Jul 22, 2009

Ross Jeffries (Speed Seduction) Review

To be true to you guys, I’m not doing justice to the name of the blog by writing about this person BECAUSE I REALLY HAVEN’T READ ANY OF HIS MANUALS OR GONE THROUGH ANY OF HIS DVD PROGRAMS. But I just couldn’t keep him out of my list. See, I told you I will bring the best of the best (at least, according to me) and keeping in mind, his popularity in the world of online dating coaches, I had to mention his name here. Having said that, don’t expect me to list down the positives and negatives of this person. I refuse to give my judgment but I would rather give you a brief idea of what his courting or dating process entails from the various feedbacks from other guys who have tried his products and also from the email newsletters that I’ve started to get now of late.

As the story goes, Ross Jeffries and Mystery were die-hard competitors and Ross Jeffries was a very harsh critic of the Mystery Method. But as luck would have it (or rather talent would have it), a few years after the entry of Mystery into the secret world, he soared to the number one spot and completely eclipsed the popularity of Ross Jeffries, and even stole some of his students too.

Now, let me just tell you what Speed Seduction actually comprises of. Have you heard of NLP? It stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. His basic idea is that seduction is nothing but smoothly and skillfully seducing the psychology of the other person. With some special tricks and routines, you can successfully get control over the subconscious wiring of the person and thus, direct her conscious actions towards the specific way you want. But from his e-newsletters, I can tell you one thing this guy has a good grasp over the subject and also provides some unique concepts into the realm. Ross Jeffries is one of the founding fathers of this secret seduction community; with his innovative and effective online dating guides, he has helped a lot of students all over the world.

Anyway, those who are GREAT will always be GREAT, even if they are not in the focus and remember, if we are talking about the leaders in the field of seduction, we have to broach in the name of Ross Jeffries.

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