Oct 7, 2010

5 Dangerous Myths Guys Believe About Women

It's funny how many guys love to believe certain myths that
have been spoon-feed to them by the media.

The truth is there are a large number of misconceptions men have 
about what women find attractive and how they view dating. What's 
bad about these myths is they limit the success of men. If you 
believe in them, then you're NOT going to date the kind of 
women you deserve.

You should explore EACH myth and learn WHY they're holding
you back. That's why in today's message we're going to explore
each of these five myths and discover why they're probably
holding you back:

Myth #1- Women want attractive men

Probably the biggest myth about women is how they only want
attractive men. While a lot of girls claim they want the "tall,
dark and handsome" kind of guy, this is far from the truth.

Typically they want a guy who can simply demonstrate qualities
like confidence, humor, leadership, and strength of character.

Unlike men, women regard looks as a secondary quality when
compared to personality and confidence. If you can be interesting
and exciting around a woman, you'll discover that a lack of looks
won't hurt your chances.

Myth #2- Women of beauty don't want YOU

Another common myth is the belief that it's impossible to date a
beautiful woman. Just remember that no matter what you look like,
you CAN attract a hot girl.

The problem is most guys don't know how to handle an attractive
woman. Here's how most guys handle themselves around a pretty

They see an attractive woman and immediately get those warm
fuzzy feelings. Because he's around an beautiful girl, a guy will
automatically give her higher status by showing attraction and

The truth is ALL beautiful women are used to being given higher
status. Your goal is to demonstrate that you have equal OR
better status than her.

By presenting yourself as an "exciting catch" you'll discover
it's possible to attract a beautiful woman.

Myth #3- Women only want guys who are "Providers"

Many guys think the only way to attract a woman is to bring her
on a fancy date and buy her expensive gifts. Unfortunately, this
does nothing to attract women.

Rather then trying to "buy" your way to a woman's heart, focus on
important things like building attraction and interest. This
can easily be done without spending money to win her affections.

Remember...women want guys who have strong CHARACTER qualities,
not a big, fat wallet.

Myth #4- Women want guys to agree with them

A lot of guys think one way to impress a woman is to agree with
everything she says. Unfortunately when you act like a weak
supplicating guy you'll be treated as such. By demonstrating
lower-status behavior, she'll treat you as lower status.

The truth is women like guys who are challenging. By agreeing
with everything a woman says, you'll end up looking like a
weak man who doesn't have enough backbone to stand up for

Instead of acting like a wimp, you need to present yourself as a
challenge and act like you're not afraid of women.

Myth #5- Women will never like me

Many guys have the fatalistic opinion that sounds something like,
"women will never like me."

This is the biggest self-limiting belief out there!

A guy who says something like this has the opinion that he can
NEVER make an improvement on his success with women.

The reality is you DO have the ability learn the RIGHT way to
attract any woman. But first you must have an absolute belief
in your ability to do so.

Just remember that you can control your success with women. If
you make it a point to work on this area of your life, you'll
discover it's easy to rapidly increase your skills.

So there you have it...

The 5 myths men have about women! Now that you know these
beliefs are false you'll be able to get passed them. 

And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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