Dec 28, 2009

Fashion & Style - The Most Underestimated!

A short post! I’m not in a mood to write a long post for you all. I just came back from a night out and I’m fucking tired. Today, when I went to a house party, I noticed something VERY IMPORTANT.

All the cool boys were well dressed and girls were flocking around them!

But I couldn’t figure out what actually made them ‘cool’ and how their attire, their style played a role in that.
Later, after much observation, I realize a few points.

They wore clothes that were not designer-branded but that fitted them well. Those boys, whether they had good physique or not, had a masculine build (that comes from an easy fitness routine) and even if they didn’t have a huge bicep, the well-fitting T-shirt they wore highlighted their masculinity, through their body form.
Their clothes were clean, and they were going with the latest fashion trends. Remember, dirty clothes are never liked by women and in fact, it turns women off. If you were something that’s fashionable, it means that you are socially adept and you know how to carry yourself gracefully in this world.

Now, here’s the biggie. Do women pay so much attention to a man’s appearance? You bet…they DO. And I tell you why they do.

Dirty scraggly look: You don’t care yourself. You don’t value yourself. You live an unhealthy lifestyle. You don’t even stand as a potential mate.

Clean yet average dressing style: You are a hygienic person and you DON’T turn her off. But does that mean you turn her on? No, you don’t. You have to put in a huge effort.

Flashy style: You are proud of yourself. You take care of yourself. You respect yourself. You are displaying your masculinity. You are sexually available for mating. You are a potential mate!

But hold on!

Is that all there is? No. If you cross the boundary and pay too much attention to your looks, you look like you are insecure and you have way too much time to spare on appearance. Unless she feels you have a reason to look good all the time or take special attention to it, you come across as a fake. You put on a little flash, she gets attracted to you because you are proud of yourself, sexually displaying yourself and sexual confidence is always a turn-on for women. Furthermore, if you stand out in an attractive way, you are socially presentable, she feels good about socially aligning with you. So, good appearance acts just as a catalyst in bringing her closer to you.

So, there it is.  Your APPEARANCE & STYLE attracts her or helps in the attraction process. But don't be mistaken. Women still is attracted to one thing: YOUR PERSONALITY. Your sense of style and appearance only gives her an idea of that.

Now, run and check yourself in the mirror pronto and decide how you want yourself to be.

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Dec 25, 2009

Meet Women, Not Pick Up Women

Was the blog title a bit confusing? Well, it was perhaps. But what I meant is you should always meet women and you should never pick women up. Now, what kind of statement is that you find in a dating blog?

Okay, let me explain it to you. How did you get your first girlfriend? Perhaps, you were in college and you were partnered together for the chemistry lab project, or maybe you went to a friend’s house party and you were introduced to you as one of his sister’s friends. If you look back at it, you will understand that you were not out ‘sarging’, were you? Do you know what sarging means? Well, it means to go out and prey on women.  

You were just letting yourself out of your little world and being social. Yes, that’s the word, being social. You have to open yourself up, and go out a lot more. You cannot just stay inside the home and pray to God that you want a girlfriend. You have to go out and meet women (don’t read ‘pick up women’). Visit a bookstore regularly, join a painting, cooking or dancing class… you can also join any workshop for that matter…you can hit the gym, visit the mall, the activity club or the local art gallery. You shouldn’t have the mindset of that you are going out just to hit on women. That’s sick I think. That leads to a very poor ‘low-value’ mentality. You depend on what others think of you.

But ‘do your niche-work’, as Ron-Louise will tell you. Choose a place you like to visit and go over there to meet women. Streets may be hard for anyone. As if you were a tourist, you would have to go out and make friends. The same should be your motive. Keep some time for yourself when you go out and make some friends. You are not hitting on them, because unless they prove their worth, why would you? You can choose any place you like. Just take some out time and MEET PEOPLE.

Yes, you are supposed to meet people. Go out and expand your social network. If you feel like you want to know the person, just walk over and meet that person. And as you are both in the same place at the same time, it naturally creates a kind of connection between you two.

You approach someone not thinking, ‘okay, I have to pick her up or I’m sad’. In fact, you cannot pick up every woman you think you want to. You should be thinking, ‘well, she seems nice, let’s find more about her’. Just make your move and go over to meet her. A simple Hi is enough to open a conversation, if you are at a static place. In a dynamic place where everyone is moving, you can go with a Hi but you need to calibrate on it a lot. Since you are breaking into her reality, her motion, she might be opposed to it. And that’s why wearing a non-pushy demeanor is best. But yes, a Hi is always the best way to open a conversation.

Note: Want a Dating Guru to guide you? Check HERE.

Just let yourself and her know that you are not picking her up. You are just meeting her, to see if she can be someone you would get to know.

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Dec 23, 2009

Touching Women THE RIGHT WAY is Important

I was spending some time with my girlfriend the other day and I just popped a topic that brought out some great information from her.  And the topic is touching women the right way.

Touching and dating goes hand in hand. Here’s a job for you: go to any bar and just observe how those Mack-Daddies interact with women. You will see them flirting, smiling and TOUCHING women left and right. That separates them from the average Joe, trust me.

Touching builds connection (have you ever seen a child getting cozy?). It is all about expressing yourself through touch. In fact, there is a branch of scientific study evolving around it called kinesics. And when it comes to romancing and dating women, touching plays a big part, not only in the initial stages but also in the final stages of seduction.

Let me tell you a story. My friend once approached a woman by trying to act as if he was removing something from her shoulder. The next thing I know he got SLAPPED hard into his face by the woman. Well, does such a little act deserve such a great punishment? Well, perhaps yes it does.

Remember, touching when done the right way will create instant attraction with the woman but if it is done wrong, she will trash you as the creepy or weird men category. That’s as abominable as the ‘friend zone’… believe me on that.

The first thing that you should always ask yourself is if it is NORMAL to touch her. It’s definitely not the time when you touch her but the context of the situation that matters. In fact, you should touch her right off the bat, as soon as you enter the conversation.  But see to it that it’s just going with the situation. Don’t make it look like you are touching her for the sake of touching her. Touching should always be to express you better.

The second thing to focus on is where you touch. Yes, that’s important during the initial stages of attraction. If you try to reach the innermost spot, you got to wait. Yeah, that’s true. You have to wait and take it slow. It’s a rhythm, a dance. You break it and you break the sexual tension, the attraction that you have built till now. Just escalate slowly more and more into it.

The third thing is the energy, the vibe that you transmit when you are touching her. If you scintillate nervousness when touching her, she’s going to freak out. You should be calm and composed, in a flirtatious sexual state and let her chill down so that she can open her up. Remember the golden rule of pick up women: she feels what you feel.

Lastly, you should always test the waters. You should calibrate to the situation and if you see it isn’t working out, just move on to something else. Do what works and leave what doesn't!

That’s it.

For Free Dating Articles and eBooks, subscribe here with your email address

Dec 22, 2009

Pickup and Dating Services I Offer

You need a guide.

You need to improve your dating life.

You need guidance. That’s it. And there are thousands of types of dating guidance out there.

Search them and you will find them in the form of hardcopies, softcopies, audios, videos, one-on-one direct sessions, boot camps and so on.

