the process below:
Opening -> Transition -> Attraction -> Comfort/Rapport -> Seduction -> Relationships
One of the biggest problems of these online dating products or dating sites is that they are cramped with an information load. Lots of dating tips, advice, plenty of dating advice, all tucked in together in a incoherent manner that the normal ordinary guy who never had come across this seduction stuff will find it hard to imbibe the paramount dating or courting fundamentals. Moreover, it is highly likely that the stiff model will turn them into “social robots” (as termed by Style, one of the best friends and a renowned dating coach in the world; you can check his website: http://www.stylelife.com)
Moreover, I shouldn’t critic anyone as a person but I feel Mystery is an insecure person and his dating model is reeking with insecurity. But don’t be fooled, this seduction method has the potential to get single guys the best of the quality women out there, whether they are 18 years old chicks or full grown working women, whether they are single or committed.
As it is said, if you want a long-term relationship and marriage, he might not be the best man to contact to, but when it comes to becoming a PICK-UP ARTIST, he is the BEST in the world and you want to meet him (though he is a bit expensive nowadays).

1 comment:

  1. The mystery method is indeed very popular in the dating community today. Mystery, the one who discovered and popularized the method, is no doubt a good pickup artist. Even his fellow PUA, Julian Foxx, admits to that.
