Jul 22, 2009

Vincent Di Carlo Review (Natural Game)

Don’t ask me where he came from and what his father name was. In fact, I was introduced to his dating materials much later, and would I say I was blown away by the depth and directness of them. Okay, as been done with the earlier ones, let’s talk about it.

Now, you should remember that Vincent Di Carlo criticizes the approach that these Real Social Dynamics and Love systems take (To be honest, I cannot deny anything about Love systems because they are so basic and so TRUE in the regular world). Vin Di Carlo is a big proponent of the NATURAL GAME. Natural game is disregarding that it’s a game and rather following your embedded sexual nature. Rather this is an excerpt from his dating website “Vindicarlo”: “Truth be told, west-coast style pickup artists such as Mystery and Neil Strauss have a very different style from the Natural Game movement which had its roots in New York City and Boston, spearheaded by Vin Di Carlo.”


Some of the recent developments in the “picking up women” culture show a new trend that believes that trying to maintain higher value and trying to make her lose to you in the dating game is the way to her heart is actually a child of insecurity and goes on to bring a new philosophical aspect in here. It maintains that we humans are sexual creatures and women want men, as a rule of their deeply embedded sexual nature. It declares the only key to natural game is to follow our sexual nature throughout. They believe that this results in the deep emotional and sexually charged intimate emotional soul bond that you don’t get by resorting to some useless dating manipulations or maneuvers. Vin Di Carlo proposes the following method:

Open Direct -> Rapport -> Seduction… The only rule that it advocates is “Assume Attraction”. Actually, Vin Di Carlo is a big fan and follower of Gunwitch.

This type of game reduces number of flakes and makes for solid conversion rates by a drastic extent, as is proven from the field.


Well let’s be true here. I’m a big proponent of the direct natural game and a big fan of the Attraction Code Book, but my stay in this field for so long a time has made one thing clear to me and that is “too direct, sometimes you win; too indirect, sometimes you win”. And we don’t want something that promises us win “sometimes”. Though it reduces number of flakes, wastage of time and energy, and provides a better chance to get quality girls, we need to be able to pull it off most of the time, natural game is more of a direct game. But then again, natural game is somewhat different from the direct game. And that's why, needless to say, natural game is much better than direct game and indirect game.

My suggestion: learn the Natural Game but from the one who knows Natural Game.

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