I am not going to defile any of those above methods, because these are being used by the other gurus of the community. It is safe to just say that all of them have their own merits and demerits.

FYI – I already have an eBook on approaching women. So I can’t really say anything bad about it, can I?

EBook (or any book)
·         Cheap
·         Good for basic information
·         Not too exhaustive
·         Sometimes, even confusing to the reader

Audios/Videos are slightly better than the eBooks in the sense that you can watch and hear something, rather than just imagining it in your mind. But then again, these are good for learning the basics. Why? They don’t provide any specific solution to your problem.

Boot camps
·         You have someone experienced who shows you how to do it
·         If you have any questions, you can clarify them
·         Live-infield workshop, in some cases
·         Extremely costly
·         They don’t give any specific solution
·         Not specific attention to anyone, lots of people stowed in one room

Of course, you can go for the one-on-one sessions, if you have loads of money to spend. Sometimes, you just find that the guru is crap and it goes on more like a petty conversation on life rather than active action. I never liked them much, because after calculating their investment vs. rewards analysis, I could only see how it is just not worth it.

For this reason, I have decided to create eBooks, audios and videos for some basic information on a subject.

But of course, what about the people who know a bit but currently is facing a roadblock?
No, I am offering a face-to-face one-on-one session, which can burn a hole in your pocket.
I would rather offer a solution that you never heard of before. You can chat with me on Skype for a maximum of one hour and that’s only for a nominal price of $10.

Are you facing a roadblock? Say, you want to know how to approach women during the flight.

Do you want to clarify some question? Say, you have been practicing flirting with women but you are just not sure about something.

Do you want to know specific solution to your specific problem? Say, you have this girl and you don’t know what your next step should be.

We can just have a chat and we can work out a solution for YOU.

If you really need my help, email me at and we can proceed from there.
And wait! Check out my dating product reviews...loads of info on the latest PUAs and Dating Gurus there.
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Dec 21, 2009

Approaching Women Basics

Frame Think SEXUAL and get SEXUAL

“Remember the golden rule of seduction: she feels what you feel. You in sexual state induce her to get into the sexual state. You in a frivolous state get her in a frivolous state. You in a negative mood can infuse negativity in her. Moreover, when you don’t focus on your inner voice, you don’t focus on impression but on unrestrained expression of yourself. Women love self-confidence in men, in other words, cocky men.”

Opener something that FLIRTS.

“The best way to approach women is to vibe with her. So, the best openers are that are situationally relevant and flirtatious. If she’s at the grocery store or buying a book at the bookstall, you can comment her on that. It tells her that you are flirting with her but you are socially graceful. You can only flirt…you cannot push ever. Some people espouse the use of HI or HELLO. It’s equally effective since you are being outright about your interest, just as when you are complimenting her. But this at times asks you to break into the reality of the woman, which might not be acceptable for her. In a static situation where she is open to this, you can go with ‘hi’ or ‘hello’. But it’s been seen that a Hi has the highest success rate as an opener. But ultimately, it’s in the energy you transmit and it should always be flirtatious. A Hi is successful because sometimes, if you err with the situational comment, it can convey what you don’t want to mean whereas a Hi is always situationally relevant and flirtatious.”

Discipline Set a target or a goal. You should approach a number of women within a set period of time. That keeps up your momentum and sees you undergo continuous improvement in the field.

“I’ve a girlfriend and I’m taking it slow. My target is to approach at least one woman every week. I don’t like to spin too many plates at a time. But just to be on the move, I am keeping this goal. Choose what is best for you.”

You should know the right techniques (learn from THE DATING GURU) and should be committed enough to keep to it. That’s the secret to a master seducer.

For Free Dating Articles and eBooks, subscribe here with your email address

Dec 20, 2009

Keep the Fire of Burning Sexual Chemistry Alive in a Relationship

I've come to understand one important thing over these years of meeting, dating and attracting women. You can create attraction very easily but to KEEP it is very difficult. Almost all of the relationships dwindle down in their mid phase. Let me tell you one interesting fact, all of the well-known PUAs we have heard about and follow dedicatedly are uncommitted to any relationship, except the ones of Scot McKay and Stephen Nash.

So, what’s the case here? What are we missing? The thing is that we don’t give the woman what we promise. It’s that simple a concept. You have to ken one simple idea: when you give her what she wants, you are valuable to her or else, not. Now, when you dress like a movie star, you are valuable. When you approach her in a cool yet dominant manner, you are valuable. When you ask her qualifying questions and give her a hard time during the initial stages, you are valuable.

Here’s where the next phase comes. She wants to create that emotional connection with you. She wants to open up to you and wants you to get close to her. This is the stage when you are connecting with her and you are commencing the initiation of a possible relationship. Remember, it may not end up in a relationship but emotional connection marks the beginning of a chance relationship.

Okay, so what you do here will set the frame how you deal with her in a relationship and how you keep the attraction in your relationship.

First of all, you should not disclose everything about yourself but yeah, you should show more of your real personality to her. She opens up to you, ask her deep questions, get to know her better and let her keep the imagination about you alive in her mind. She is more interested in sharing herself with you, not in learning the details about you. The fun is in the mystery around you. Be a little vulnerable yet a bit more mysterious to her.
As in the start of the interaction, don’t be overt and never verbalize anything. You should let her make her decision and just make her decision. You want to make her think about you. You are a mystery to her. She is finding you out. She is playing the detective and that’s fun to her. It creates the necessary sexual tension. To keep this sexual tension, it’s always better to avoid being too overt or verbalize anything. She should be the one finding it out. She should be the one caring enough about you to be able to understand you. This keeps the sexual chemistry alive.

For this reason, get your own life. Cultivate your dreams and ambitions. In this way, you also stay a bit out of reach. She is not the centre of the world to you. You have a life. She is just a part of that. She’s not the goddess you worship but she is just another human being who you are coupled with for your life. Focus on yourself. Focus on your life. She is just a sweet companion to you. She is your spouse.

You must always have a strong reality. Your reality is what she lives in. Don’t strip her that strength. She trusts in you. She depends on you. She wants you to be there for her. So, she looks for strength in you. That’s all she wants in the man in relationship.

Women love when you play banter them, when you tease them and when you give her a hard time. She loves a man she cannot control. She loves a man who can challenge her and can have power over her. Be a bit of a devil at times. Be mischievous. Be hard to control. Challenge her. Let her play up to you or accept surrender. Let me tell you a woman’s darkest fantasy: That’s when her man is ‘authoritative and dominant’, when her man is ‘powerful and leading’. She feels weak and she feels attracted to her. All alpha males wield power over their women in relationship.

So, to cut it short, be strong and leading, challenge her at times yet be a mystery to her. That’s the recipe to keep the fire of sexual chemistry alive in a relationship.

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The Greatest Mistake in Seducing Women

I’d a girlfriend recently and she is my current girlfriend, one of my subjects of seduction. And she is like the rest of the girls I attract and get attracted to. She is very sexy (will post her photo some other day) and at the same time, she is a CHALLENGE…Period.

