Jan 30, 2010

Make Her Fall in Love with You in ‘3’ Steps

Friends, how are you all doing? I hope you are rocking your dating and social life, and not getting enough time to read my posts even. Well, still you should regularly visit my site. Why? It’s because you are likely to find some GREAT DATING PHILOSOPHY over here. See, I always refer to as ‘dating philosophy’ because I believe it is no less than a science, it is a complete study of basic human needs and ever-continuing anthropological creed.

Anyway back to the topic, I was thinking about what actually makes someone fall in love with you. Not to speak that ALL of us want to sleep to and wake to these very words – ‘I love you’, aren’t we? But still, what makes a girl fall in love with you? When you bring her sweet smelling flowers, toothsome chocolate candies or treat her with utmost respect and love, do you make her fall in love with you? In MOST cases, you don’t. She is flattered and reciprocates you with kindness, if she has some manners. But most of the time, she is just not bothered to fall in love with you, to think of you in a romantic light.

So, how do you make her fall in love with you?

Not About Saving Your Relationship, but Keeping the Relationship with the Woman

I’m not into my middle age yet but I can tell you something. I’m A MASTER when it comes to relationships with women. Keeping and saving your relationships with your woman is an art. And the hardest part is that you cannot resort to some bibelot pickup routine or gimmicks to sustain your relationship with the women. It asks for some REAL game, which is not meant to be a game but actually the ‘dance of life’.

I know that many men would admit one thing. Even at times, when they were able to attract some hot woman into their life, they found it very hard to keep the relationship with the woman. In the beginning, the relationship goes strong and fun, but soon into it, the whole fire sizzles out and SHE LEAVES YOU. And that pain is excruciating. Firstly, the validation of a very beautiful woman is addictive and when she is the ONLY woman in your life, then it sure HURTS.

Jan 28, 2010

Renaissance Man - What Women Really Want From Man

Do you know what attracts a woman, what women really want from men? It's a Renaissance Man. It's not my coinage, it's actually taken from a blog post of Brad of Pumaskills.com. One of the nice posts I've found over the internet on dating, pickup and relationships. Go check it in the link below:

Steps to Become A Renaissance Man - Women Can't Resist

The basic motto of the blog post is, Women want Men who have an Interesting and Attractive Lifestyle

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Jan 25, 2010

When It Comes to Success with Women, What I Do

Well, I was the proverbial geek at one point of my time and I NEVER had a bit of success with women before that. Now, over the time I have strived very hard to improve myself to a point where being successful with women is not some virtual imagination anymore. I can go out and meet women, eventually coming back with phone numbers and day 2’s.

So, what’s my secret behind the success with women? What do I do that you DON’T?

Well, first of all, I have learned to QUALIFY WOMEN. I can compromise with the quantity of success with women but never with the QUALITY of that success with women. First decide what you want, whom you want and just go on a mission to SEARCH her. If you think you can boast to your pals that you have shagged over 100 women and inside you know that none of them were even HB7, then it’s of no use. You want only HB9’s and HB10’s. But you are quenching the thirst with only the lesser ones. And then you are bragging about that to your friends. That’s not what being a player is. That’s not what being successful with women is. Go get WHAT YOU WANT

Jan 23, 2010

TWO Factors that creates ATTRACTION!

I’m a highly analytical person and I think that some people will call me a geek as well. Well, yeah I AM. I’m always looking to theorize every single aspect of dating women – mainly, how to pick women up and how to keep relationships with women. Yes, that’s my hobby, that’s my passion and that’s my obsession.

I will make it short in this one. The TWO most important factors that creates ATTRACTION are:

Real ConfidenceWhat do you mean by real confidence? Well, when you are comfortable in your skin and you are not afraid to express your real side, and move through the world in an unapologetic, dominating way, that’s when you have Real Confidence. And Real Confidence creates Attraction. Women don’t want you to be always dressed in the best clothes and goggles. Women don’t want you to TRY to be smart before them. They don’t like wannabes. Women WANT you to be that MAN who is secure inside and can provide them with a stable reality. That’s what women want.

Now, your question will be how can you be confident among beautiful women? Of course, you are not accustomed to being around beautiful women that much. Right you are! So, the next step will be to interact with as many females as you can. And in EACH of the interactions, you have got to STAY NORMAL. You cannot TRY, you cannot TRY to seek rapport or you cannot even TRY to break rapport, that’s a sign of seeking rapport, by the way.  You just stay natural as you normally are in your daily life. Treat her as everyone else.

Jan 21, 2010

Natural Game - Pick Up Women in 5 Easy Steps

In natural game, you must first understand and believe two BASIC facts of life.

One, women love to be SEXUALLY desired by men.

Two, women want the RIGHT MEN to desire her.

They may act that they don't comply with the above two facts but sure they do. Well, we are not talking of lesbians or nuns, actually. Now, the five steps to a natural game to pickup women would be as follows:

One, APPROACH her or make her approach you. Most of the girls will not approach you, unless you have a HUGE apparent value, and even then they might get scared of your value. So, it's your work as a man to start the game.

Two, FLIRT as soon as you can. Don't compromise the initial comfort though but yeah, you should bring in the sexual atmosphere from the very first time she gets to know you. This creates the proper atmosphere for the game to work.

Three, QUALIFY her to show that you still come from a position of power. She must respect you because you respect yourself.

Four, create some RAPPORT and COMFORT, upholding the sexual tension. To establish rapport, just talk with her. Don't TRY to demonstrate value to her or solve her daily problems. Rapport is when you know that someone understands you. He may not be relating to your situation but he sure knows how you feel. That's rapport. For keeping the sexual tension, just let her know how you are sexually interested in her without resolving it. Just let the anticipation to build up. It should be mainly through your body language, voice tonality, facial expression and intriguing verbalizations (more commonly called sexual innuendos and double entendres).

Five, APPRECIATE her when you see that she is qualifying herself and a deep connection is being built up. Release the sexual tension, show some masculine passion towards her and be NICE to her. Escalate!

These are the five basic steps to picking up women in a natural way, more commonly known in the seduction community as 'Natural Game'.

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Approaching Women Logistics

You might be approaching women for some time now and you are ready to take in some deep stuff by now.

When you approach women, you normally have two factors deciding your success: your perceived high value and your approach vibe.

If you are apparent high value and you approach her, slightly interested yet from a qualifying position, then it is success.

