A short post! I’m not in a mood to write a long post for you all. I just came back from a night out and I’m fucking tired. Today, when I went to a house party, I noticed something VERY IMPORTANT.
All the cool boys were well dressed and girls were flocking around them!
But I couldn’t figure out what actually made them ‘cool’ and how their attire, their style played a role in that.
Later, after much observation, I realize a few points.
They wore clothes that were not designer-branded but that fitted them well. Those boys, whether they had good physique or not, had a masculine build (that comes from an easy fitness routine) and even if they didn’t have a huge bicep, the well-fitting T-shirt they wore highlighted their masculinity, through their body form.
Their clothes were clean, and they were going with the latest fashion trends. Remember, dirty clothes are never liked by women and in fact, it turns women off. If you were something that’s fashionable, it means that you are socially adept and you know how to carry yourself gracefully in this world.
Now, here’s the biggie. Do women pay so much attention to a man’s appearance? You bet…they DO. And I tell you why they do.
Dirty scraggly look: You don’t care yourself. You don’t value yourself. You live an unhealthy lifestyle. You don’t even stand as a potential mate.
Clean yet average dressing style: You are a hygienic person and you DON’T turn her off. But does that mean you turn her on? No, you don’t. You have to put in a huge effort.
Flashy style: You are proud of yourself. You take care of yourself. You respect yourself. You are displaying your masculinity. You are sexually available for mating. You are a potential mate!
But hold on!
Is that all there is? No. If you cross the boundary and pay too much attention to your looks, you look like you are insecure and you have way too much time to spare on appearance. Unless she feels you have a reason to look good all the time or take special attention to it, you come across as a fake. You put on a little flash, she gets attracted to you because you are proud of yourself, sexually displaying yourself and sexual confidence is always a turn-on for women. Furthermore, if you stand out in an attractive way, you are socially presentable, she feels good about socially aligning with you. So, good appearance acts just as a catalyst in bringing her closer to you.
So, there it is. Your APPEARANCE & STYLE attracts her or helps in the attraction process. But don't be mistaken. Women still is attracted to one thing: YOUR PERSONALITY. Your sense of style and appearance only gives her an idea of that.
Now, run and check yourself in the mirror pronto and decide how you want yourself to be.
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