I don’t like girls who are easy, I like girls who can make me work a bit, but nonetheless, they should be comfortable with their sexuality and expressing it, in other words, they should be damn sexual. But when she makes me work, I couldn’t stand it. Eventually I convinced myself, she‘s not the one to be my girlfriend. She is made of the wrong material and if I go for her, I’m doomed in the future. I believed I was following my theory, ‘Always try to keep Positivity around you’.

Yes, today again, I was about to have a fight with myself over how hard she is and was about to break up with her, when I realized something BIG. I was actually making a mistake.

Note: It’s better to learn from other’s mistakes. Learn from the Guru by clicking HERE.

To start with, I was being totally insecure and INSECURITY KILLS ATTRACTION. You should know what you are, where you stand and that you stand there strong enough. You love yourself, others love you. You respect yourself, others respect you. You value yourself, others value you. Every man falls prey to insecurity at some point of their life and so was I.

And the next big mistake was I was trying to control her life, her lifestyle. I was trying to be a dictator. I didn’t accepted it myself but notwithstanding, always tried to behest her what to do and what not to do. I was being that JERK who doesn’t care about her but only wants what he wants and keeps pushing for it. This is a big turn-off to women.

Rule of the thumb: You have to understand a woman and accept her reality (when she opens herself up to you). You cannot try to change her reality the way you like. She may not be comfortable in the new one and thus, can lead to further problems. Don’t take shit but don’t shit with her as well. She’s a human and if she’s quality, she’s a life.

Now, the biggie…the Art of Seduction says that you don’t physically force her to come to you, but you mentally force her to capitulate to you. You cannot just say ‘do this’ or ‘do that’. But you have to work on her mind so that she herself does this or that. It’s like that great sales representative who makes his customer feel like he’s making the choice. You cannot ever make the choice for her but you can just lead her to the options available, the options you want her to choose from.

Rule of the thumb: Work on her mind. Let her ACT on her choice. You don't own her. Don’t make her act on your choice, that’s brutal and fatuous. You want to be the prince she chooses, not the villain who forcefully abducts her, binding her with ropes.

Well, on the mention of ropes, some girls do like them. Learn more about Sexual Satisfaction by clicking HERE.

I think that’s it for now. I’ll try to control my tiger instinct of dominating over others and unleash the Casanova within.

For Free Dating Articles and eBooks, subscribe here with your email address

Dec 18, 2009

Scot McKay Reviewed - Are You A Man?

There are so many dating gurus in the scene that sometimes you are not sure who you should follow and who is actually worth it. In fact, I don’t know about any survey like that, but if a survey is done on how many PUAs are cropping up everyday worldwide, it should be touching a few thousands I believe. So many, gosh!
To be honest, one PUA (oops, he doesn’t condone the name ‘PUA’ though), rather dating guru who has been on the scene for quite some time is Scot McKay.

Now who is Scot McKay? Scot McKay is the owner of X & Y Communications and works from San Antonio, Texas. Frankly speaking, I didn’t know of this guy until recently when I signed up for his free 16 Dating Principles e-newsletters. Nonetheless, I went for his The Chick Whisperer program and the as well.
Before I say anything on this man, let’s just clear up one thing. This guy is into a long term relationship (he is in fact married with his wife, Emily, who runs the business with him and helps women in turn), and safely purport, ’he’s been there and he’s done that’. When I read his teachings and principles, I find a great resemblance with Stephen Nash. He is just as genuine and compassionate as the latter.

And if you ask me, I’d always go with someone who is REAL and SUCCESSFUL in the field rather than a wannabe who is trying, learning and then teaching. That’s where Scot McKay scores over other guys.

Let’s talk about his works. Before I remark, I’d say that I always liked the dating products that served as enlightening guides to dating women. Read the works of Scot McKay and you will come to picture a very strong alpha male connecting with you. He is upfront and has the superior skill to socially handle new challenges as they come. This is confirmed by the incident that followed when Stephen Nash’s friend Barry Kirkey badmouthed Scot’s wife in his show. Scot stood up and made Barry realize his mistake. That’s another story that the two are now friends.

Well, to sum it up, when it comes to getting a deeper meaning of dating, romance and relationships (for both men and women), I’d suggest Scot McKay. In fact, I think The Power Sessions program, that allows you personal access to Scot and his team, along with the Free Lifetime Membership is a must for every guy in the dating scene. What you say?

For Free Dating Articles and eBooks, subscribe here with your email address

Do You Know The Idea of Masculinity? Women Know It!

If you ask any woman about what kind of men they want, they would reply right away that women want MASCULINE men, men who are ‘manly’. They drool over manly men and if you think they want looks, money or fame, no, you are wrong. Women want that x-man factor in you, if you know what I mean. This was quite a mystery to me for a long time, and I’m sure it is to most other men as well. What’s this thingy called manliness? Tell me something, can you be sure about what actually manliness means. I’m sure I’ll get very scattered and dissimilar (even contradictory) answers from you all.

But here’s the funny part, all of you will still have a similar feeling when someone MANLY comes in front of you (yes, even if you are A GUY yourself) but you just can’t describe it. Yes, I know I’m right and I studied on this for a long time. Here’s what I found.

Well, the very first picture, when we consider a masculine or macho man, that strikes us, is a huge bulked up person strutting down the street with a tough expression on his face! Wow, so manly, isn’t it? No, I don’t think so and I bet, almost all women would agree with me. He looks FAKE but not manly. But this is the normal notion that we hold of a manly man. He should not talk much, he should have zero facial expression, he should have big muscles and he should rather be unsocial with others. That doesn’t sound macho to me, but it definitely sounds nauseating, that’s for sure.

And fortunately, women have a very different idea of manliness. Before you go on to learn about what manliness is, let’s discuss about something more or less related to it. We are talking about Alphaness. What the heck is Alphaness? Who’s an Alpha? An Alpha is the dominant member of any social group. It can be easily understood that an alpha is basically a social, resourceful and dominant leader. Yes, women love leaders. Women love men who can take decisions, who can take a lead and go get what he wants. It’s expected of men to direct women and that’s so manly…

Let’s take it further. We are coming on to the main idea of masculinity now. What is A MAN? A man is the dominant, aggressive and leading force of life that provides the woman a sense of direction and power to survive in this world. A woman is the soft and graceful force of life that nurtures the man and provides him with a shelter. He moves in a direction and she stays and keeps him grounded. He is soaring while she pushes him up. He is the leader while she’s the follower. He’s dominant and aggressive, and she’s recessive and receptive. A woman looks for REAL CONFIDENCE and SENSE OF SECURITY in a man.

Masculinity and femininity are two extreme ends of a pole. The more one is distant from the other, the more the two are attracted to one another. This is just the law of attraction.

Anyway, to summarize this whole masculinity thing, masculinity is inner power, the inner strength and that turns on a woman big time. Remember, a woman’s darkest fantasy is to submit her to the right man, who has the power over her, women want MEN!

For Free Dating Articles and eBooks, subscribe here with your email address

Dec 17, 2009

New Year’s Eve: A Few Tips on Making the Most of It

Wow! That time of the year and you are all set to go for it...Just before you set out, a few hinters for you...

Rule no. 1 – Always know how to get home. You should have your transportation planned. This is called the endgame. Have it planned! When transportation is not available to the group of girls, your car might be the heaven for them.