If you are apparent equal value and you approach her, interested yet from a qualifying position, then it is success.

If you are apparent low value and you approach the woman, interested yet from a qualifying position, then it is highly likely to be a failure.

If you are apparent high value and you act cocky and disinterested, then it is failure.

If you are apparent equal value and you act cocky and disinterested, then it is success (though depends on whether she takes any action or not to game you).

If you are apparent low value and you act cocky and disinterested, then it is failure.

Remember though, you feel you are value and your appearance goes with it, she BELIEVES you are value.

You got to be a prize and you can do that by taking care of yourself and being hard to get to her.

When you show interest while approaching the woman, it is always best that you should always be a challenge and qualify her.

If you don’t show any interest, don’t approach and don’t bait her, she hardly is going to ACT unless you are extremely high value to her.

And in all of the above instances, you have to BE CONFIDENT. No doubt at all!

That’s it.

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Jan 20, 2010


Now, I have been in the field for quite some time and I’ve been forced to see the various probabilities of the social dynamics. I am a bit of a geek and I know my language does prove that. I write so complicated!
Anyway, just now I returned from a quick rendezvous and I discovered something. What really does suck a woman towards you? That’s your PERSONALITY. And how your personality should be? It should be both BAD and GOOD.

Let me expound that a bit.

When you first approach a woman or you’re to create the first impression, you MUST always be good, not nice though. Any girl, whether good or bad, will never even give a man with insolent idiotic attitude a second thought. So, that shouldn’t be your first impression. And there’s another plus point in that. Why? If you start with being nice, she is more likely to compel to respond positively. Now, you can unleash that bad boy weapon. She will find the new side to your character interesting. And in the later stages during the deep connection, when you turn a bit soft and nice with her, that’s just natural to her and she likes it. So, she finds that ATTRACTIVE balance in you.

If you can start with flirting as well as make her feel safe and comfortable, then you are awesome. But if you don’t know how to flirt when you approach her, just go in to meet her and be her friend. And when she is comfortable, you should start being flirtatious and BAD.

Note: If you are flirtatious and act NICE, she will be flattered but not feel that tweak of tension inside her. It’s when she can’t control you and you are really HARD TO GET that she starts succumbing to your sexuality.

Do FLIRT but also play HARD TO GET, with Intrigue and Innuendos!

Then, eventually you will be shifting to the normal ‘rapport’ or connection building stage. Now, this stage is actually initiated by the girl who complies with your qualifications, shows interest and tries to come close to you. At this stage, turn into a NICE GUY without giving up that ‘hard to get’ part completely. Qualify her, care about her, express yourself, have fun and whenever she does comply to you or comes up with some tests, disqualify her and bring back the BAD BOY. Only this time, you shouldn’t flirt. Let her work for you.
At this deep rapport stage, she should do whatever you want her to and you reward her by taking care of her.

You should appreciate her and reward her with LOVE.

In short, start with the BAD BOY and end into a GOOD BOY.

And what's the definition of good boy and bad boy?

Good Boy - Dependable, Grounded
Bad Boy - Unpredictable, Adventurous

But before you actually rush out to run the game on the first girl you find in the street nearby, you got to listen to the MOST IMPORTANT DATING ADVICE here.

You have got to SHOW YOUR INTEREST in the girl. It’s not like ‘so you are hot. I don’t care about you’ or ‘oh my god, you are so hot and I don’t think I deserve you’ but more in the lines of ‘You are hot, I Like it and I deserve you’. That’s the essence of Direct Game

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Jan 19, 2010

How Do Players Get Girls

First of all, I’m not talking about making girls fall in love with you. But, I’m talking about how to pique their interest and curiosity to know you better, that is build comfort and rapport. Now, I’ve seen many players in the field and I’ve found that most of these so-called players, who do quite well with women (getting girls in a row every night), have three common characteristic traits going for them. Even I come with these ones.become a player getting girls
And these are as follows.
Fun – You always have a good time with the players. They are not goofing around actually, but you just don’t know how time flies away when you are with them. You just have a good time with them. At times, they are telling some exciting personal story, sometimes they are teasing the hell out of you while there are times when they are just so connecting well with you that you feel good when you are with them. This one is big and I can go on with this one. Let’s just stop here (more on this in some later blog) and move on.
Sexual – Players are just so good at creating that sexual vibe, that sexual atmosphere in the atmosphere. Women may act prude but remember, all of them want a romantic sexual vibe in the air. It makes them feel desirable and turns them on. When someone tells you that you are so sexy, don’t you feel good? Even if in the back of your mind you know that they are not serious or they are just being flirtatious, you feel good nonetheless. He flirts and he makes you feel special. That’s a player.
Now, you will think that I try to be funny, build rapport and show my innocent desire for her, but still don’t care to reciprocate it or even, acknowledge it. Then what do these players have in extra that makes the girl notice and pay special attention to them? Why the girls would reciprocate interest towards them and not towards you?
Open your ears WIDE. Here comes the major one.
Hard To Get – Yes, they have a good time with you and indicate special interest towards you, but you STILL CANNOT just get them. They are so near to you yet they are out of reach. They are just so nonchalant and they wear a peculiar “I don’t care” attitude. They are very DOMINANT. They have their own world and they have a really strong reality. They don’t buy into your frame, instead you get sucked up in their frame and thus you feel that tingling sensation whenever they call you up or meet you. Yes, these players are just hard to get.
If you see any player getting girls in a bar like a honeycomb attracts bears, just remember that this player has GAME.

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Jan 17, 2010

What Flirting With Women Actually Stands For?

What is Flirting?

Flirting means conveying sexual interest (more than what is considered as social curtsy) in a woman. Flirting is all about subcommunication. You should INSTANTLY start that sexual communication with a woman the moment you approach her. If not, let her be comfortable and be ready to accept that. That shows the girl special attention she so requires (her need for validation) and since it is done in a cocky way (shows you’re high status). It is essentially…

F = HV + SI + ST

where, F = flirting, HV = High Value, SI = Sexual Intent and ST = Sexual Tension

Flirting can be of TWO ways:

One, attraction-based flirting and another, value-based flirting

and in both the cases, it normally starts with a more acceptable level of interest leading to a more sexually aggressive form.

