Jan 21, 2010

Natural Game - Pick Up Women in 5 Easy Steps

In natural game, you must first understand and believe two BASIC facts of life.

One, women love to be SEXUALLY desired by men.

Two, women want the RIGHT MEN to desire her.

They may act that they don't comply with the above two facts but sure they do. Well, we are not talking of lesbians or nuns, actually. Now, the five steps to a natural game to pickup women would be as follows:

One, APPROACH her or make her approach you. Most of the girls will not approach you, unless you have a HUGE apparent value, and even then they might get scared of your value. So, it's your work as a man to start the game.

Two, FLIRT as soon as you can. Don't compromise the initial comfort though but yeah, you should bring in the sexual atmosphere from the very first time she gets to know you. This creates the proper atmosphere for the game to work.

Three, QUALIFY her to show that you still come from a position of power. She must respect you because you respect yourself.

Four, create some RAPPORT and COMFORT, upholding the sexual tension. To establish rapport, just talk with her. Don't TRY to demonstrate value to her or solve her daily problems. Rapport is when you know that someone understands you. He may not be relating to your situation but he sure knows how you feel. That's rapport. For keeping the sexual tension, just let her know how you are sexually interested in her without resolving it. Just let the anticipation to build up. It should be mainly through your body language, voice tonality, facial expression and intriguing verbalizations (more commonly called sexual innuendos and double entendres).

Five, APPRECIATE her when you see that she is qualifying herself and a deep connection is being built up. Release the sexual tension, show some masculine passion towards her and be NICE to her. Escalate!

These are the five basic steps to picking up women in a natural way, more commonly known in the seduction community as 'Natural Game'.

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