Rule no. 2 – Stay in a bigger venue for quite some time. It’s about building the necessary social proof before jumping on to the action. If they recognize your face, they will go on to learn about you some more. You get me where I’m going? Good. Hopping from parties to parties is not what you want to do exactly.

Rule no. 3 – Oh, I just forgot. The most important thing is to have one specific goal. Do you know what you want? Listen, until you complete yourself, nothing in the whole world will complete and satiate you. And to satisfy yourself, you need to understand where you want to go. Realize your goal for the New Year.

Rule no. 4 – Don’t wait for the countdown to make the move. You can just set your watch blatantly in front of her and make the move when you feel it’s time and she wants it. She will welcome your advances, no doubt on that. But if you wait, there’s a huge chance that she’ll hook up someone else in the later hours of the night. You just weren’t fun enough for her. Don’t give her any excuse.

Rule no. 5 – You are known by the company you keep, at least for THIS NIGHT. You have cool friends means you are cool. Save some other day for your nerdy buddy Jack or your little sister Rose. Be focused on what you want and get likeminded people to join you for the purpose.

Last but not the least is not to forget to have fun. It’s the last night, damn it. Just live it to the fullest.

Oh by the way, before I finish…One more thing, are you confident that you can do the thing when the time comes? Hey, now don’t be shy. Not all of us are experts in bed and it’s completely okay. One of my friends works in this field and has helped thousands other guys to be masters at satisfying a woman in bed. You can check his sexual mastery programs out. They are really cheap and up to the standard, you bet.

Dec 15, 2009

The Ultimate Reason why you FAIL to Attract Women (for advanced PUAs)

You have been learning the picking up women thingy for quite some time, coping to adjust to the different tactics and tricks told to you by the other senior dating coaches and pick-up artists. But the problem is that when someone advises you not to show interest, someone else tells you to go up there and directly compliment the girl. Someone asks you not to call before three days whereas someone tells you not to wait so much. All of them behests you to take action and action you will take, but how? You are just so confused! You feel stuffed and you are not sure which one’s going to work.

This is just like the situation in sales, when the customer is overwhelmed with so many choices that they don’t purchase anything at last, because their thought process is clouded and they are scared away. This is the case with many budding PUAs, who just don’t know what to do. They are not clear with themselves. How on earth can they be clear about social dynamics and women then? This article strives towards that. It clarifies about what you really need and how you are gonna get there.

So, what’s the most important thing when it comes to picking up women? Why do you fail to attract them? It’s not because of your neediness, it’s not because you were not fun enough, it’s not because you were not mystery enough, but because you DON’T think you deserve that woman.

Just think about it. Why would you try to be fun, in the first place? You want to attract women, and if you NEED to be fun to attract women, you are being needy. Why are trying to be mysterious? It’s not because it’s your style but you have been told that you can get girls this way, again that neediness. Ok, here’s the biggie. You don’t want to be needy and you try hard for that. Why? You NEED to gain her attention and approval, and that’s why you shouldn’t be needy. Quite paradoxical, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

Now, the question is where does the neediness comes from…it comes from you doubting yourself. Whether you are being jealous, you are being nervous or you are just trying to be smart, you DOUBT yourself. You doubt your identity and you don’t have confidence. You are a wannabe! And you know how girls hate wannabes. They want to feel that solid inner strength. They want you to come from that unshakeable reality. You are secure of yourself, your identity, your very existence. This makes the girl attracted to you.

Remember, when you are approaching or you are interacting with that hottie, you should never doubt that she’s not gonna like you. You have solid looks, you have solid personality, you have an interesting lifestyle and you have solid future. If you are not sure of the looks, start taking fashion and grooming sessions, you should feel good about yourself. For personality improvement, take personality improvement classes or just idolize someone and emulate him. Work on your future, study hard, get a job and secure your future.

Ask yourself the following questions:

**Will she want me?

**Can she fall in love with me?

**If so, why would she ever fall in love with you?

You need to be confident on your value, a high sense of self-worth. It’s not about being rude or being angry. It’s just knowing how worthy you are.

Remember, she won’t love you because you love her. She will love you because of the person you are. Now, what kind of person you are? I always had a limiting belief that a woman always hankers after money, after good looks. They are initially attracted by money or looks. But I later realized they don’t feel ‘that thing’. In other words, they are not attracted to looks and money. They are attracted to the feeling you generate in them. And that comes from your personality that overshadows your looks and money and holds the key to the power of these latter two factors. In fact, most rich men and handsome men are very confident of themselves and that gives a positive feeling to the women around them. It’s all in the way you carry yourself. It’s all in how you make her feel, the way she feels when she’s with you.

You need to believe that you are a complete 10! This feeling of being a ten is what makes you desirable in the eyes of another ten. She knows that you are her equal and she get’s attracted to you. As most of the dating gurus and PUAs will assert, it’s all value. You must always have equal or more value than that of a woman.

So, I believe you need not try to be fun, you need not try to be non-needy, you need not try to be alpha…you just have to start working on yourself. You need to know and value yourself. That self-confidence will shine on her. Even if you feel a little nervous when making the move, just know that she’s your equal and you deserve her. The question is whether she deserves you or not.

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Do Women Like Muscles?

Ask to the skinny guys, they are so depressed about it. I’m a skinny person and I know it. Most of this skinny guys actually believe women LIKE big muscles and they are not getting women just because they are skinny.

But my personal experience tells me something different. Before that, let me just reiterate what the other dating gurus confirm to you again and again. Attraction isn’t a choice (as framed by the great David D’ Angelo)! It doesn’t depend on looks, money or physique. It depends on your personality. It depends on how you MAKE THE GIRL FEEL.

To be very honest, this was such a mysterious kinda words before. They sounded big but they hardly highlighted the true reality. The day I started to learn attraction and dating secrets from the masters, I was always focused on how to turn my lean body into an attraction factor.

Over the time, I started getting results (I wasn’t big at this time, though I sure was working out) and I came to see certain patterns in my interactions and also got more insight into the women’s mind. They actually weren’t attracted to my body. True it is that they were actually attracted to how I carried myself, my lean body. They were falling for me, left and right.

And I’d also break one secret here. Women DON’T like big muscles. They like guys who look manly but that doesn’t mean you have to be huge. Most of the girlfriends confessed to me that they are scared and feel nauseated of the big guys.

But there’s a catch. They do liked guys with toned physique. This is because of two reasons: firstly, toned physique conveys that you value yourself, you take care of yourself and that you are desirable. Secondly, a toned physique imparts that you are a man working out there, not sitting at home. You are active, you have got ambition and you have got a life ahead. That increases your masculine status to a whole new level.

Remember that only big muscles are not everything. It’s about the hard toned physique that girls love, the feeling of manliness is what women want. Women want the MACHO in you!

You don’t want a chubby, placid man for a boyfriend, do you? Just place yourself in the girls’ shoes and perceive how she might want it to be, muscles or masculine status?

If you want an attractive male physique, I’d recommend you to this…Best Fitness and Health Program Revealed

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Dec 11, 2009

What TURNS ON a woman’s Interest?

Many a times, we have tried to figure out what actually hooks a woman to you. How can you get a woman’s interest? I have and I know you do too.