Attraction-based Flirting 

In the first case, what you just do is go and start playfully messing with the girl where she knows that it’s an indication of your special interest towards her. She knows what you are doing but it piques up her interest since you are fun and making her feel good. She can also take you on a ride, because she knows you are in a kidding mood and chicks love to flirt. So, she doesn't take you seriously or take it to her heart. Remember, you have to MESS with her huge (challenge her, that is, push her, to bring that sexual tension), just PLAY with her and ESCALATE (pull her) real fast. If you see that she is getting uncomfortable, just change to comfort phase a bit and again, return back to this. Your body language, facial expressions or voice tonality expresses that. But you are building up the tension. This creates some INSTANT ATTRACTION. But the only problem is that she focuses on the feeling and not on YOU. She wants you for the sexual tension that you generate, not for the person that you are. One important note here, if you are looking for same night lays, cut the deep rapport phase. Just work her up with your continuous teasing, minute takeaways coupled with heavy sexual escalation (heavy flirting) with a non-needy attitude.  That’s it. You go to attraction to comfort plus attraction to comfort plus seduction in this case.

This is more of a psychological game. You are TRYING here. This is basically ambiguous, where you force her to believe something and then steal that frame from her - the Frame Stealer according to Scott Patterson's book "Flirt Mastery". This is basically when you have some value, and should be done SPARINGLY. So, this should be done when she's indulging in you, that means, when she's already attracted to you. This is a great way to keep up the challenge, tension or sexual charge in the interaction.

In the playful flirting, you are working up her buying temperature and she feels attraction at that moment. It is transitory. In this way, you are signalling the chick that you are up for some fun. She will not really depend on you but she will feel very attracted to you. You are that bad boy she loves!

Game Plan #1. This is proper for women who might be hot but are still insecure inside, and seek validation, which never seem to be enough for them. But if she is getting validated from others, she will forget this surface attraction very soon. They fall for any guy who is cocky and pushes them away or snubs them down. Don't expect any solid relationships from them and there's a huge risk of flaking as well. Same night lays are very easy with this technique. Sometimes, it leads to even deeper attraction, after you get physical with her and she gets real pleasure from it, and that becomes a source of validation from her.

Value-based Flirting 

But in the other case, what you do is you just enter in a normal casual way from a position of power, focus on DEEP RAPPORT mainly. Your energy towards her tells her that you are sexually interested in her, but you are not trying or over-validating her. She can feel that you like her, but you are not acting like you are trying at all. The trick to this flirting game is by not seeking rapport at all, in fact, being a bit of rapport-break at the same time. Sometimes, a strong display of MALE SEXUALITY is a perceived HIGH VALUE. You just go in and start qualifying her, giving her the time to build connection and comfort. Your perceived value is already heating her up. You are just radiating that feeling to her. Sometimes, verbal validation of her like a compliment or showing her attention with little thoughtful acts, will just charge up that sexual vibe, when done as a reward to her compliance to your value. The best thing about this is that she falls in loves with you as a person. This is the way how relationships are formed mainly and maintained years after years. There is a sense of mutual desire from both sides but no one acts on it all the time. It is slow but it is more stable, because you get the time to build the rapport. How the sexual tension is created and maintained? Through sexual state transfer. And then you might be talking passionately about daily stuffs, getting to know each other and in no hurry. But she feels that sexual charge in the atmosphere. In this case, what you are doing is building value in the eyes of the girl. Remember, VALUE equals DEEP RAPPORT, apart from your social status factors. It’s very subtle. It builds up over the time, when you meet her and escalate slowly yet consistently. It's not like in the previous case, where she was acting on a spiked up momentary emotion. You were turning it ON and striking the iron while it is hot. It's highly probably that these fast lays with the previous flirting will lead to flaking and a fool's mate situation later on. But here, each and every step should be very subtle yet sexually charged until both of you are TOO close and dependable on each other to go back! Just have a good time with her being a bit playfully challenging now and then, give her time to know you, trust you and depend upon you. BE ALPHA, be the MAN for her and just act like she's already there for you. You can do it any time you want. You are more about spending time with her, just like couples do. It is because deep inside, she is getting attracted to you, but on a conscious level, she should be feeling comfortable as well. So, the time given to her to get into the state and also get comfortable to you! In this case, since she knows what is happening and since consciously she is convinced that you are a high value guy and admires you, she goes along all the way. It's mutual attraction at its best.

Game Plan #2. This game is more suitable for quality very beautiful women who have men fawning around them, or trying to be cheesy around them. They don't need validation. They lack the real men, with the sexual charge. They want a man they can depend on, they don't want fun actually. But sometimes, the direct approach will be thwarted by some women in the first place and you cannot work your mojo over them. If you start with being playful and she smells validation-seeking in that, she will instantly reject you. If it is done with some power, then it creates massive attraction with the younger and more adventurous girls. If the woman wants a relationship but very obsessive with her social value, then your rapport-breaking DIRECT SEXUAL approach will stand out, though it also works with the young, open and adventurous girls as well. But when you are real and approach here with a Hi, Hello or just cool compliment, you show that you are confident and real INSTANTLY, two very attractive aspects of personality. You open with this kind of flirting style, you better be looking for a relationship, because this is how relationships happen. You straight go to comfort plus seduction in this game.

This is more of a metaphysical game. You are NOT TRYING here. Here, the mystery and rapport-breaking attitude is what attracts the woman. This is when you play hard to get and build your value a bit. Of course, if you believe strongly that you have value and can emanate that kind of inner power, then the girl will feel so too. But just imagine that you convey that kind of confidence and you start to seek rapport by telling jokes and being overtly playful with her right from the start. That is not congruent! You lose the perceived value and the girl loses the attraction. So, never start by seeking rapport. As Scott Patterson calls it, "The Rapport Breaker". Open her like that. As she qualifies herself, give in slowly and go deep with her.

At this point, I think you should check my favorite Vin Di Carlo's article on Attraction and Value.

Something to note here...

What's common in both these kinds of flirting with women?

First, in either of the flirting styles, you are the Alpha male. You have a strong reality, that is, confidence level. You don't doubt yourself and you are completely sure of what will happen. You DON'T seek approval or rapport at all.

Second, the first flirting women game is real FAST and UPHEAVAL-like. The second one is more SLOW and giving the time to make it work on the woman.

Should you use the first or the second?

