Jul 27, 2010

How to Find The Best Dating Advice for Men Online - Carlos Xuma

One question we're asked quite a bit is how to find dating advice for
men that is both practical AND useful.

There's a lot of stuff out there, and if you're not careful, you
could get pulled into a bad philosophy.

In fact, let's talk about that for a moment. What is your
philosophy toward dating and dating advice?

For men that are out there in the singles world today, we find that
very few are looking to be a "pickup artist," and most are looking
for a single, high-quality partner.

That's right. Most guys are not out to just "get laid fast." They
want to meet and attract a woman with the qualities that they feel
they can stick with.

Dating advice for men tends to fall into one of these two camps:

1) Either how to get laid tonight - with very little integrity or
honor - or 

2) How to improve your dating skills realistically to
become at-tractive to women.

Watch out for the following outrageous claims made on any of these
men's dating advice sites:

- Lazy Man's Method: Yeah, everybody wants the EASIEST way to do
something, but it's like the old "snake oil" remedies. How
successful have you ever been doing something the "lazy man's" way?
Not very, we'll bet. And that's what you'll get with these. Lazy has
NEVER been a compliment, and it never should be, because it's the
something-for-nothing mentality.

- Overnight Results: Yet again, this is a ridiculous claim intended
to get your buying temperature jacked up. Fast results are for the
"fast food" mentality of guys out there. REAL results take more
than a few days, but not longer than a few weeks if you apply

- She'll be Begging YOU for Sex: The hard, cold truth, my brother,
is that there is no dating advice for men that will get a woman to
defy her basic NATURE. A woman is a 
passive creature, and she wants
YOU to initiate.

That's how she figures out if you're a man or a
wuss. (Be careful when you hear something you WISH were true, but
know probably isn't. They're preying on your fantasies.) The only
women that beg you for sex are the women you're ALREADY sleeping
with - because you're a stud in the sack, right? - or the ones that
want a little post-loving compensation.

- Works "Hypnotically": Since the beginning of time - or at least
as far back as we can remember - men have always wanted a "magic
bullet" for at-tracting women. Of all the dating advice for men we've
seen out there, NONE of it works like a magic spell or hypnosis. Be
honest with yourself: Do you really want to resort to sleazy mind
control to get a woman? This is the fantasy stuff that bad porn
movies use to appeal to your dreams. A man's integrity is foremost,
and you never have to sacrifice it to get laid.

- You'll Never Have to Approach Women: Again, the hard truth is
that a woman will NOT just approach you, as much as you might wish
it. The only women who approach men will also want you to open up
your wallet for the benefit of the experience. Don't go there...

Here's a quick bite of dating advice we give all men: It's not hard
to approach women - you just have to learn HOW.

- The Author is a Centerfold or Model-Quality Woman: We've seen a
bunch of sites that plaster their page with airbrushed models in
bikinis or skimpy underwear in the hopes to get you salivating (or
more) for the thought of doing the nasty to her.

Now, before you scream, "Hey, man! You guys have pictures of women!"

Yes, we do. But we don't claim to BE A WOMAN giving this kind of
advice. Those are the sites that are ludicrous.

We've been in this field for over 15 years, and we can personally
count the number of gorgeous women out there giving this advice
on one hand. It's ZERO! This is another visual manipulation to get
you interested.

So what should you look for in men's dating advice that will cue
you that it is legit - the REAL deal?

The sites that tell you:

1) You can learn it, but it may require you to CHANGE some of your

All success in life is due to getting rid of bad mental habits and
adopting new ones, and then acting on them. Obviously if you had
the skills now, you'd be using them, so first you must learn.

2) You need to start with fixing your THINKING.

Again, if you think that learning a few clever opening pickup lines
or sneaky techniques is going to make the difference in your love
life, remember that women have EXCEPTIONAL B.S. detectors. They can
see through false confidence faster than a speeding train. They're
able to leap tall piles of crap in a single bound for the door.

You can't fool a woman's instincts. Nor should you have to.

3) You not only need confidence to at-tract women, but you need a
concrete plan for BUILDING IT.

In all our years, the one bit of truth we found was that women
absolutely NEED confidence from men. But the one thing that almost
NONE of the other dating advisors out there can show you is HOW to
get it, build it, and show it. This is one of the reasons we focused
so long and hard on creating programs that make a man confident and
successful - not just with women, but with LIFE.

At some point you have probably figured out that women don't want
men that just chase women; they want men who have an ambition and a
PASSION in their world. This has been, and probably always will be,
the most universal ingredient for at-traction from women.

To summarize, just remember that the dating advice for men that
works is the stuff that explains how to build the right attitude
and knowledge from the INSIDE out, not the other way around. The
coolest new threads won't do you ANY good if she can smell your
insecurities or your hesitancy.

Learn the dating secrets that will make you a confident man:
Conquer the Inner Game of attraction and desire with women.

Become an Alpha Man.

 You can reprint this post in your website or blog and link back to my home page, Modern Men's Online Dating Guide blog - Ron C.

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