Some pick up artists would advise you not to pay attention to them. Some will suggest you to be genuinely curious and show interest. Some will push for expressing your sexuality. Are they wrong? No they aren’t but yeah, partly they are. They know what might work but perhaps they don’t know why that works. Of course, some of them are really good at what they do and one thing needs to be reiterated that you can never totally understand anyone. But anyone who’s worth trying to understand is what we are looking for.

Back to the question, what turns on a woman’s interest? Is it your looks? Is it your money? Is it not paying attention to her? Is it you talking aloud? Is it being Alpha among other men? None of them is the actual reason.

Before that, let us find out what does a woman wants from a man. She wants her man to be a MAN. She wants to surrender herself to her man and she wants her man to accept her completely and LOVE her. She wants to be appreciated, she wants to be loved and she wants to be cherished. I cannot underpin this one more. Anyway, can you see a basic thing here? We are talking about what she wants.

Yes, that’s the secret. You need to give her what she wants, sometimes deep inside even without her knowledge. You need to know her frustration, you need to know her problems, you need to construe her deepest desires and you have to cater to that. Some has a strong personality themselves and wants someone very dominant. Some are soft and they are looking for sweet romance. Some just want to have fun and they are looking for fun. She can know you from the get-go. The moment she looks at you, she knows if you are the one, or at least, she decides whether you are worth the chance. This is called VALUE in PUA terminology.

The secret to turning a woman’s interest is to show promise that you can ADD VALUE into her life. And you do that with your personality...Then you have her attention.

-> Follow the Guru I follow - David Wygant, the dating expert

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Why Most Guys FAIL To Pick Up Women?

I’ve been with men who are natural with women and I’ve been with men who just sucked at women. And over the years, I’ve notice the similar patterns every now and then. This is kind of a secret code-breaker to art of seduction, to the art of picking up women.

Okay, let me first discuss what you normally do when you try to woo a woman. Of course, you bring her flowers and chocolates, send her regular text messages, etc, and other dating coaches do know about it and they try to help but in vain. See, learning what to do and what not to do isn’t going to make you PUA or a player, for God’s sake.

Being a PUA means you have mastered the social dynamics of male-female courtship INSIDE OUT. It’s as if you are learning kung-fu from someone; you have to ingrain it into your very soul. It’s gradual and it’s about Zen philosophy of life. Then you are a PUA.

No, I’m not going too much detail into that. Let’s just prune it short and tell you what the dating mistakes are. You wear the wrong clothes, you walk the wrong way, you talk the wrong way, you smile the wrong way, you eat the wrong way, you drive the wrong way, you touch her wrong way, and you…so on. Gosh! That includes just about everything. So, am I saying you have to remold yourself? Well, perhaps you have to. I’m not going to fake here.

Here’s why. Most of the quality girls will say that guys are so predictable and boring, and that they want a MAN. Now what’s happening here? She thinks guys are boring and then she wants a man. Don’t you think women are so confusing…lol! Well no, they are just a way bit more sophisticated than men are. She wants a man but a man that can make her attracted to him. As yet, you don’t know where you are going wrong? Let me illuminate it upon you now.

The problem lies in her perception of you. You may be a good nice guy, you may be highly intelligent or you may be very sexual. But she COULDN’T see you properly. Why? It’s because you didn’t let her see your REAL personality. She could well notice that you were being a fake. On top of that, you were trying to be extraordinary (rephrase it as ‘abnormal’) to her and she couldn’t feel comfortable to you. And she kept on feeling weird about you and weird about herself as well. Is that what you want?




If she’s not comfortable with you or trusts you deep inside, she won’t open herself up and if she doesn’t see the real honest you, she cannot get attracted to you. Nothing in the whole world can impress her other than your personality, nothing!

It’s highly important that you BE REAL and be NORMAL when talking to her. Then only she will consider you as a quality man.

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Dec 10, 2009

How Much Is TOO MUCH For Picking Up Women? (FOR ADVANCED PUAs)

This post is going to be succinct and thought provoking. Pay attention!

I was pondering over something today. Over a few days, I was just thinking what makes a woman attracted to you. Is your showing tail-wagging interest in her or creating a big ‘ice’ wall of china that blocks your penis from reaching her vagina? Okay, I know I’m getting a bit poetic here but just think about it, all you students of the art of pick up women, particularly those who have been studying it for over six months.

How are you going to attract 'em? Are you going to be that ‘cold and tough’ Clint Eastwood or the ‘easy and smiling’ Leonardo D’ Caprio of Titanic? I’ve always been in some confusion regarding this thing. To be very honest, I have a warm and friendly personality but I noticed something that when I acted arrogant and silent, I scored. And yes, this is the problem with quite a good many people, even with some quite advanced PUAs. They try to look hard and tough and don’t react, no facial expression that is. They think they are looking attractive yet no woman comes to them. This baffles them.

I’m going to clarify a few basic aspects on vibe and expression during the initial stages. But before that I want you to go and check out how the famous PUAs approach women in the links below:

Documentary of Pick Up Scene In UK

Alex Coulson - Pick Up video

David De Angelo on Picking Up Women in Bars and Clubs

A Random Video I found on the Web

You will see one common and IMPORTANT thing in all of them: They are RELAXED and they look POSITIVE. By the word ‘positive’, I mean they are oozing out a typical warm and friendly vibe.
Let’s dissect it and delve into it further. Let’s find out what attracts women. I’ve always thought hard on this specific topic. Who is that man that enlivens up the whole femininity inside a woman when he comes in front of that woman? Listen and remember it for the rest of your life, women feel ‘that thing’ when they see the right man, just as a man feels when he comes in front of the right woman. It’s because we are all sexual animals still and we have a primal part of the brain that still controls how we react to the opposite sex. We may excogitate the quantum theory (pardon me, all you physics buddies!) with the right side of your brain, but that’s not going to make you the ladies-man you want to be. It as yet still is out of your logical control!

Hence, we want to be THAT MAN. But how is that man? Is he ‘strong and silent’ type or the ‘easy and funny’ type? Two things I want to make clear: STRONG doesn’t mean he needs to be bulky and FUNNY doesn’t mean he needs to be goofy. Strong just means he gives off a tough, unresponsive vibe, while funny is just the upbeat lighthearted one.

And the secret to being THAT MAN is being in the optimum equilibrium between the both extreme ends.

Why? Let’s see it from a girl’s point of view. If you act too sexual and difficult right from the onset, she will feel a kind of pressure and she’ll not play along. But if you are too easy with her and she doesn’t feel any tension, she isn’t going to feel ‘that thing’ for you. She wants someone as will make her feel comfortable and protected when she’s with her but will keep her on the edge as well. She wants peace with a difficult character! So, the best way to approach her is to give her the hint of peace yet being a tension to her. She wants to keep working to solve that tension, that conflict and that she FALLS IN LOVE with you.

If you give her too much conflict and danger without any pleasure, she is going to be pushed away completely. If you give her too much pleasure right away without her asking for it, she won’t feel the need and desire for it and thus, there’s no attraction. Good salespersons know the secret, Pleasure with Pain. And that’s the essence of flirting (find articles on that here).