Well, to be honest, it depends on the woman and situation. Sometimes, when the woman is a bit prudish and normally of a shy kind, she would be more comfortable with the second type of flirting style. If she is a dynamic woman, very social and highly adventurous, she will like the first sort of flirting. If you have plenty of time to invest in one woman, go for the second type of flirting style. If you see that you have to attract her and make her react within a few hours, go with the 1st type. But if you get time to work on a more fast woman, then the second flirting type will work. If you don't get time to work on that shy prude, you would better ramp up and bring out her WILD side out.

Not only that, it depends on how you are as a person. If you want a smooth and unforced flirting game, go for the second one, where it is more or less smooth. There's less drama. But in the former case, it's more of drama in there. You give the girl a rollercoaster ride!

I'm a very dominant person and to be honest, I don't like to wait that much. Whenever I try to give her some time, I either get too manipulating or lose my sexual charge. I always prefer DIRECT GAME. It makes me feel alive. When I go in, it's always my way.

Note: I updated it for about 6 times now. It's such a vast and complicated field. And as those pickup artists boast, we work like a mad scientist at the end of the day!

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Jan 16, 2010

Direct Day Game by Andy Yoshi (PUATraining coach)

You are looking for some great information on how to run a Direct Day Game?

Check this Direct Day Game blog post by Andy Yoshi. I'm sure you will like it.

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Types of Women During Daygame

I just found a great blog post over the internet on Daygame Problems written by Andy Yosha (UK based PUA/dating trainer). Check it out, I think it's one of the most informative posts that you can find on daygame.

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Sexual Chemistry with Women…Redefined

You know what I have found over the years of observing and learning from the masters in the “game”. I’ve seen that they do so LESS yet go away with the girl. They are never trying hard or going over the top to impress the woman. They DO THE MINIMUM but they do it RIGHT. That’s their secret!

 When you first approach a woman, if she accepts your approach, it means she is ready to move along with you. She somewhat likes you. That’s the basic thing that the newbies don’t seem to understand. They think they have to demonstrate High Value but when the case is that they should just NOT say or do anything that makes the girl feel that you don’t have much social value or you are a low status man.

Get over the introductory phase as soon as you can because that’s a deterrent to the forward motion of your game, and assume rapport. Just behave as if you know her for years and let her be comfortable! You don’t have to do anything special. Just BE NORMAL and have a good time, give yourselves some time to connect for God’s sake. Remember the GOLDEN RULE OF SEDUCTION: She feels what you feel.

But when she opens up to you and becomes quite comfortable, if you just spend some good time with her, you are a nice person to her. She likes you. But does she feel that “thing” for you? NO, NEVER. That’s because there’s no tension in the air. Tension doesn't come when you say that her eyes are very beautiful, that would make her feel good and she will know that you like her too. But will that create any sexual tension? No, because you are making it clear in the first place and clear outright statements don’t build tension, and secondly, if she is beautiful, she must have heard this line a thousand times before.

And thus, to create that mysterious sexual chemistry, you need to FLIRT. What is flirting by the way? Flirting tells her that you like her and you pay special attention to her, simple as that. You can do it by being cheeky (for fun) or you can do it by your BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDE (with sexual intent). When you say something that pushes her away yet pulls her in with your demeanor, that’s being cheeky. If you are able to convey that vibe that signals to her that you are interested in her, WITHOUT being overt, then also she feels that rush. And the latter one is Real Flirting, because it creates that serious sexual chemistry with you being the man and her being the woman. The Fun Flirting is more like two individuals, just engaged in naughty fun, that's it. At the end of the day, she will think, "He was a cute guy". But in real sexual flirting, she feels that tension that is the hallmark of quality seduction. But, whichever way you flirt, keep that 'I am the ONE' feel to it...strong confident signal of attraction!

Rule of Thumb: Flirting is all about subcommunication.

But is sexual tension built with just this expression of sexual interest? Is sexual flirting only expressing your interest in her? No, this is just the first step. Once you convince her that you like her romantically or sexually (not platonically), steal her frame. Make her feel that she MIGHT BE wrong. Vin Di Carlo says that you should build the anticipation, without making overt physical moves, only incidental ones and even if you do, just play with it a bit. He says that you should also use a lot of sexual innuendos and double entendres, but no explicit sexual expression (though sometimes it is acceptable, when romantically and artistically done). This is where she feels that conflict in her mind and she feels excited as well. This is called sexual tension, which is basically the anticipation of something that makes the whole thing more exciting.

Remember, if you normally TEASE her or MOCK her (as I do...I'm a very playful character), she will have fun but when you add that sex-factor to that, when she knows that you are sexually interested in her, this increase the sexual tension even more, and builds up the sexual chemistry. Even if you act a little disinterested or bring a break in the aroused state, it creates a dissonance in her mind and her whole sexual being is charged up to a new level. When the sexual charge is there, she will either look to create rapport and comfort with you, or just glow in the seductive force. If she seeks rapport, you can break it a bit to ante up the tension. If she's wanting more sexual advances from you, cut on the sexual vibe a bit. These breaks will drive her crazy. So, convey your sexual energy yet play with it a bit. It is a game after all!

If you keep on being cheeky day after day or show her that you like her with your actions continuously, she goes into the mode of screening once again. She knows that you like her, whether you are being cheeky or subtle with your actions, she has you "solved" and it depends on her if she wants to choose you or not. There is that sexual element in the air, that’s true. But keeping up that sexual vibe is hard because you need to continuously prove your social worth to her along with indicating your sexual interest in her. It can be done even if you shower her with compliments, flowers or chocolates, and have fun with her. She will know that you made the move and she accepted you.

But women find men who are a CHALLENGE irresistible. And when you add that sexual feeling to it, they just can’t get over him. He introduces that sexual vibe in the air but still stays out of reach. That’s makes the women chase him.

How does he do that? He indicates sexual interest through his playfulness or subtle actions, but just when the girl feels that he is interested in her, he emotionally pushes her away and steals her frame. He makes her feel that she might not be right after all. When she feels like, ‘Does he love me?’ in her mind, you are being that irresistible man. She will come for you.

But if you give yourself up fully, that will ruin the tension built up over the time. What you have to do is just feel the cat-string theory. You throw the string but you make it work the string. Then give some more and then take it away, and again let it work for the string. The process is repeated until you two are so close that you can GO DIRECT on her. She will accept it. It continues until the later Deep Rapport phase.

Remember DON’T TRY for rapport. Just let it roll in its own whim. Be the Normal Alpha Guy. The ultimate mistake in seduction is to force it. Never do it.

