Feb 11, 2010

How to Deal with Rejection from a Woman

Rejection from a woman…now that’s something men despise, men fear and men are nauseated by.
Of course, that’s natural. Rejection from a woman feels like a BIG BLOW to a man’s ego and I, being a man, know it.

 Now here’s the thing. As in each of my post, I talk about some particular abstract topic. In this one, I will talk about rejection and how to deal with rejection from a woman. See, I am not a big proponent of those ‘e-How’ or ‘wiki How’ lists. They seem unpractical and stupid to me. We must get to the root of it and try to handle it the most suitable way.

So, what to do when you are being rejected by a woman? How to deal with a rejection from a woman who you would have liked to know more about? You were really sincere this time. Yes bro, it happens. 

Sometimes, you want to be genuine with a girl and that girl turns out to be such a JERK, to be honest. No, I’m not a woman hater but yeah, I have faced it myself a couple of times and I just HATE it.

Anyway, let’s get to the point. Why do you get rejected by a woman in the first place? Try to understand that.
Is it YOUR problem or is it HER problem?

A healthy self-esteem always thinks it is her problem, because there CAN’T be any problem with you. But yes, sometimes a bit of introspection does help you to improve your game and thus, reduce your rate of rejection from a woman. That acquits from the very responsibility of learning how to deal with rejection from a woman. You won’t even need to read this post, because you WON’T get rejected!

If it is YOUR problem

What do you do? Do you kill yourself, not being able to impress that girl? Don’t nod your head. Some of you do, I know. But that’s not the way you deal being rejected by a woman. Always remember one thing: the most important person to you should always be YOU and only YOU. You cannot curse or beat yourself, just because you couldn’t please someone else. You please yourself and that’s it. Yeah, you got to be social and when you are social, you learn to mingle and adjust with how others think. But does that change how you perceive yourself? NEVER! You understand and value yourself the most. No one can make you feel empty and unhappy. Nobody has that power yet and will never have so.

If it is HER problem

I have seen many men to persist even when it is not working. They push it and push it till the end. But the more you push it, the more she gets repelled away, the higher your chances of rejection from the woman and you end up being alone. So, when you are thinking you are trying SO hard, you are actually ruining it. Don’t ruin it. Don’t push it. Don’t TRY. Just be normal. Flirt nonetheless because you have to, but never force it. Let her be ready on her own. If she doesn’t want it, it’s cool. Find someone else. You cannot get everyone you want, can you? Learn to face the reality. That saves you from being rejected by a woman.

So, here’re two points you can take home from this blog post.

First, learn to value yourself.

Second, convey to her that she must value you.

It’s that simple. That’s how you deal with a rejection from a woman, whether before it or after it.


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