When you approach, smile and comply to make her feel comfortable but tease her and break rapport to make her feel the danger. When you are into the initial stages, give her signs that you like her (any forward motion creates tension) yet pull back, keeping the things at a comfortable though. Call her up and let her know how it is going with you, making her feel comfortable and pulling her in. Instantly, mix it up with talking about another girl (jealousy plotline) and an open hook (I hope you know the meaning of it!). Give to her but not too much. Keep her wanting more.

So, be warm and positive but not too much about her (pull her in, comfort) yet keep the relaxed, mysterious feel but not too much about you (push her away, let her come to you).

It’s the RIGHT BALANCE that matters.

Learn more from the PICK UP GURU - MEHOW

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Ten MOST IMPORTANT Internet Dating Commandments for Beginners

The world is progressing and so is the dating style. Have you tried out the online dating services? Try them. They take less time yet give your better access to quality options. Just remember there are some online dating rules and you should abide by them. Let’s list out few basic rules of online dating:

1. A picture says a thousand words. Post pictures as many as possible. But keep them positive.

2. Ask questions and listen to others. Be genuinely curious. Don’t be the egomaniac.

3. You need to engage. You need to ask her the right questions. For that, you need to give a look at her profile. Don’t skip it.

Five TOP Online Dating Services

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Two Fundamentals to Dating Younger Women

Well, when I’m talking of younger women, I’m basically talking of the girls between 16 and 22 years old. Don’t shy now, these girls really look luscious and make your mouths water (to be really grotesque!) as an older man wont to older women. By the way, someone over 24 years old is OLD!

But it’s wise to compass how these women or girls actually come from. You must understand that they have recently entered into their womanhood and they are coming to taste the nuisances of being a woman. What that means? They are being more aware of their female sexuality. They are enjoying the new experiences that are tagged along with the inception of the womanhood but at the same time, they are very apprehensive and compulsive. They are being sentient of the existence of the opposite sexes around and they are feeling a new kind of emotion around them (or, at least they hope to!). And here’s the problem: they are SEXUALLY ALIVE and they are NOT IN CONTROL of themselves.

To cut it short, they want someone adept enough in vibing with their sexually agitated selves and also catching on the reins of the moment. They want a sexually charged-up and powerful man!

If you want to date a young woman, the two basic characteristics that you need to show are as follows:

Be FUN. Remember they are young and they are charged up. They are moving through their life at high speed and if you want to ride with them, you got to ride FAST! Many a times, guys come up with stupid nervous pickup lines, if at all, and even when they are into a conversation, they keep asking boring irrelevant questions. Never be boring. Being boring can kill of the spark that enlivens the bombasting sexual chemistry. Instead, try to tell some interesting stories, funny questions and engage in some interesting activities to keep the temperature up at all times.

Be MYSTERIOUS. During this phase, a girl will naturally be more curious because they are coming to try the experiences all ANEW. She’s just so curious about everything! Let her be the detective and find out for herself who you are. It creates the sexual tension (they feed off this thing alone!) and makes them putty in your hands. Just don’t be clear and outright to her. Never show the down-faced ‘bottom card’ to her. If she knows everything about you, there’s no sexual tension and then again, no fun as well.

Keep in mind, at this age…It’s all about FUN and SEX!

---> Learn the Secrets to Getting Any Young Girl You Want - Dating Black Book

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Dec 9, 2009

The Three forms of Love

If we were to study Greek, we would understand that there are three forms of love in the Greek language. Why, you can always love your mom, can’t you? But is that love equal to the one you have for your girlfriend? Though, you can always love your male friends and that doesn’t mean that you are gay. Love can of different kinds: sexual love, just liking and deep emotional love.

In the Greek language, there are three words: Eros (romantic love), Phileo (plain brotherly love) and Agape (deepest love). Eros means that you have a strong romantic desire for the other person and when you are thinking about your girlfriend, that’s Eros. When you meet your buddy Jack and help him with his car, that’s Phileo, your show of brotherly love toward him. And then we come to the Agape, the deepest form of love. God commands us to love and have faith in him ‘with all our heart, all our might, all our soul and all our body’. That’s what’s called Agape.

At times, we tend to feel someone so hard that we transgress all borders and become whole with him or her. At this point, it’s neither Phileo nor Eros. It’s Agape.

You can even find example of it in the bible as well:

Peter denies Jesus thrice (Matthew 26:44 and Matthew 26:69-75). Jesus reminds him of that with three questions in John 21:15-17.

Instance 1: “…Jesus said to Peter, ‘Simon, Jonas’ son, (agape) you me more than these?’ Peter said, ‘Lord, you know I (phileo) you’”

Instance 2: “’…Simon, Jonas’ son, (agape) you me?’ Peter said, ‘Yeah, Lord, you know I (phileo) you”

Instance 3: “’…Simon, do you (phileo) me?’ Peter was grieved…”

...You can clearly see what Lord Jesus meant and what Peter replied. Anyway...

Well, chill out, guys. You need not learn bible to impress girls but this was just a profound thought on love, researched and found!

Learn more about Love from the Love Guru, David Wygant...

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How does Love happen?!

I was ruminating on this aspect of life: LOVE. What is love? Many a big philosophers have defined it or at least, tried to, but were they successful? No, they weren’t, because love is a mysteriously wonderful emotion that needs some time to even UNDERSTAND for a start.

So back to the question, what is love? See, before I go on to expound on the word ‘love’, I want to asseverate something very clearly. I love women and I LOVE WOMEN! I believe that women are one of the most beautiful creations of God. When God saw how smelly and hairy, how grotesque and logical he has made a man to be, he went on to create a much better variation. And surmise what, he came up with WOMEN. Women are fraught with emotions, they look at lives in a more profound way than men do and they keep the sense of sociality intact. Well, I can go on and on with this. I hope you can feel the passion at least, ha ha.

Anyway, what the heck is love? Love, yeah, love is a sweet surreally wondrous feeling of intimacy, understanding, support, trust, openness, vulnerability and dependence you get in the presence of a certain person. You know that you can have complete faith in the person. You can be totally comfortable when you are with him. You feel that you are there for each other forever. You just feel like you can totally SHARE yourself with him. And this feeling is called love.

But how does love happen? The most important question that a man asks himself, and perhaps others, is if he can create love or not. If yes, how can it be done? Well, I’m going to break the secret here. You can NEVER create love, not at least, by running some spectacular tactics on the woman. She can be interested in you, but she will never FALL IN LOVE with you. Remember, love is an emotion and an emotion is particularly created on its own, in a very indirect way. To be more direct, if you think your spitting out a pickup line will create love, you’re lost. But at times, you not even opening the woman can create love, by the way.

You would probably be sniffling at the moment, that I still haven’t made it clear to you what causes love to happen? Okay, we are looking at a special form of chemistry here, sexual chemistry that is. So, let’s describe it in the words of chemistry then. When two elements come in contact of each other, either they react or they don’t. You can have a catalyst or an inhibitor in the process, of course but does that change how they react to each other. They just help in facilitating the reaction, whether positive or negative. In a way, the reaction depends on the quality and type of the element then.

In real world, similar is the case. When she comes in contact with you, she just knows whether you are the one for her or not. Remember, she is choosing you on the basis of how you are as a person, not because of any specific antics that you commit in front of her to impress her, save when your antics reveal glimpses of your personality in a positive way.