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Jan 15, 2010

Ron’s Seduction Model…In Step By Step Bits

This post is going to be very short yet it will be of HIGH VALUE.

Where do you start? You APPROACH her, and you approach her DIRECT. If she is beautiful, she knows why you are there and if you can’t pull off the indirect approach with 100 percent precision, it will backfire. But even if you fumble in your direct approach, it shows that you have the balls to be a MAN and she will appreciate it, though that doesn’t necessarily impress the woman.

Right after you approach, DON’T be the jerk, going strong on her. You don’t want to freak her out. Just play it cool and meet her. Don’t hit on her right away. You felt like knowing more about her and that’s why you are there. Yes, you are showing interest but you are neither being a chump nor being a scary weird person round the corner. You are just that cute person who approached her.

Let her open up. When she opens up, you got to proceed from a formal level to a more informal level. Be a little fun… when you see you two are normally close, and that she is quite informal with you, gradually bring in the sexual vibe in the air. How the hell are you going to create that sexual tension? It’s always through flirting. Flirting is more of a push-pull kind of thing. You show tentative interest. She feels it but cannot be sure about it. When you show your sexuality and create that sexual atmosphere, you don’t give her a chance to see you just as a friend. The level of rapport decides how much sexual you can be with her.

From this moment onwards, you just focus on building rapport and upping the ante of sexual vibe/sexual tension. How? Flirt sometimes playfully and sometimes, just show her genuine sexual interest. What is sexual chemistry at the end of the day? Sexual chemistry is when there’s sexual feel in the air. If you flirt and she flirts back, there’s the chemistry. If you flirt and she doesn’t respond, the chemistry is yet not there. You have to try some other way or she might not be just open yet. Build some more rapport and connection and then, again repeat. Rinse, Repeat!

Rapport -> Flirt -> Rapport -> Flirt

Too much rapport without seduction will make you a friend. Too much seduction without rapport and comfort will scare her away.

At one point, you will be so close that you will just BE OUTRIGHT with your desire about her. She will WANT that. But that is in the later stages of the interaction.

Always remember, it’s all about subcommunication and emotional subtext that you should be worried about.

Jan 14, 2010

New-Age Attraction Model - Learn The Basis of Dating and Picking Up Women

Okay, before I start, I want to state something here. I believe in it and my personal experience with the girls that I have met and dated all over has taught me so.

Women LOVE to be loved and desired by men, provided that the men do it RIGHT. This turns women on and builds the right sexual chemistry. Unless you bring the vibe, there can be no chemistry between you two.

But expressing your sexual interest in the wrong manner, that is, laying out your cards naively won’t get you laid. Why? It’s because you fall into the NICE GUY category. What does a “nice guy” means? I don’t know what other PUAs or dating coaches would normally have to say about it but according to me, a NICE GUY is someone who goes a step further than just being a “gentleman”.

Some typical characteristics of a “nice guy”:
  •   He agrees to everything she says and does.
  •   He is always available to her.
  •  He acts submissive and fawning to the girl.
  •  He never shows that he might have sexual interest in the girl, that is, he rejects himself as a man.
  • He puts the girl in the front and stays in the back.
  • He clings on to the approval of the girl too much.
Now these are just some of the most common and basic characteristics of the “nice guy”. And this pisses off the women big time. Being a NICE GUY never helps!

But we don’t want to be a jerk either, do we? For someone like me, it really feels manipulative and fake as well. I never condoned being a Jerk just to get women in my life.

And here’s an attraction model that shows you how to attract women without being a jerk.

First of all, let’s know the dictionary definitions:

-verb (without an object)
  1. Make playful romantic or sexual passes
  2. Dally or trifle with something
  3. Move abruptly or jerkily
- verb (with an object)
     1.       To annoy or irritate someone.
     2.       To playful banter on someone.
     3.       To arouse desire or curiosity without providing satisfaction.

I’m a very analytical kind of guy, and find it really easy to break complex combinations into simple parts and then rearrange them according to my convenience and preference.
You must have got several pick up women models, haven’t you? Some most popular ones are below:

Meet > Attract > Connect > Seduce (Mystery)
Comfort > Attraction > Qualification > Sexual Escalation (AFC Adam)
Rapport > Seduction (Vin Di Carlo)
Seduction > Close (Gunwitch)

But is it that easy? No, it never was and it never is.

Here what I’m presenting to you is just a model of how to create attraction and build the necessary sexual chemistry. According to me, unless these two things are there right from the start or as soon as is possible, the whole pickup process come falling down.

I have normally studied under many dating coaches and PUAs. Some say that you should assume attraction and then just focus on rapport and escalation. Then again, some suggest that you should always build attraction right in the beginning, if her value is higher than yours is. But how can you possibly show higher value if you are really higher value?

That’s your body language and attitude. This show how strong a reality you have, and that tells what might be your lifestyle and social value.

Yes, that’s the very thing that creates attraction. That’s called physical attraction.

Next how does a woman want you to go about closing the deal with her or rather what makes her agree to closing the deal with you?

Know the basic here: She closes the deal when she feels the sexual attraction towards you and she knows you can satisfy her needs and desires. What might be her desire by the way? Remember one thing… she wants a better life, whether you are a better provider, protector, seducer or entertainer. She just wants you to add value to her life, and make it better than it already is.

So how can you add value to her life?

1.       By satisfying her SEXUALLY
2.       By satisfying her EMOTIONALLY
3.       By satisfying her LOGICALLY

Now, let’s say you are a good lover. What makes you a good lover? You are a good lover when you connect with her and can satisfy her carnal desires. So, you satisfy her physically and emotionally both. You know what, that’s enough for her to choose you and stick to you as your partner. It’s very rare when you get someone like that.

Now, the thing is that sexual tension can be created by generally two ways:

1.       Express sexual interest in her – Flirt with her
2.       Bust on her and give her a hard time – Tease her
3.       Share interesting personal experiences – Tell Stories

Why you tease? Teasing makes her laugh, creates challenge, shows sense of humor (a social value factor) and keeps her interest or attention. Why you flirt? Flirting establishes the chemistry between you two and makes her see in sexual light.

But your expressing sexual interest in her is going to make her sexually attracted to you? Your busting on her and giving her a hard time can create sexual chemistry between you two? No, if you bust on her right away, it might seem as you’re coming on too strong on her. If you seem submissive and indicate your sexual interest, you might come off as just another boy who lives and dies for her.