To cut it short, you cannot create love, but you can try to be someone who people are INCLINED TO LOVE. And then, it takes its own course when you approach that woman.

Secrets of Dating Women - Dating Black Book By Carlos Xuma

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Dec 8, 2009

When You APPROACH A Woman…

How should you ACT? Remember, the first few minutes is going to be the judging factor whether she will comply to roll along with it or just turn her cold shoulder on you.

No doubt, you sure have to look to your dress, make sure you look clean and stable. And yeah, you must smell good. But more importantly, you should feel good. What does good mean? Well, suppose you were that high profile woman, spending her quiet time with herself in a café, what would you actually want? You are weary of the stupid pickup lines that you get to hear from the ‘smart’ guys (as they would like to think about themselves) or the blabbering, the inaudible muttering of the nervous geeks. You are definitely not waiting for the moment, when your dream man, riding on a horse, takes you away from the café. You are just not aware! You are not thinking of anything. A very normal phenomenon: hardly will you ever see any very pretty girl looking around at people when walking down the street or sitting in a café. That’s just the way it is.

But the point is they are still waiting for her ‘dream man’, subconsciously that is. She wants someone capable of playing at her level, someone quality. And when somebody like that approaches them, they feel glad to themselves.

But the question is how you can show that you are THAT man. You must have seen that when men approach women, they normally start to fidget uneasily or try to fake themselves as something they are actually not. This is particularly true with those ‘tough-looking’ men. They think that you need to show your toughness and manliness by NOT smiling and acting arrogant. And the upshot is that they come to the women as fake and turn women off big time. Remember, even if they are liked in the start, their attraction quickly wears off (com'on, who likes a fun-less stuck-up brawny Brian as a boyfriend). This kind of men can only impress the ‘fake women’ themselves. I need not define who they are, how they look like and how they behave themselves.

Instead, these quality women want you to BE CONFIDENT, POSITIVE and DOMINANT yet not over the top. Look REAL and BE REAL. This is very important with this girls or women. So, how should you approach women?

SMILE. But don’t laugh.

Be RELAXED. Walk slow, move slow, talk slow…

TEASE LIGHTLY. Don’t overdo.

Just remember, that these women won’t give them up to you that easily and they want SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T GIVE HIMSELF UP TO THEM THAT EASILY EITHER. Be SLOW in moving forward…don’t be fast and outright. This builds a certain kind of sexual tension, lets her imagine and think about you.

The first step towards FALLING IN LOVE!

---> Learn the Secrets of Approaching Women from the REAL DATING GURU.

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How to Prep Up For a Date with a Woman

Let’s say you successfully approached a woman and wow! She responded well. After a bit of short conversation and knowing about each other, you decide that you would like her more, better.

What’s the next step? Take her out on a date, darn! Here’s where most topple over. They find themselves completely divested of innovative ideas of taking a woman out on a date.

I’m not going to proffer you any innovative date ideas here (more on that later on) but I’d surely see that you get the dating fundamentals correct.

1. Trim your nails and keep it short. Long nails aren’t macho!
2. Don’t be a smelly pig. Wear a cool deodorant, but yet not too much.
3. Brush your teeth and breathe fresh.
4. Shower often.
5. Use cologne but don’t snuff her with you cologne. Less is more!
6. Wear a nice watch. A designer one is not needed, but something that stands out.
7. Wear nicely maintained shoes.
8. Keep your glasses spotless and sparkling.
9. Wear something that suits your physique and personality, in which you are comfortable.
10. Last but not the least is to make sure you wear a warm open attitude along with all of this.

Learn from the masters the Art of Dating Women. If you want to learn more about how to pick up, just go for Matchbook Method (Mehow, you must have heard his name!).

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Learn ‘bout the Five Basic Myths of Relationships

It’s easy to create one but is it really that easy to maintain that? NO. It can be a hell lot tough to keep the fire of a relationship alive over the time. And the situation is aggravated by the basic myths that most couples uphold when it comes to the relationship and their partners. Let’s see what these five basic myths that can actually lead to the ruining of a good relationship otherwise are.

Myth Number 1: Don’t think that your partner will know that what your needs and desires are without your communicating them to him. If you prefer a neck message when you come back from office, let your partner know of that. And this lack of communication result into frustration and anger, leading to the severance of the couple.

Myth Number 2: Wait for your partner to change, which will improve the situation. Instead, you should focus on changing yourself so that you become the ideal partner for her. It’s a wrong and a passive kind of thinking to just wait for the situation to better, take proper action towards it. It takes two fingers to ‘click’. But before you start working on myth no.2, check out myth no.3.

Myth Number 3: Devalue your needs and requirements and try to compromise. This is a biggie. Never ever do that. A relationship is best followed through when both the partners contribute equally to it. When you are suppressing your emotions and trying to focus on the needs and desires of your partner, what you are doing is you are not cutting off ‘one of the wheels’ of the relationship. And thus, the relationship becomes stilted, boring and frustrating for you. You don’t get what you want and you don’t know how to get that.

Myth Number 4: Both the partners or the spouses should contribute equal to the relationship doesn’t mean that both of them should invest fifty percent into it. Remember, it’s all about understanding and support and a cooperative attitude from both sides that keep the relationship going. Sometimes, one partner may get a bit busy and invest only twenty percent of his time, energy or resources, the other partner needs to make up for it. This is the way it works.

Myth Number 5: A perfect relationship is free of conflicts and confrontations. This is the biggest lie you can ever hear. The rule of thumb suggests is to have arguments and disagreements but in a non-disagreeable way. Don’t make it a public brawl. Just commit yourself to the relationship, to your partner, express your needs, wants and desires, what you want and what you don’t want out of the relationship.

Remember, a perfect relationship or marriage depends on effort from the sides of both the partners. A bit of understanding, clarity and mutual cooperation can keep that fire alive till you reach your platinum anniversary!

Click for more Secrets on How to Keep the Fire Alive…By the way, are you sure you satisfy her in bed? Know more about it by clicking here (FREE).

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Dec 3, 2009

Seducing Women: What are the Women's Hot Spots?

They are as follows:

- Face: mouth, cheeks, nose, eyelids, earlobes
- Back of her neck
- her Breasts and the nipples
- her Abs and the naval
- her back, all along the spine
- Inner thighs, mainly the back of her knees
- Buttocks, perineum (the soft spot between the anus and the vagina) and anus
- Arms, forearms and elbows
- and, the sweetest, her Vagina

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Dec 2, 2009

The BEST Opener to Approach Women

Approaching women is an art and the first step towards that artistic performance is an opener, no, not a pickup line.

So what is the best opener? What has the highest success rate?

Before telling the answer to the above questions, let me state one thing very clear. Every woman has her specific preference pattern. Some like to be approached and some don’t like to be approached. That’s as simple as that and you just have to be mentally prepared for that. You just cannot know whether she likes being approached or not, unless you approach her. What an irony! But if you have got some time, you can definitely study her a bit and then take the most apt way.