So, yes at the very start, you don’t want to come on too strong but then again, you don’t want to be stagnant at a place too long too. Neither “too much, too soon” nor “too late” is good for the pickup process.

Okay, let's break the whole pickup women process step-by-step bits.

You approach the girl. You either do it direct or indirect, according to your preference. If you go indirect and have the vibe of direct approach, you show that you are dishonest and lack confidence. She is going to know why you opened her in the first place. I believe that indirect approach needs intense amount of expertise and also the right situation to result into fruition. Personally, I prefer direct approach. Let them know why I'm there.

And I want to keep in mind one thing. Right from the approach, you are building your social value in her eyes. With your body language, attitude, ability to withhold social pressure, your fashion sense and your voice...all helps in building in your social value.

The very first thing you need to establish is the Hook Point. This is the point when she accepts you and opens herself up to you. How do you reach the hook point? Simple, by asking a few questions about her and telling a few things about yourself. You tell DHV yet funny stories about yourself and you elicit normal information her to see if she complies with that. What you are doing here is you are qualifying her, you are showing that you are socially valuable and acceptable (of course, you are somewhat interesting) and you are creating that sense of trust and comfort with an absolute stranger. At this point, she is only thinking, "nice person he is", not necessarily that she has to fuck you tonight.

Now, when she opens herself up, the next step is to push up her heart beat rate and bring in the sexual chemistry.  A bit of tension is what makes you a lover. Remember Enrique Iglesias' line "...Sweetest Pleasure is Pain..." from the song "I love to see you cry". This is the stage of Attraction. Not only do you make it hard for her a bit, that is, push her a bit, you get the chance to pull her in and you do that by flirting with her (passing romantic gestures to her). And I name it the FlirTease Theory of Attraction. What you do basically is you Flirt and you Tease! Remember the dictionary definitions of  Flirting and Teasing. You disagree with her at times and break rapport. Attraction is nothing but making her to get her validation back or gain rapport once again.

Remember, you just MAKE HER FEEL that weird feeling of interest, curiosity and sexuality. A bit of hard time (though you should be friendly but still out of reach), complete non-neediness, heaps of social value and sexual vibe in the air. She will start to give you signals that she wants to get close to you and wants to know you better, and that's the time for deep rapport. Challenging her doesn't mean that you have to stay aloof or act rude. You should be positive yet just not under control. Women love what they can't have easily. Bad Boy Attitude!

Rule of Thumb: She may not work for you...You have to FORCE HER to do so.

But here’s a thing to understand, for the newbies. More often, men think that this whole pickup thing works in a linear pattern. But no, it doesn’t. It’s not as if you create comfort and then stop… you create attraction and then stop…

No, it actually works in a layer pattern. You start with one layer and keep on putting layer over layers, so that ultimately you climb up to your goal. Was that a good analogy?

When you approach the woman, you just create a sense of trust and comfort in her. You add sexual tension and interest later on and so forth.

But the question is how do you normally use ball busting and flirtation? Yes, I know what you are thinking right now. One thing, getting to know each other creates that essential rapport, and rapport gets you  the girl in the end, not some superficial attraction that you built with her. Then are just to steer and control the interaction in the right direction. They are like spices.

Suppose you continuously bust on her, she might think you are crazy. If you keep on acting amorous and passing romantic gestures to her, she might get bored of it and it will lose its ability of creating the necessary tension. If you are telling one story after another, you are giving her no chance to speak, bum. Let her speak and learn about her. She must feel like "he really understands me...we connect so well".

The idea is to get deep into her, emotionally into her and occupy her mind and heart. That’s making her fall in love. And for that, you need to listen to her. You elicit her values, her beliefs, her passions and give feedback to it. You are qualifying and connecting with her in other words. But why would she qualify herself to you? Deep rapport is not so easy.

Let’s say after you approach, you just tell her one story and try to elicit information from her. She might not open up instantly. But, after some trust and comfort is created with some safe and interesting (DHV) interaction, she opens up.  Now, she feels interested about you. Why? It’s because you seem like you can add value to her life. Then, you qualify her lightly and ask her about herself. You both start getting to know each other. Remember, it's not that deep yet. To get deep into her, you got to enter her deep reality and command it. You start creating the sexual tension, flirting with her, teasing with her and also keeping the interest level intact with your DHV storytelling, and in the mean time, start eliciting values and opinion from her.

At the initial stages, she will normally be enjoying you as a company. But remember, she is feeling the attraction at the moment. It’s superficial attraction. But she doesn't feel a deep connection with you. And you CANNOT make her feel that deep connection with you as well, THAT SOON. You will be acting like a TRY-HARD and that ruins everything that you worked on so far. Remember, never push it. At this moment, she is not "emotionally" dependent on you and doesn't seek your approval as well, but she feels like she's opening up to you.

Note: How do you judge the connection if it is light or deep? It’s the amount she needs to qualify. Is it just her last grades in school? Or is it her whole family background that is going to be tested here? She should QUALIFY herself and as a reward, you CONNECT to her and form a relationship.

At this point, you can either work on the sexual attraction, and can escalate it to any of the physical close, if you think she’s that independent and adventurous herself. This is when you just want to get laid.

But let’s say you are running a day game and the logistics are against you so that you cannot escalate her to the physical level, so what do you do? You build some quick connection with her, that is, show her that you two have some kind of rapport and comfort, and then follow it up later on.

But even, when the girl seems adventurous and up for a quickie, it is always good to create some connection before you make your final move, because that gives you the chance to get a golden egg everyday and not only for one day.

How do you judge the connection if it is light or deep? It’s the amount she needs to qualify. Is it just her last grades in school? Or is it her whole family background that is going to be tested here? She should QUALIFY herself and as a reward, you CONNECT to her and form a relationship. How do you make sure that she qualifies herself and you can take the interaction forward? Tease her, not when she is qualifying herself but on some little flaws that only makes it CHALLENGING her status (not turning her off though), flirt with her that creates the right sexual chemistry for the interaction to move forward to the romantic level, and sharing DHV personal experiences that tells her that you are of her social status.

When you are doing some light comfort and trust session in the beginning, you can and should always be bringing the sexual tension as soon as you can, as soon as you find she is opening up to you and getting comfortable with you. You should start giving her a bit of a hard time and let her work for you a bit. Let her qualify herself to you.

And you slowly lead the interaction towards a more emotional level. Share your emotional sides, learn about her deep values, beliefs and opinions, compliment her and connect with her. You two are relating! That's called deep rapport.

Some questions for deep rapport:

Have you ever been in love?
How do you define ?
What is the three best things about you?
What is the three worst things about you?
What is that one thing you cannot say NO to?
What is the worst moment of your life?
What is the best moment of your life?

You see, all of them are not just normal questions that you ask to a stranger, but you ask this to someone, you  have interacted with for quite some time and you have established that comfort and trust with that person. The trick to establish deep rapport is just chill and GO DEEP. Avoid introductory questions (mainly for creating trust and comfort) or everyday normal conversations (again for comfort and trust), focus on her, listen to her, show her real interest (she has earned it, remember) and try to understand her. You cannot directly come to this stage too soon. If you do, you are being a try-hard. Just give it some time. For that time being, you keep up the tension and keep creating enough comfort and trust with her. She'll let you know when the time has come.

And once, you she qualifies herself and you move on to a more physical level, you don’t make it so hard for her anymore. Or she will lose her interest in you. If you are too easy to seduce, she loses interest. If you are too hard to seduce, she loses interest. And you can play hard to get when she qualifies herself and you are moving onto the physical level. And remember, when she starts responding positively, you tone down busting on her (it should only be done for FUN and ENJOYMENT to keep the temperature up, she knows that you are kidding with her) or even stop flirt with her, and move it in the forward direction, that is, help her seduce you. Flirting is a kind of striking up her sexual excitation, when her heart races faster and she feels something for you. She sees yours sexuality and confidence, and also gets into the sexual mood. But when she’s qualifying, if you flirt, she will get distracted from the mode she’s in, that is, trying to win you over. Rather just qualify her, have fun (keep the temperature high), and pull her in at times. You don’t need to flirt when the sexual chemistry is already there. You can just express your sexual interest in her then. That’s not flirting, that’s rewarding her. Yes, that’s pulling her in and showing her that you approve her. And that keeps the momentum high. It’s not playful but now, you are being serious about it. If she doesn't qualify at some point, you can bust on her back and push her down once again.

Remember, seduction is nothing but pulling her in, rewarding her when she qualifies. If she doesn’t qualify herself or tries to seduce you, it’s no use trying to run any seductive routine on her. You can be a try hard but try hard means you have to really TRY HARD sometimes, pursue her for years and then get any results.

If you are obsessed with her and cannot live without her, that is definitely one of the routes to go but why not choose an easier way-out?

So, to end it,

The model here that we have spoken about is:
  1.   Meet Women (either direct or indirect)
  2.     Build Social Value, Create Comfort and Trust
  3.  Reach Hook Point
  4.  Bring Conflict/Tension, Create the Sexual Chemistry
  5.     Establish Deep Rapport
  6.  Seduce The Woman
  7.  Reinforce Comfort and Trust
  8.  Close the Deal
To simplify it even further,

Meeting > Familiarity (A little Comfort) > Sexual Tension > Deep Rapport > Seduction

That’s it.

But before we end, let me tell you one thing. Girls love you when you make her feel. She wants you to challenge her, she wants you to be sexual with her, she wants you to be serious and she wants you to playful. Tease her (challenge her), flirt with her (turn her on), be playful and establish deep rapport...do it all in the right proportion, and the girl would be yours!

Formula for you: Comfort + Playful (challenges her, pushes her away) + Deep Rapport (connects and pulls her in)  = Seduction

Go use it and tell me how you feel about it.

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Jan 12, 2010

Sexual Chemistry - A Movie Review

I’m not into writing casual posts. I normally write informative and succinct dating pieces, but in this one, I’m going to stray from my regular style and just talk about a movie I have seen recently.

Yes, today itself I saw a movie, a romantic comedy you can say. The story goes like this. The boy meets the girl. The boy falls helplessly in love with the girl, but cannot express his feelings to her. Now, she finds some other man and was about to marry him. Yet the boy remains silent because he feels that the girl is out of his league and that the other man is better suited for her.

But he stays by her, in times of good and bad, and as he repeats in the movie, ‘no demands, no complaints’. So, at the last, when the time of marriage comes, the girl realizes that the boy has always been by her side and rejects the man and goes for him. Happy ending!

Now, when I was watching the movie, some questions popped into my genius mind.

Can it happen for real?

And if it so, what clicked with girl in the end?

First of all, it must be kept in mind that the boy’s attitude was friendly and NICE. He looked very eager and agreeable to everything she said and did. He was funny and always up to some kind of foolish yet exciting activities. He was, all in all, a sweetheart. At least, that’s what I and the girl in the movie felt. He worshipped the girl and was the best friend to the girl. But he loved the girl very much in his heart.

Well, in the movie, it was shown that the girl remembered how he had always been by her and cared about her. She started crying (can’t say if it was sympathy) and started loving him.

The time of dissection now…

We have to think like a woman here, what she wants and what she gets ultimately. And she doesn’t really get what she wants here in this movie.

A woman always wants her man to be:

Confident and Dominant

And since she also wants sexual satisfaction, she wants someone who is a hardcore romancer, a lover she wants.

So, when you state your sexual intentions to her in a sensuous way, she finds it romantic and it creates the right chemistry between you two. She knows that she can be the woman for you know how to be a man. You are the man who knows how to love a woman. Moreover, you show her that you are quite direct and dominant, and have the ability to lead her. That means you have a strong reality as a MAN. And that’s what a woman wants from her man.

Now, let’s look at it from a different angle. A woman, especially a very beautiful woman, is normally surrounded by man, who is either a nerd or player. Carefully looked at, both of them don’t signify honesty. The former one just doesn’t have the courage to be honest and the latter one doesn’t care to be honest. And that’s another thing what women look for in a man.

A woman always wants her man to be:

Real and Honest

…unless she is up for a quickie herself!

By now, it must be clear to you then what a woman normally wants from a man.

But how come the girl in the movie fell for the boy in the end? Here’s the biggie!

If you let go of all inhibitions and convince someone that you can do anything to get them, that you LOVE them so much, they are bound to fall in love with you. Yes, that’s true. To be honest, I’ve done it myself.