Now the answer to the big question…According to a survey on “approaching women” held by the Chicago University, the most successful opener is a simple Hi. They asked women from different age groups and from different social status. Most of them preferred just a Hi. Now you must be thinking why that is so. When you can spout out such clever pickup lines, why on earth would something as unassuming as a simple Hi be successful? Well, there’s the trick. When you speak too much, you don’t give her time to imagine. What I’m saying is she hears your line and it is so clever that she literally has to think to understand it. You are engaging her conscious mind. You are engaging her logic. But what she wants is that you should engage her emotions right off the bat. When you say a Hi, she is not focused on the line, but rather the person who says the Hi. And that’s why she focuses more on you.

Perhaps, that explains why that simple Hi is so successful in art of approaching women.

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What Women Want From The Men?!

This question has baffled you for a long time and you are left scratching your head, asking yourself, “What do women want from men?” That’s a question you start asking yourself when you enter your teenage and you keep asking yourself when you depart from this world. She thinks something else, she says something else and she does something else. Oh Gosh! They are so perplexing! Remember, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. So, how can you know what the women want from us men?

And this can be a big deterrent in your path to happiness in your dating life. You timidly approached the woman in the bar and everything was going so great, but suddenly she said she has to go find her friends and she never comes back. You bought the cologne your best male friend, a womanizer, wears. You dress like him, hoping that you will get success like him. You even ask him how he opens women for advice. But then also, you still crash and burn. You took the help of a local dating coach who PROMISES that he can get you hotties after a seven-day crash course. After the program, you feel like you are the superman. You are flirting with the girl and she’s eating from your palm (well, at least it seems to). Then, she says how funny you are and later on that night, you find out that she’s making out with some other guy. You were sure women liked sense of humor and you also tried to build some comfort, to avoid ‘fool’s mate’.

But what’s this? Why is this happening? This is BECAUSE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WOMEN. You don’t know what they want from you.

And that’s why you want to read this article, NOT ONCE BUT SEVERAL TIMES, until it imbues into your very soul.

Women want three things from men as follows:
  • ·         Security – Women don’t want a man who will suck value and status from her. They don’t want a man who will depend on her. They don’t want a man who doesn’t have power. This is what women mean when they say that they want a strong man. They just want a man who has his feet well secured in this world and can provide the much needed stability and inner strength to the woman. It’s not because women are weak but because women want to feel weak to their man. This is why women want guys who are bigger than them. It is that same thing they relate to as power. Security is just isn’t money or fame. Security is the protective feeling that you provide to her when she’s with you.
  • ·         Sexual Tension – One of my female buddies once expounded this to me that they want a man who can make them feel certain kind of current, electricity running through their body. It doesn’t mean that person has to be a superstar or a rich daddy’s son…But he should be able to generate that much needed tingling sensation inside. And that comes through how you interact with the women. It’s not when you open your mouth. It starts when she throws a glance at you. From that very moment, you need to work on the right strings to create that much-needed music. One thing to note here, the sensation can never stop. It must GO ON forever.
  • ·         Social Gracefulness – Last but not the least, the first impression counts and that impression should make her feel like ‘this guys cool.’ She should not feel like you are some weird pickup artist out on a preying spree. You are that damn confident cool guy that just approached her and made her day. And this is important because she will actually try to figure out whether speaking to you is going to mar her social status or not. If it is yes, then you are instantly done and over with, baby! Make her perceive you as someone with social value equal to or more than hers. Then she will be curious to know more about you.

Those are the THREE most important things when it comes to picking up women.

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Dec 1, 2009

The Best Fat Loss Product as Reviewed...

"Move It, move it!" enjoins Rick. This is Rick Streb, the head trainer of Fit Physique Online. Man, I hated him how you used to order me about. But now, I think he's the best fitness trainer around. He runs his company called Fit Physique Online, held by the famous Fit Physique Custom Fitness, Inc. If you search up on the internet, you would find how they own some of the best health clubs, semi-private training studios and corporate programs all over. And not to mention how Rick is called the Physique Transformation expert, they have the 'state of the art' training experts and technology backing up for their purpose and mission of providing people with better and fitter lifestyle.

They have long been in the business and as I heard about them from my friends, they have some great fat loss/fitness applications, programs and products to offer to the people. The best thing is that they are highly sophisticated and personalized, geared to meet the specific requirements of the customer. That's what attracted me because I had to get slim quite quick and I preferred some specific kinds of exercises (I'm very choosy) but the Fit Physique Online trainer just wowed me with the level of guidance and support that he provided to me. I liked how he would normally note down what each person wanted from the program and then catered to that. That's what's called professionalism.

Oh, I forgot to tell you what program I joined in the first place. It's the famous Five-minute Fat Loss Program, patented to the Fit Physique Online. What we did? We did indoor and outdoor exercises, got some profound fat loss/fitness instructions, nutritional coaching along with motivational boosting training from the weight training experts. None of the exercises, workouts were too lengthy, only around half an hour. And not only that, they also offered education on how to enhance core strength, mental and physical stability and lots more. And since I was not an avid exerciser previously, so they saw that I first condition myself for the program. I loved the support and sense of accountability of the staff over there.

Moreover, all of us, fitness, used to work out along with each other. I always preferred personal trainers previously. I had a notion that they would provide complete attention toward me, and when I hired one, I found we were spending most of the time talking and when we're exercising, he was just sitting there, counting reps or spouting out senseless boastful lecture on his level of expertise. Stupid! Why would I spend so much money for these? Then came the 'theory of semi-private fat loss training'...That turned out to be my favorite! If I weren't getting something right, my mate beside me would show it to me. If I weren't motivated enough to go for it, the single mom would inspire me to push it. The camaraderie between us participants was great and made it a fun session. After all, that's what is needed.

But that doesn't mean the coach was standing there doing nothing. He was of utmost help and I'd say this Fit Physique Online workshop was far better and efficient than that of the previous ones I took tied altogether. The level of support, guidance and motivation that we gained from the Rick and the other Fit Physique Online trainers was just superb. Commendable team, excellent service!

And if you are procrastinating whether to go for it or not, hey, what's the harm in it? Only half an hour a day and two to three days per week... You get complete free membership to the gym, and also nutritional and diet plans attached within the program. And even after all these, you don't benefit from the program, there's the 30-days full money back guarantee without any quibbling on the costs or anything. They even promise you that they will buy you skinny jeans when you graduate from the program. Wow! What a confidence! And they are there for your life. If you happen to get fatter in the future, they will provide you with FREE personal training once again till you get fitter.

Not only these five-minute have fat loss program, but they had other products and plans as well. My appetizer was the "Secrets to REAL Weight Loss Success" eBook. It explained everything in detail and edified on the most elusive part of the weight lose concept. It can enlighten you a lot on the various fitness and diet techniques necessary for healthy and quick fat loss. Then, there were the diet plans and the fitness plans to choose from, well, I went with the Five Minute Fat Loss program instead. You would get complete comprehensive coaching from the masters and whether you are a person or a club, you can benefit equally from their awesome knowledge and service.

Rick, I've done some shameless advertising on your behalf, but remember I still hate you on how you used to push me around. But thanks to you and Five Minute Fat Loss program! Yeah, you are still the best fat-loss teacher or expert there. Thumbs up to Fit Physique Online!