When I was in high school, I fell in love with a girl and it was ‘at first sight’. And without any further thoughts, I approached her DIRECT. Not necessarily I said ‘I love you’ but yeah, I did make it obvious that I wanted her. It’s just not a ‘like-you’ kind of thing. Of course, she said she had a boyfriend. But still I DIDN’T give up and kept pursuing her. They might have said that I was being needy but I wanted what I wanted and I was direct about it. No qualms about expressing honestly about that!
After about a few months, she became my girlfriend! Now, how is that?

No gimmicks, no routines, nothing. Just plain being strong in my realityand stating my sexual desire for her clicked!

Yes, girls love to see the level of confidence in men. When nothing deters or shakes your reality, she succumbs to your reality. When you show sexual interest in the girl and show her that you have a strong reality that cannot be shaken, she feels a strong sexual attraction towards you. That’s called the sexual chemistry.

Just imagine the situation.

The boy approaches the girl. He speaks confidently but making the girl easy at first. Now, when he feels that she is getting on well with him, it’s the time to break the comfort a bit. You challenge her. You start teasing her and giving her a hard time. She suddenly feels a tension. At this moment, he starts flirting with her. He uses sexual innuendos and hints at sexual desire for her. It keeps the tension up and maintains the sexual chemistry there. He doesn’t give up challenging her though, but still adds the sexual element to the conversation. Later, he goes on to keep the girl on her toes. When he is flirting, the girl is not so sure about it. It’s because the tension is already built by the boy’s attitude and behavior towards the girl. He has built the sexual tension, busting on her and giving her a real hard time. She is laughing but she is also excited. Remember, she wants a man who is in control and sexual.

The boy keeps up the challenging frame, though forming a connection now and then, with shared passions and activities. But the girl doesn’t know what will come next. She thinks that something will happen and it is proven wrong each and every time. She is just on her toes, and that is called Rollercoaster Attraction.

So, according to me,

Dominant Challenge + Sexual Flirting + Real Connection = Sexual Attraction = Sexual Chemistry

I am a highly analytical guy and I just LOVE formulae…lol. Anyway, hope this article helps you a bit. Any questions you have, just call upon me.

How To Approach Women Without Looking Needy & How To Appear Confident Every Time

Previously, I always had a problem when approaching women, a kind of limiting belief you can say. I felt SO needy and diffident when I was about to approach a woman. But that was WRONG! You don't convey neediness just by spurting out a confident real line - Hi. You convey neediness through your body language, through subcommunication.

Here's a short David Wygant video for you:

Just rote it to your memory. Women like sexually confident men. When you approach a woman in a sexually confident way, she LOVES it.

Want your post on Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog, don't hesitate to share it with me, Just contact me - Ron C.

Are You Picking Up Hot Women?!

Today I’m going to speak on how to pick up hot babes, means the ones that are HB9’s and HB10’s.

Now, before we go on to picking up women, what the basic idea of the whole picking up process is. It is essentially selling you to the girl. That is what you do. The more value you are to her, the more likely she is going to be with you.

And what makes something valuable to us? If it fulfils our basic wants and needs, and it is rare, then it is valuable. Simple rule it is. You got to give her what she wants and what she normally doesn’t get from other men who don’t have game.

Let’s say she has a present boyfriend and that boyfriend fulfils her emotional and physical needs very well. Do you think you have a chance with her? Yes, you have but for that you need to have a really high quality GAME. Even then, you might not be able to get her. Why? She has better connection with that guy. So, he’s basically way ahead of you.

Anyway, so when you are going to pick up a hottie, you must first understand what she lacks and what she wants. And that’s what we are going to discuss in here.

Try to understand that a HB9 or a HB10 lives in a different reality, which nobody can imagine. She has always got things easy and everything around her goes according to her whims. Except her father, no man has ever been able to stand up to her and she feels there’s a dearth of MEN out there.
Even if she came across some men, they turned out to fake personas, who were just trying to act like men. Men are just not men anymore.

Then, with a bit more experience, she came across the players of the society. They acted confident and smart, yeah, kind of attractive they were. But they were not truthful at all. They didn’t really care about connecting with her. They just wanted to use-n-throw her. It was a kind of heartbreak! Alas! Players are interesting, but she needs someone genuine and masculine.

Remember, players are not really entertained because more or less, every man gawks at her and wants a piece of her. The players are no different from these gruesome figures of men. She wants someone like her father, someone she can respect, depend on and feel attracted to at the same time. She doesn’t need to be desired but she needs to surrender to that man who is strong and honest.

Yes, by now you must have understood what she wants. She wants to neither be sexually desired nor be with an unworthy man. She is looking for that man, who has a strong reality (strong enough to overmaster her) and who is not dishonest as the other men are. He is genuine and trustworthy, a sense of honesty to himself.
She doesn’t want to see any player vibe in her guy. She doesn’t want her guy to be too flashy and good-looking.  Remember, what she lacks in the men in her life is HONESTY and GENUINENESS. That’s what she wants.

Next, what she wants is SEXUAL CONFIDENCE. This one attracts each and every woman out there. They don’t want you to be a jerk, but they do want you to be confident and possess a strong reality frame.

The best thing about this type of girls is that they don't go for looks in a guy. They don't want ultra-pretty looking boys. But however, a bit of fashion sense is always preferred. They are so sure of their own good looks that they don't really focus on that anymore. They are normally more quality than the HB7's and HB8's are. HB7's and HB8's know they are beautiful but still they are bit insecure about it. So they attach a lot of importance to it.

So, the three ways to stand out to a hottie are:
  •           Go Extreme DIRECT. Convince her that you are real, honest in your desire and that you have a strong frame that nothing deters you. But remember, you need to persist HARD and CONSISTENT in this one, till the end of the world.
  •          Go Extreme INDIRECT. She hasn’t met anyone who ignores her like that. She would be curious and when she knows about you, she feels that you are real and passionate about life. She feels attracted to you.
  •          Go Extreme DRAMA. Now what does that mean? You just annoy her SO much that you be in her mind always. You just shake her reality and show her that you are SO fucking strong in your reality frame. And moreover, if you are annoying her, it signals to her that you are for real, because no man who wants to impress her would dare to annoy her.
Quick Tips for Men to Pick Up Hot Women
  •          Tease the hell out of her. Bust on her. Shows strong reality and confidence.
  •          Show genuine interest at the right time and that also in a very dominant frame.

That’s called Flirting like a Rockstar! And never would you have a dearth of women in your life again…!

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